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Current Status Of H1n1 Swine Flu In Cm


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Does anyonw know, or can anyone point me in the right direction

to find current status of H1N1 in CM?

Is it prevalent, growing, shrinking -

are places such as Airport Plaza still best avoided

with young babies (yeah yeah, I know!)



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I think I got the flue last week, when I was in Australia, my house mate was getting sick as well, perhaps I caught it on the plane and pass it to him

Temperature went to 37.8, I drink a lot of fluid, cold and flu tablets, and 2 days later was back to normal.

If that is the flue it is contagious, but in my case was very mild symptoms.

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I was diagnosed with it yesterday at CM Ram Hospital. :)

I had every symptom listed on the CDC web site so I figured I'd better go check. I had a scratchy throat 2 days ago and than yesterday at noon it hit me like a rock. I went from normal temperature to 102F(38.9C) in 4 hours time. They took a throat swob and 40 minutes later had the results. They told me they would have admitted me to the hospital but the hospital is almost full and they are saving remaining rooms only for people with pre-conditions and other high risk patients. They gave me Tamiflu, Cough Medicine, and Paracetemol. My cough is pretty spurradic. It's the body ache and head ache that's killing me. I'll be sitting in my bedroom for the next 5-7 days so I don't spread it to all of you. The good news is, I'm developing immunity and have plenty of time for TV Forums. :D

Edited by mnbcm
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I was diagnosed with it yesterday at CM Ram Hospital. :)

I had every symptom listed on the CDC web site so I figured I'd better go check. I had a scratchy throat 2 days ago and than yesterday at noon it hit me like a rock. I went from normal temperature to 102F(38.9C) in 4 hours time. They took a throat swob and 40 minutes later had the results. They told me they would have admitted me to the hospital but the hospital is almost full and they are saving remaining rooms only for people with pre-conditions and other high risk patients. They gave me Tamiflu, Cough Medicine, and Paracetemol. My cough is pretty spurradic. It's the body ache and head ache that's killing me. I'll be sitting in my bedroom for the next 5-7 days so I don't spread it to all of you. The good news is, I'm developing immunity and have plenty of time for TV Forums. :D

There are enough sick individuals on this forum already, thank you.

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I was diagnosed with it yesterday at CM Ram Hospital. :)

I had every symptom listed on the CDC web site so I figured I'd better go check. I had a scratchy throat 2 days ago and than yesterday at noon it hit me like a rock. I went from normal temperature to 102F(38.9C) in 4 hours time. They took a throat swob and 40 minutes later had the results. They told me they would have admitted me to the hospital but the hospital is almost full and they are saving remaining rooms only for people with pre-conditions and other high risk patients. They gave me Tamiflu, Cough Medicine, and Paracetemol. My cough is pretty spurradic. It's the body ache and head ache that's killing me. I'll be sitting in my bedroom for the next 5-7 days so I don't spread it to all of you. The good news is, I'm developing immunity and have plenty of time for TV Forums. :D

Well, good luck and I hope you start feeling better very soon. :D

I am surprised that Ram sent you home - they don't usually miss a money making opportunity.

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My cousin's daughter was misdiagnosed with the 24 hr test (as not having it) but when results came back from Sripat (test took a week) it was confirmed.

This was the end of last month and it was the same, after 2 nights in the hospital told safe to go home and needed to free up beds for incoming patients. She had to stay in CM Ram as Sripat had no beds.

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Well, good luck and I hope you start feeling better very soon. :)

I am surprised that Ram sent you home - they don't usually miss a money making opportunity.

Thanks! I too was surprised. I went in assuming I wouldn't be coming home for a few days.

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1. (H1N1 is no different from any other flu. If you avoid Airport Plaza now, you should be avoiding it forever)

2. (Those masks don't help. Unless you're already having the flu, in which case it's somewhat helpful to limit speading it to others)

Wrong ! H1N1 (swine flu strain) is different from other strains as it is the only strain known to cross-over species from swine to human..it also has the ability to mutate with the results of that yet to be documented...so quite different !

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1. (H1N1 is no different from any other flu. If you avoid Airport Plaza now, you should be avoiding it forever)

2. (Those masks don't help. Unless you're already having the flu, in which case it's somewhat helpful to limit speading it to others)

Wrong ! H1N1 (swine flu strain) is different from other strains as it is the only strain known to cross-over species from swine to human..it also has the ability to mutate with the results of that yet to be documented...so quite different !

A friend of mine here in CM had his 2 year old kid sick in the swine flu. However, the doctor at Chiang Mai Ram said the infection rate is steadily decreasing. Treatment is easy if you get it within a few days after infection.

I would agree with WTK that it's not much different from any other flu. Viruses that cross-over from animals to humans has been around since dawn of time. Malaria, dengue just to name a few. The swine flu H1N1 itself has been around since 1976, so in general it is nothing new. Worth noting is that in 1976, one person died from the swine flu but 25 people died from the vaccine. Another 4,000 Americans got permanent neurological problems as a result of the untested vaccine.

Once again we are offered an untested vaccine. I think I'll stick with my vitamins. :)

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I would agree with WTK that it's not much different from any other flu. Viruses that cross-over from animals to humans has been around since dawn of time. Malaria, dengue just to name a few. The swine flu H1N1 itself has been around since 1976, so in general it is nothing new. Worth noting is that in 1976, one person died from the swine flu but 25 people died from the vaccine. Another 4,000 Americans got permanent neurological problems as a result of the untested vaccine.

Once again we are offered an untested vaccine. I think I'll stick with my vitamins. :D

H1N1 killed 50-100 million in 1918.

Keep making the vitafrauders rich! :)

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I would agree with WTK that it's not much different from any other flu. Viruses that cross-over from animals to humans has been around since dawn of time. Malaria, dengue just to name a few. The swine flu H1N1 itself has been around since 1976, so in general it is nothing new. Worth noting is that in 1976, one person died from the swine flu but 25 people died from the vaccine. Another 4,000 Americans got permanent neurological problems as a result of the untested vaccine.

Once again we are offered an untested vaccine. I think I'll stick with my vitamins. :D

H1N1 killed 50-100 million in 1918.

Keep making the vitafrauders rich! :)

Health care almost 100 years ago was quite different to today, so not surprisingly people died of diseases that they don't die of now. What was the average life-span then?

Generally speaking this Flu , like most, kills people with other under-lying illnesses, and is not severe to otherwise healthy people.

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I would agree with WTK that it's not much different from any other flu. Viruses that cross-over from animals to humans has been around since dawn of time. Malaria, dengue just to name a few. The swine flu H1N1 itself has been around since 1976, so in general it is nothing new. Worth noting is that in 1976, one person died from the swine flu but 25 people died from the vaccine. Another 4,000 Americans got permanent neurological problems as a result of the untested vaccine.

Once again we are offered an untested vaccine. I think I'll stick with my vitamins. :D

H1N1 killed 50-100 million in 1918.

Keep making the vitafrauders rich! :)

Health care almost 100 years ago was quite different to today, so not surprisingly people died of diseases that they don't die of now. What was the average life-span then?

Generally speaking this Flu , like most, kills people with other under-lying illnesses, and is not severe to otherwise healthy people.

and there was no vaccine! in the 1918 flu 50% of 20-40 year olds that were infected died. That is a healthy age group. That flu traveled around the world 3 time, twice as a mild flu and the last time it became a death expert.

When the first of this vaccine is ready, at the front of the line is the healthy young. The back of the line is for the healthy old. could it be a cytokine storm that kills? :D

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I had all the symptoms and treated myself herbally. My kids have recently had the same symptoms and applied same antiviral treatment, their school has been closed twice. We all threw it off quickly as I suspect all but the unfortunate do. May have done so without the herbs, who knows.

If the bird virus eventually hits I will confidently use the same approach.

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[Hi! I ve posted some questions on the other thread-Do you know anyone with H1n1...

Hope some friends out here who are more well versed in LOS and in particular Chiangmai can help with some advise.

''Im taking her out of the local hospital and transferring her to chiangmai tonight.

Anyone know of recommended hospital in Chiangmai?

Chidlren hospital?

English speaking staff?

Good, quality doctors? ''

A friend of mine actually asked me to look out for - dengue, Hand , Foot Mouth disease.....?

All and any advice appreciated. Thanks!

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