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Snakes In Our Car!


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Last night my wife found another snake in our garden. She has already killed 2 within the last month.

Before she could dispose of this one it set off at speed straight for our pick-up and up into the engine.

She called me and I openned the engine bonnet in time to see the tail end of the snake going through a

1-1 1/2" hole between the engine and the front wheel panel. It reminded me that I had seen our dogs sniffing around the other front wheel a couple of days ago so maybe it has taken up residence!!

As the pick-up is quite new I obviously do not want to rip it apart only to find that it was not at home!!

I don't know what type of snake it was but probably 18-24" long.

Any suggestions on how to get rid of the dam_n thing? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Last night my wife found another snake in our garden. She has already killed 2 within the last month.

Before she could dispose of this one it set off at speed straight for our pick-up and up into the engine.

She called me and I openned the engine bonnet in time to see the tail end of the snake going through a

1-1 1/2" hole between the engine and the front wheel panel. It reminded me that I had seen our dogs sniffing around the other front wheel a couple of days ago so maybe it has taken up residence!!

As the pick-up is quite new I obviously do not want to rip it apart only to find that it was not at home!!

I don't know what type of snake it was but probably 18-24" long.

Any suggestions on how to get rid of the dam_n thing? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Perhaps a real heavy dose of mosquito spray would encourage the beast to depart??

Or perhaps a good beer fart?


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Hello, this is an odd problem with many different choices for you to make. You could park it in the sun so it will be too hot for the snake, or wash it with a high pressure washer to attack the snake. You could use some pepper spray that the police use on the inside of the truck where you saw it before, and you can make pepper spray by crushing some dry chilis to release the oil and add a little water as you can put it in a spray bottle. A few pokes with a stick would make it want to go some other place, but you could drive it more so the vibrations would make it crazy. Cheers and good luck.

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Take a ride to the store or somewhere. Should heat and shake enough that the snake will want out. When it leaves, it'll be somewhere else and not your house.

Go to the local restaurant and get some cash for the gas. :)

Its looking for a dark place that's safe. Most of them can't hear very well, but do feel vibrations. Leaving the engine running is a good idea, with all the doors open, and watch for a while. When it is dark place a very bright light source under the car and inside. They hunt at night and don't like bright lights. Good luck.

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Take a ride to the store or somewhere. Should heat and shake enough that the snake will want out. When it leaves, it'll be somewhere else and not your house.

Go to the local restaurant and get some cash for the gas. :)

Its looking for a dark place that's safe. Most of them can't hear very well, but do feel vibrations. Leaving the engine running is a good idea, with all the doors open, and watch for a while. When it is dark place a very bright light source under the car and inside. They hunt at night and don't like bright lights. Good luck.

I forgot the other method that does work.. Mothballs, in the car and around the house and garden. This was a suggestion from a previous Tv thread. The smell lasts for a couple of days, but they are really effective in keeping snakes away. Regards.

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Take a ride to the store or somewhere. Should heat and shake enough that the snake will want out. When it leaves, it'll be somewhere else and not your house.

Go to the local restaurant and get some cash for the gas. :D

Its looking for a dark place that's safe. Most of them can't hear very well, but do feel vibrations. Leaving the engine running is a good idea, with all the doors open, and watch for a while. When it is dark place a very bright light source under the car and inside. They hunt at night and don't like bright lights. Good luck.

I forgot the other method that does work.. Mothballs, in the car and around the house and garden. This was a suggestion from a previous Tv thread. The smell lasts for a couple of days, but they are really effective in keeping snakes away. Regards.

I didnt know moths had balls ! :) is that why they fly with their legs apart ?. :D ...id say start the engine and leave it running for 30 mins,it should slither off :D
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Try using boiling water in a spray gun

Why do idiots have to kill these snakes?

The creature probably moved into the car out of fear.

Over the years I have had several snake visitors appear on my land here. I just spray them with water using a high-pressure garden hose in the direction that I wish the snake to go. They quickly sliver away at high speed off my property, never to be seen again.

I’ve heard all the excuses about having young children, pets etc, etc, and on and on. But the facts are that these animals are easy to chase off the premises using common sense methods without cruelty.




Edited by sassienie
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Try using boiling water in a spray gun

Why do idiots have to kill these snakes?

The creature probably moved into the car out of fear.

Over the years I have had several snake visitors appear on my land here. I just spray them with water using a high-pressure garden hose in the direction that I wish the snake to go. They quickly sliver away at high speed off my property, never to be seen again.

I’ve heard all the excuses about having young children, pets etc, etc, and on and on. But the facts are that these animals are easy to chase off the premises using common sense methods without cruelty.

Of course, these reptiles are clever enough to remember where to not go back to?

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Try using boiling water in a spray gun

Why do idiots have to kill these snakes?

The creature probably moved into the car out of fear.

Over the years I have had several snake visitors appear on my land here. I just spray them with water using a high-pressure garden hose in the direction that I wish the snake to go. They quickly sliver away at high speed off my property, never to be seen again.

I’ve heard all the excuses about having young children, pets etc, etc, and on and on. But the facts are that these animals are easy to chase off the premises using common sense methods without cruelty.

Of course, these reptiles are clever enough to remember where to not go back to?

Actually to a point, yes.

From personal experience I have never had a snake return to my home in Thailand once it has been scared away.

Snakes are largely shy and will do everything in their power to avoid human contact. After enduring having cold water slashed over it and human contact, all the snake wants after that is to get away from the danger as quickly as possible and as far away as possible.

Snakes are often feared, hated, and randomly killed in the world. Most snakes are simply killed due to the fact that they are snakes.

If you get bit by a snake, it is likely because you did something stupid. Sometimes people are bitten by accident, but usually it is because they messed with the snake.

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Air freshener (Glade, Lysol, etc.) is more than adequate to overload a snake's sensitive system. No need to get toxic (although air freshener is not exactly fresh air either), do your family members a favor. Spray your interior first, then the wheel wells. Sorted. The snake doesn't really want to live in your car.


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Thanks for all the helpful tips.

I haven't seen it today so maybe it has moved on - we shall see!!

As far as

1). shaking it up if it is in the front of the pick-up then it will certainly get that as we live in the sticks and have 4 kms. of very bumpy dirt track to reach the road which we use several times a day.

2). heat - it has been VERY hot today.

3). why do people kill them - up here they all get eaten so free food.

Thanks again and hope for its sake it does not reappear tomorrow!!

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Of course, these reptiles are clever enough to remember where to not go back to?

Actually to a point, yes.

From personal experience I have never had a snake return to my home in Thailand once it has been scared away.

Snakes are largely shy and will do everything in their power to avoid human contact. After enduring having cold water slashed over it and human contact, all the snake wants after that is to get away from the danger as quickly as possible and as far away as possible.

Snakes are often feared, hated, and randomly killed in the world. Most snakes are simply killed due to the fact that they are snakes.

If you get bit by a snake, it is likely because you did something stupid. Sometimes people are bitten by accident, but usually it is because they messed with the snake.

I agree with most of what you say, but just because you've never seen one return doesn't mean it had the memory of your water and didn't return. I have kids. I can guarantee that a dead animal will NOT return whether I know about it or not.

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Try using boiling water in a spray gun

Why do idiots have to kill these snakes?

The creature probably moved into the car out of fear.

Over the years I have had several snake visitors appear on my land here. I just spray them with water using a high-pressure garden hose in the direction that I wish the snake to go. They quickly sliver away at high speed off my property, never to be seen again.

I’ve heard all the excuses about having young children, pets etc, etc, and on and on. But the facts are that these animals are easy to chase off the premises using common sense methods without cruelty.

Stop Playing with your snake , If you have children around and there is a deadly snake around kill it before it kills some one else.

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Last night my wife found another snake in our garden. She has already killed 2 within the last month.

Before she could dispose of this one it set off at speed straight for our pick-up and up into the engine.

She called me and I openned the engine bonnet in time to see the tail end of the snake going through a

1-1 1/2" hole between the engine and the front wheel panel. It reminded me that I had seen our dogs sniffing around the other front wheel a couple of days ago so maybe it has taken up residence!!

As the pick-up is quite new I obviously do not want to rip it apart only to find that it was not at home!!

I don't know what type of snake it was but probably 18-24" long.

Any suggestions on how to get rid of the dam_n thing? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Reading this post and others about snakes and Crocs in Thailand makes me very exited to spend more time in the LOS, other then the usual one month a year I have been doing

since 2000. I grew up as kid and teenager collecting all kinds of reptiles, from lizards, turtles and snakes, including some venemous ones like sidewinders here in the States. I have seen my shared of lizards in Thailand including one monitor lizard, too many geckos, plus the usual tourist stint of going to a couple cobra farms one in Kaen Kaen and another in Chang Mai, but I have only seen two snakes in the wild, both when I was in Koh Chang.

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For the most part, Thais kill and eat everything that crawls, slithers, walks, runs, hops, flies or swims. They also kill many things that lay there inert... like clams. I believe there is an inbred fear of snakes in most humans. Maybe it's one of those things that go back to the time of Adam and Eve... and other fairy tales. People have to be taught to respect snakes and other reptiles. Certainly, we don't want cobras and other potentially dangerous snakes in our back yards, but when we build our homes in the country then that is something we have to expect. Snakes are a valuable resource that needs to be protected. It is easy enough to make our residences less appealing for critters we don't want around.

I don't think I'd want this guy in my back yard if I had children or pets...


Or this one either for that matter...


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I have been very close to snakes in the Jungles of south Thailand, They are more frightend of you than you of them, I walk heavey by that i mean stamp my feet because a snake would sooner go away from you than towards you , they feel vibrations , My be you could turn on your radio in your pick up , or put some loud Madona CD on, that should teach the snake what for ,

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Snakes are often feared, hated, and randomly killed in the world. Most snakes are simply killed due to the fact that they are snakes.

Well yeah! Snakes are creepy, they bite, they kill. A world without snakes would be a better world. I'd add mosquitoes and other stinging insects, bedbugs, cockroaches and flies to the list. Do you feel sorry for them also?

I think humankind should set aside all of our petty differences until we've completely wiped out these common enemies of humanity, as well as all the viruses and bacteria that cause so much disease and suffering. Then we can get back to hating and killing each other, if we're still inclined.

If you get bit by a snake, it is likely because you did something stupid. Sometimes people are bitten by accident, but usually it is because they messed with the snake.

Maybe the snake did something stupid.

Edited by dumbnewbie
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