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The Hcg Diet


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As a former athlete that is now entering middle age I am allways curious when a new diet "Pops up" The Hcg diet has me captivated. I understand how it should work and I seem to understand both the pro's and con's of the diet.....I assume a lot of people will way in and post that a good diet and exercise is all one needs.......And I agree....However, This fad diet seems to be doing rather well for those that need to reduce. From what I have been able to discern....The people who stick to this regime are able to really reduce......I have gone over the basic principals of the diet and they seem sound........The idea is that with the Hcg you will be able to spare muscle loss and thus emerge trully a leanrer person...that is if you can tolerate prison camp meals......Well who would want to be able to extreme diet and not go through all the terrible side effects....Does anybody out there have any experience with this diet?........I want to drop 30lbs and will start on Monday..........Pm me for my results.

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As a former athlete that is now entering middle age I am allways curious when a new diet "Pops up" The Hcg diet has me captivated. I understand how it should work and I seem to understand both the pro's and con's of the diet.....I assume a lot of people will way in and post that a good diet and exercise is all one needs.......And I agree....However, This fad diet seems to be doing rather well for those that need to reduce. From what I have been able to discern....The people who stick to this regime are able to really reduce......I have gone over the basic principals of the diet and they seem sound........The idea is that with the Hcg you will be able to spare muscle loss and thus emerge trully a leanrer person...that is if you can tolerate prison camp meals......Well who would want to be able to extreme diet and not go through all the terrible side effects....Does anybody out there have any experience with this diet?........I want to drop 30lbs and will start on Monday..........Pm me for my results.

A really overweight collegue of me in Holland used it. He got the injections and ate almost nothing. He lost some weight but it was not 1 to 2 lbs that they describe.

I have done some other diets with a lot of training and got better results. i lost 30 lbs a while back and now want to loose around 10-12 lbs to look really ripped. Thing is just do your exercise check how many calories you need and adjust it. If you do need chemicals you can always look into T3 or clen. I have used them in combination with a diet and yes it does help. But they are not magic pills without a calorie deficit you it does not work.

I do advice to do what bodybuilders do that is to cut for a while and then stop then cut again. After i lost my 30 lbs it was hard to loose anything anymore. THen i started eating more again and working out hard putting on a lot of muscle. Now im going to loose the last bit of fat and i must say it goes quite fast again. Much better as on the end of the 30lbs. I just think the body needs some time to recover at times.

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