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Chain Saws


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Am looking to buy a small chainsaw to help out when making charcoal (Bugger this cross-cut saw caper). I went to a couple of shops in Ubon city and was told that because of the requirement to have a permit (only issued to certain people) that they are unavailable there.

Does anyone know of a shop or place that I can guy one. I will be visiting the local police station today to ensure the legallies of it all.

Im losing too much sweat and weight by using the cross cut saw.

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Sorry, not meaning to laugh. 1. Why on earth are you doing "the work"? (all that sweat). 2. I remember "way back" asking that question myself. I was told part of the reason not being able to buy a chain saw "over the counter" was a problem with "illegal logging". So even if you tried to bring one in from outside the country, guess you would need "all kinds of permits". Good luck.

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Am looking to buy a small chainsaw to help out when making charcoal (Bugger this cross-cut saw caper).  I went to a couple of shops in Ubon city and was told that because of the requirement to have a permit (only issued to certain people) that they are unavailable there. 

Does anyone know of a shop or place that I can guy one.  I will be visiting the local police station today to ensure the legallies of it all. 

Im losing too much sweat and weight by using the cross cut saw.

Hire some-one to do it for you...150 baht a day and not a chance of the chain saw cutting thru an artery. :o

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Thanks Diggerbasher I might try that one.

To Ken and Surin, I must be one of the crazy ones that try and do a bit of work myself. Mind you I only do it for about 3 hours then I go rest for the remainder of the work. I usually do pay the locals to do most work but if its within my capabiities I give it a go.

Thanks all for your input

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