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Searching For A++ Vasectomy Procedure In Bkk Or Pattaya


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I think it is time to make the step for having a vasectomy.

I read some things here and on other websites about the procedure. I am curious about the side effects that people can have after such a procedure.

Many people here said, that nothing happened, nothing hurts and everything went well.

I really don´t know if I should go to a hospital or a clinic. I think there are clinics that are specialised for vasectomy procedures in BKK or Pattaya. But are they better than a hospital?

What are the costs for such a procedure?

I am very greateful for any help that I get. This is a very big decision in my life and I want it to be done perfectly.

Thank you very much

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I had one ten years ago and it was the worst thing i ever did

had massive haematoma inside one nut which swelled to the size of mango

also do some research re mood swings and temperment +personality changes

uesd to play contact sports 5 times a week for 25 years so used to getting rid of excess testosterone

once I had the vasectomy which coincided with stopping playing sports

for quite a few years lead to me blowing my top at sometimes the slightest thing and when something requiring a fight or flight instant reaction was required

regularly went into like a red out lukily never got the crap kicked out of me or done by the feds but too close for comfort on far too many occasions

this has now been rectified by working out and cycling a lot

So NOT a procedure I would recommend and my now ex-wife says lots of her friends say the same as their other halves experienced the same after effects

also on a sperm production level that is way down so no starring in any more Bukake movies for me :-(

Not saying everyone one is affected but it is something to consider before having it done IMHO

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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasectomy All the info you need to know.

Or, additional info here: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-to...ectomy-4249.htm

I had one at Bkk-Pattaya Hospital 7 years ago. None of the adverse reactions mentioned above, nor any type of negative side effects or negative after effects.

Mine was done in conjunction with a hernia repair surgery...so I was under anesthesia and had a day to rest in the hospital afterward.

Edited by maxjay
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This is usually a procedure that goes off without any immediate of long term side effects. Hematomas are probably the biggest unwanted complication but does not occur that often.

A quick search on this forum will definitely get more info as this topic has been discussed extensively a while ago.

Most posters on that, I recall, were quite happy with the procedure and the outcomes.

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Did mine at Bangkok Rayong Hospital, mostly it was nerves until it was done, then sore for a couple of days and how easy my life has been after. Wife without the pill and is much happier and we don't have to think about mishaps.

Everyone I know who done it had soreness for up to a week and that was it.

Never had any roid rage from it either, completely unknown to me.

Cost 3000 baht and took 15 minutes, very pro doctor and staff and as far as I can say if you want to do it, and not being nagged to do it, just go for it.

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Procedure didn't take long, I watched and was surprised by the size of the "pipes to be cut" had a slight uncomfortable feeling just for a day or so. Easy procedure, about 15-20 minutes.

Had a check for "swimmers" a few weeks later and that was it.

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