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Dear mods,

Please help.

I have just been warned 3 times (now banned from posting) for unnacceptable behavior.

I'm not quite sure what this means.

Fro everybodys sake could tou use my three instances as a guide for everybody else to see what is acceptable and what is not on this forum.

If this includes dissagreeing with moderators please explecitly state this.

If if means ridiculing idiotic statements please state this.

If I used foul or offensive language let me know what is acceptable and what isn't.

Please post quotes in their entirety of the offending posts so people can be better informed as to how they should behave.

If this cannot be done then maybe the moderating team needs to be expanded so that certain moderators can be moderated.

I hope nobody has an apoplectic(sp) fit over this post.


This post has been cc'd by PM to George and Fester if they are not Dr. P surley they will have a word with him about his behaviour.


Not sure what you did Percy, but would be curious to find out too.  

I doubt its for disagreeing with the moderators - As I have been very critical of Dr. Pat Pong on a couple of occasions, and while my questions/comments to him have been ignored by him, I have never been "warned" in any way about being too critical or vocal in my opposition.  

IMO, Percy has made intelligent contributions to several different threads.  He might of said some things I haven't found totally agreebable or perhaps even tasteful, but that would apply to most of the posters here as well, even to my hero, Captain Bud Zumwalt.

So what's up?


I would be interested too , compred to Thailand-uk website this is pretty liberal , not as much as Bangkoktonight , but a nice middle ground. Could you pm me the original post so I can have something juicy to read over Sunday Dinner?



Thanks for the support.

Unfortunately Dr P. has covered his tracks by deleting a few posts that contained no swearing.

Some of them dissagreed with Dr. P. and a few even ,crime of crimes, poked a bit of fun at him (I assume him , no offense intended)

Seems I may have just rubbed him up the wrong way and he's taken his ball home.

Hope this and my last post don't get me banned , because I think I have given as much good valid advice as any body else on the board lately.


PS Chonabot if I can find the deleted posts I will PM them.

I would like to post them again as I don't think they were offensive but i'm afeared I will be Banned again!:ghostface:

So many IP adresses So many login possibilites makes yu wonder why he bothered.

edited for sp


So many IP adresses So many login possibilites makes yu wonder why he bothered.

I agree absolutely ... in more ... use the same IP adress but a different mail is good also ...



This is actually kind of strange. I have seen at least 3 or 4 members being banned "silently" in the last 1 or 2 months. Not sure what they done. Some had only 2 or 3 posts, some had much more. Could it be they were multiple version of the same person being banned ? not sure. I know sting01 got banned recently for a "private" matter between him and another member, not his posting behavior.

Difficult to judge, above all when we are only guests in this board.


I agree with you statement at the end there Fly.

We are guests on a forum. The Host and the guest both deserve respect.

I guess one of the problems is whether this is an open forum the welcomes forthright views.

Or an advertising medium with little respect for the truth.

Over the last months I have read the reports posted by Thai Visa and found them very informative. I have recomended to many people that Thai Visa is a good reference site.

Though with the report that wasn't a report and the agenda certain frequent posters seem to have it makes you wonder.

With regard to the rest of your post it seems the others died quietly.

I certainly won't! :laugh:

Truth Justice and more Footy on TV thats what I say!

FUD: fear, uncertainty, doubt. These are difficult times; the Thais don't like criticism, are sometimes heavy handed in dealing with things and occasionally abuse human rights, so I would say everyone is extra sensative/careful at the moment.

All very true.

Until I registered I have been a lurker just reading the board for information purposes and not really added anything as 1. not registered before and 2. Don't really get the time.

What has happened today however has caused me to register as I have found much of Percy's information to be accurate, well delivered and he talks straight.

I registsred this evening in order to cast a vote and did. I will not hide the fact that I believe that Percy was treated badly. I for one am always keen to read his point of view and find not only informative answers but great humour added to a serious topic.

Percy - I hope that you get you apology.

I notice that Fachom (sp???) was banned today also. I have read very little from him but he made a coupleof valid points about a recent episode where Dr Pat (what a terrible name) would not admit to being wrong. This seems terribly poor for a person administering a board and a part owner of a business that we mere mortals turn to for advice - that's kind of scary.

My very best regards...



I know I have just replied to you on another topic.

Don't get the impression I am picking on you , but I did'nt understand your last post.


I agree with you statement at the end there Fly.

We are guests on a forum. The Host and the guest both deserve respect.

I guess one of the problems is whether this is an open forum the welcomes forthright views.

Or an advertising medium with little respect for the truth.

Over the last months I have read the reports posted by Thai Visa and found them very informative. I have recomended to many people that Thai Visa is a good reference site.

Though with the report that wasn't a report and the agenda certain frequent posters seem to have it makes you wonder.

With regard to the rest of your post it seems the others died quietly.

I certainly won't! :laugh:

Truth Justice and more Footy on TV thats what I say!

I understand what you mean. I think this site is a little bit of both: a commercial channel for some services, and a public and free information site. You have to find a way to pay for the bills for the free info. Money does not grow on trees.

Basically, it all depends on the owner of the site and what he wants to do with it. If he does not like some guests, he has every right to kick them out. It's probably not fair, but life is a bitch.

Btw, who is the owner of this site ? Dr PatPong ? is he alone ?


Well , there is many reason to be banned from a forum ... or you do things who are bad (for exemple try to promote acoholism, drugs, pedopholia ....) and yes ban is normal, or as Percy it's only about different opnion ... or about who know best the better answer ... let say at least the fact to ban someone for this kind of reason is "acting like a kid".

Now, I don't know who banned Percy, if the moderator who did it is also the owner of this site, maybe Percy was nasty in PM, maybe the forum and the moderators are underpressure from the Thai authorithies  and it could explain than some informations disapear, and some others who are far to be absolutely accurate are in opposite posted in many place.

Why we come here? Is it to have a talk about the colour of Bud Zumvalt's socks, or to know how to stay legally in Thailand, how to improve on the same time our respective business and the thai economy .... Personnaly I am a fan of Admiral McNamara, then ...

Whatever, there is no need to ban me again, I will be busy the next 2 weeks, and I will not have time to come and play here, then Pee Pat Pong there is no need for you to get a headhache, find my IP adress and waste your precious time to send nasty PM , I autoban myself for 2 weeks. But As Gal Mac Arthur have say  : I will be back.

Best regards




I saw early Sunday morning two postings, rather agressive.

My feeling a language that was not necessary. Coming that early from a party, had better things to do than to comment.

Anyway, there are some rules, TOS, which you can read.

When I dis-agree with somebody, incl. Dr., I will say so but stick to the facts. Non of my business, but Dr. I would even post the thing and say, "that's why".


Sorry Dr. P don't understand your comment could you expand?

Percy, friend - I think Dr PP means your point has been well and truly put across, and it doesnt look as if you're going to get banned again for the time being...

so drop it!

Lets all go back to being friendly forum fellows, and get on with it.....

Edited after I saw Singa Traz's heartwarming "let's all make up" cartoon.....  hahaha :laugh:

By all means contribute criticism and advice....but to perpetuate this adverse stuff is crap.

Now you really got me. Crap I don't have to check, it's in my vocabulary and I agree, it was...

But perpetuate? (I posted here before, 'you must be a genious to understand English', but I am learning.

Google says: One entry found for perpetuate.

Etymology: Latin perpetuatus, past participle of perpetuare, from perpetuus Date: 1530.

To make perpetual; to preserve from extinction or oblivion; to eternize. --Addison. Burke.

Anyway, I do support if somebody is right and you have been right and I not fear to criticice if I feel something is wrong.

May be one day I will be made perpetual.....

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