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A Rare Event Indeed

sriracha john

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He doesn't lose often, but in this drawn-out case he has:

Supreme Court orders iTV to rehire all 21 terminated reporters

Published on Mar 08 , 2005

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) _ The Supreme Court upheld a verdict Tuesday that all 21 television journalists fired four years ago after claiming political interference in their work were illegally dismissed, in a rare win for press freedoms in this country.

The dismissals, which occurred in 2001 as Thaksin Shinawatra was making his first successful campaign for prime minister, turned out to be a harbinger of the pressure his government would exert on the Thai press in subsequent years.

The journalists, who worked for the ITV television network, which is controlled by a business group owned by Thaksin's family, claimed they were pressured to downplay negative news about Thaksin and his political party, Thai Rak Thai.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected the station's appeal of a Labor Court's ruling that the ITV employees be rehired and get back-paid to the time of their severance.

The verdict, read by Labor Court judge Pongrat Kruaklin, said the Supreme Court ordered the rehiring of the ITV personnel and believed the plaintiffs and defendants could work together again.

``It's a breath of fresh air at a time when the freedom of the press has been so suppressed,'' said Karuna Buakamsri, one of the dismissed journalists, who cried upon hearing the verdict.

She said she was uncertain whether she would choose to work again for ITV.

Since becoming prime minister, Thaksin has frequently lashed out at reporters who criticize him or his policies, saying they are ignorant and unpatriotic. Several journalists who spoke out against him have been sacked or had their television programs canceled.

The ITV station was founded in 1992 amid a broad movement to promote more democracy in Thailand. Its aim was to provide an independent television voice, since all TV stations at the time were owned by the military or controlled by the government. Thaksin's family company now owns 55.5 percent of the station.

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He doesn't lose often, but in this drawn-out case he has:

That's great news. Has Thaksins' emergency cabinet legislation been aproved by His Majesty yet? Haven't heard anything about that for a while, maybe iTV will report on it when their reporters get back to work. :o

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He doesn't lose often, but in this drawn-out case he has:

That's great news. Has Thaksins' emergency cabinet legislation been aproved by His Majesty yet? Haven't heard anything about that for a while, maybe iTV will report on it when their reporters get back to work. :o

Unfortunately, it has been approved:

Published on Mar 5, 2005

PM given broad power to issue resolutions

The controversial Royal decree giving the prime minister unprecedented power in case of โ€œemergencyโ€ has been passed, with debate continue to rage over whether it will further dampen political transparency and checks and balances already threatened by his overwhelming parliamentary power.

The decreeโ€™s key architect, Cabinet secretary Borwornsak Uwanno, confirmed yesterday that His Majesty the King had signed it into law a few days before.

The decree empowers the prime minister to issue a Cabinet resolution in the case of an emergency, with the backing of just one other member of the Cabinet, rather than summoning his full executive.

Another provision in the decree allows a Cabinet meeting to proceed with the presence of one-third of the total Cabinet.

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Thaksin's family company now owns 55.5 percent of the station.

Its good to see what tireless hard work brings.....

It's too bad the Court didn't award punitive damages. I'm not sure how that's possible given that it was proven ITV fired them illegally??

But still each worker should get a million plus (computed on a B25,000 monthly wage). So that's around 25 million baht for the 21 workers, although Thaksin will probably just put it on his Visa card.

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It's a very small victory when compared to the new powers that Thaksin has just aquired.

Hopefully the courts ruling will make him think twice next time he's considering putting pressure on a media outlet to fire staff who show him or his party in a bad light, but I doubt it.

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It's about time the common people were able to exercise their right to speak. Lots of journalists have been fired and some even killed for speaking out against the government. Whatever assinations have taken place were done secretly and probably made to look like suicides...sort of like those poor farang guys in Pattaya who manage to hog tie themselves after shooting themselves in the head and tying a bag around their necks. If Mao, China's old communist leader, were still around he'd love Thaksin. Unfortunately for the King, He has to sign on new laws even if He doesn't want to. It's tradition for the King to do that and on top of that the Royal Family doesn't control the country anymore.

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He doesn't lose often, but in this drawn-out case he has:

That's great news. Has Thaksins' emergency cabinet legislation been aproved by His Majesty yet? Haven't heard anything about that for a while, maybe iTV will report on it when their reporters get back to work. :o

Unfortunately, it has been approved:

Published on Mar 5, 2005

PM given broad power to issue resolutions

The controversial Royal decree giving the prime minister unprecedented power in case of โ€œemergencyโ€ has been passed, with debate continue to rage over whether it will further dampen political transparency and checks and balances already threatened by his overwhelming parliamentary power.

The decreeโ€™s key architect, Cabinet secretary Borwornsak Uwanno, confirmed yesterday that His Majesty the King had signed it into law a few days before.

The decree empowers the prime minister to issue a Cabinet resolution in the case of an emergency, with the backing of just one other member of the Cabinet, rather than summoning his full executive.

Another provision in the decree allows a Cabinet meeting to proceed with the presence of one-third of the total Cabinet.

So although any resolution can be overturned by the Cabinet at the weekly meetings, Thaksin will make sure only the one-third of the Cabinet that attend will be fully backing him.

I wonder how many average Thais really know of the powers hes got?

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So although any resolution can be overturned by the Cabinet at the weekly meetings, Thaksin will make sure only the one-third of the Cabinet that attend will be fully backing him.

I wonder how many average Thais really know of the powers hes got?

It's the same number as those that DIDN'T vote for him last month.


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Whatever happened to the reporters from the 'Far East Economic Review' who where getting deported because he didn't like what they wrote.

And I heard that his 'buddy' is trying to take over "The Nation" newspaper to stop the negative editorials.

All he needs next it the red and white armband and the discovery that Thais are descended from the Aryan race........

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Still the best man for the job -- and, there is no 2nd best in sight;

absolutely , he is the right man for thailand at this time and he has a lot of support from the Royal Family for what he is trying to achieve.

dont judge thai politics by western standards.

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