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As for England becoming more violent in the last 10 years ... I don't think so. A lot of people shit themselves all the time because of what they FEAR is going on rather than what is actually happening. I would say the widespread introduction of CCTV in most English town centres has drastically reduced violence on a night out.
open your eyes !!
from todays uk press.

Police chief: we cannot cope with violent crime

By Daniel Foggo and Carl Fellstrom

(Filed: 13/03/2005)

One of Britain's most senior police officers has admitted that his force is being overwhelmed by violent crime and cannot cope.

Steve Green, the Chief Constable of Nottinghamshire, said that

  'We are in a crisis situation'

The situation was so bad that he was preparing to "farm out" murder investigations to other police forces because his own detectives did not have time to tackle them.

Nottingham has been one of the worst affected areas for gun crime, which hit record levels across England and Wales last year.

"We are reeling with the murders," he said. "We are in a long-standing crisis situation with major crime and it won't go away overnight.

Nottingham's crisis has been prompted by a sharp rise in the number of murders and other violent crimes.

Nottinghamshire residents are also three times more likely than the national average to have their car broken into, four times as likely to be burgled, almost five times as likely to be robbed, and twice as likely to suffer sexual attack.

Mr Green's decision to speak out follows another fatal shooting last week. Paul Thomas, 34, had left a pub in Radford, Nottingham, when he was gunned down just after 4.30pm on Thursday.

Firearms offences in England and Wales rose to a high of 24,094 last year with levels in Nottingham the fifth highest per head of population after London, Manchester, Liverpool and the West Midlands.

10 October 2003: We are overrun by gun crime, says police chief

22 October 2004: Violent crime soars.

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My eyes are open. Do you know much about Nottingham? I do because my ex and daughter still live there. The rise in gun crime is very disturbing.

HOWEVER the majority of people killed are lowlifes involved in drugs. They kill each other.

You read that article (and I bet you're not from Nottingham) and took it as a sign that all of the UK is suddenly some violent wild west place to live. Sorry but that's a load of crap.

St Annes, Broxtowe and Bulwell in Nottingham are rough as fk, but why translate a concentrated problem into your own, fairly peaceful life? Stop worrying.

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Englands' violence is still with us, it just happens in different ways. Gone are the mods vs. rockers, casuals vs skinheads etc days. People use gyms now more than ever and incidents of violence, when they occur, are more horrific than ever, weapons are more prolific.

CCTV is irrelevent when people are drunk, they forget it's there or don't care. CCTV only displaces crime at best

The Acid House days mellowed things out in a massive way, but those days are now behind us and has left a lot of f'@#ked up people in it's wake. The prisons are fuller than ever, and the legal system is not protecting victims.

I do think England has got more violent in the last 10 years for sure, football violence is returning but now away from the stadiums (away from the cameras). I recently saw (police) footage of a Man U vs Everton clash, it was mayhem, the clip was short but the verocity of the violence was palpable!

You spout a lot of FEARFUL nonsense without any real facts to back it up. CCTV has reduced crime in UK city centres, this is a fact. It has not displaced violence. People don't drink 20 pints then get a taxi to the outskirts of town for a scrap to avoid the cameras. Violence will never be eradicated when people have been drinking but it is reduced.

You say UK prisons are fuller than ever but then sing the praises of the 'mellow Acid House days'. Most of the scum in prison are the 'mellow' druggies you speak of!!!!

So what if you saw police footage of one incident - is that a benchmark for your theory??? Your FEAR of crime is much bigger than the reality.

There is no justifiable reason for selling/owning or carrying weapons like knuckledusters, CS gas and batons etc unless you intend to assault somebody with them. If that is the case then you are one sick puppy.

I not going to get into an argument about this, or back it it up with my personal experiences.

Just watch the news

Edited by booma
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After reading on the BBC website that 50% of the hotels in Phuket were either destroyed, damaged or closed due to the tsunami, I don't think you can either trust, or, rely on the news media anymore.

Fair point, I'll just have to rely on my personal experiences, which, of course, are limited to the space that I occupy.

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SO, why would anyone feel the need to carry a weapon in public anyway and if you had one what would you actually be willing to do with it? How long would you be willing to spend banged up in a Thai prison because you had too much pride or stupidity to not get involved or walk away?

Now, having a weapon (not a firearm though) in your own home is a slightly different matter, as long as it's kept on a nice high shelf out of reach of any children and especially the Thai wife, and I can see some justification for it.

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After reading on the BBC website that 50% of the hotels in Phuket were either destroyed, damaged or closed due to the tsunami, I don't think you can either trust, or, rely on the news media anymore.

Good point Sir Burr. I thought the BBC was one of the better, less biased news organizations....perhaps not. In the controversial book "Stupid White Men", Michael Moore tells how the coporations in the US are controlling everything and getting away with murder in regards to tax laws, etc. He also states how these corporations own/control the media which only tells the public what they want to tell them. Funny thing is, Moore loves the media as much as he does and although the guy is a real hypocrite, I have to agree with his point on the media...it's more biased than many think.

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Are you or have you ever been a member of the NRA?

Honestly, I am not and have never been. I can't remember if NRA members receive discounts on guns/ammo or other shooting equipment, but I never bothered to apply. An NRA membership wouldn't be of any use in Thailand anyway. I sold or gave away my firearms before moving here. The average American could afford some target shooting. Over here, that hobby would make us expats as poor as church mice.

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My eyes are open. Do you know much about Nottingham? I do because my ex and daughter still live there. The rise in gun crime is very disturbing.

HOWEVER the majority of people killed are lowlifes involved in drugs. They kill each other.

You read that article (and I bet you're not from Nottingham) and took it as a sign that all of the UK is suddenly some violent wild west place to live. Sorry but that's a load of crap.

i am from leeds , a city not unlike nottingham.

rising rates of violent crime affect all stratas of society and there are stories in the local and national news every day about innocent people being attacked with guns , knives , you name it.

its not the wild west but it is certainly more violent and lawless than it was 5 years ago.

from todays uk press ..... this in a wealthy north london suburb ...... yes i know its only one incident , but violent attacks occur regularly.

An attacker wielding an axe chased a man in the street and hacked him to death yesterday as residents, including mothers on the school run, watched in horror.

The smartly-dressed axeman rained blows on his screaming victim, thought to be in his 60s, as "if he was chopping wood".


The attack happened at around 9.30am yesterday in the north-west London suburb of Belsize Park, a favourite with celebrities and wealthy Londoners. The comedian Hugh Laurie and actress Gwyneth Paltrow live nearby.

Neighbours said they heard screaming in the street and a thud that sounded like a car colliding with a person. But when they looked out of their windows they saw that the noise was coming from the attack.

''The other man was obviously dead. He was lying down and there was a lot of blood. There were about five men with scaffolding bars who were shouting at the man and making sure he didn't leave the area. But he was very calm.'

''The police came and he just knelt down, dropped the axe and raised his hands. They were covered in blood."

''I just saw him standing over the body with an axe. It was so scary and upsetting. Usually this is such a lovely street."

One of the scaffolders working nearby said he saw the axeman running at his victim with the weapon held above his head. Seconds later he struck the first of a series of blows which continued even when the victim lay slumped on the pavement.

The workman said: "It was unremitting. The man with the axe ran at his victim and just laid into him.

''He brought it down on his head and floored him.

''He hacked his victim's head as if it was a block of wood for a fire.

Last night police said that they were still questioning the man.

this was not some drug and criminal infested area , and no it does not sound like the wild west , it sounds like the congo or ruanda.

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''He hacked his victim's head as if it was a block of wood for a fire.

Last night police said that they were still questioning the man.

this was not some drug and criminal infested area , and no it does not sound like the wild west , it sounds like the congo or ruanda.

There's no accounting for looneys - they can happen anywhere :o inner city council dump or swanky suburb.

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As for England becoming more violent in the last 10 years ... I don't think so. A lot of people shit themselves all the time because of what they FEAR is going on rather than what is actually happening. I would say the widespread introduction of CCTV in most English town centres has drastically reduced violence on a night out.



Man charged over street axe death

Brian Messitt had sustained severe head injuries

A man has been charged with the murder of a man who died after an axe attack in a north-west London street.

The body of Brian Messitt from Hampstead, north-west London, was found in Eton Avenue, Swiss Cottage, at 0940 GMT on Monday.

A post-mortem examination revealed the 67-year-old family man had died from severe head injuries.


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