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Mike Tyson Coming Back Again - Hopes


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Tyson would beat any Thai Muay Thai boxer in Thailand, but I wouldnt say that lightly against a heavyweight champ.

I hope something comes of this.


comes of what? they were speculating. Tyson is here for training/promotion only - he's not fighting anyone

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chuchok...getting in the first shot is often the decisive factor in street fighting. It doesn't mean starting the confrontation, but simply ending it quickly before it gets any uglier. If that nasty guy has you up against a wall and wants to pound you, a good first hit to a vulnerable area should lay him low and give you time to escape. A Krav Maga instructor I once knew said the best fighting tactic of all is to not get into a fight in the first place. This is even more important to us foreigners who are greatly outnumbered by the locals not to mention hampered by the laws.

I have to agree with this sentiment. In a "real" fight , meaning not a controlled sporty fight the aim is to immobilise your opponent as quickly as possible, not to stand around for x rounds governed by "rules of engament"

The best defence in my opinion would be "akido-jiutsu" a harder form of akido, which aim is to deflect the attackers energy and immediatly render him injured by for example breaking his arm, neck, collapsing his lungs or similar.

this simply then means their suddenly is no fight 5 seconds after somebody attacked you, thus not usefull in a sporting setup :o

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Yeah, Aikijutstu (the more fight-oriented half of Aikido) is pretty fantastic to watch applied. Someone throws a punch, the other guys grabs a wrist, and *bam*.......no more fight. I don't really know if it ever made the rounds in the assorted fighting tournaments, though. Back to topic (sort of), I still don't imagine Tyson (especially now) would do to well if we could find a Thai boxer who was big enough to match him for range. Muay Thai is just more versatile than boxing, so with more "weapons" at your disposal-all it might take is one kick to the shins, Tyson could very well go down. But then again, he IS enormous, so he could have a 'sheer strength' advantage.

Of course, something else to consider, if there was the ridiculously huge cash prizes for Muay Thai tournaments that there are for boxing matches, I'm sure that eventually we'd see some er...."devoted" Thai boxers who could match their Western counterparts for size.

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I still don't imagine Tyson (especially now) would do to well if we could find a Thai boxer who was big enough to match him for range

Somewhere along the line you hav all mis-read something. The article states that Tyson was just making contact for training purposes. There is nothing about him actually fighting a Muay Thai boxer. It's not going to happen, it's not hoped or planned to happen.

Somehow you have all given each other the impression that there is some suggestion of him in a pro match up with a muay thai boxer. :o

He's just after a few training tips.

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I still don't imagine Tyson (especially now) would do to well if we could find a Thai boxer who was big enough to match him for range

Somewhere along the line you hav all mis-read something. The article states that Tyson was just making contact for training purposes. There is nothing about him actually fighting a Muay Thai boxer. It's not going to happen, it's not hoped or planned to happen.

Somehow you have all given each other the impression that there is some suggestion of him in a pro match up with a muay thai boxer. :o

He's just after a few training tips.

Or we're all just giving our opinions on wether we think a Muay Thai fighter could defeat Tyson in a match.

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