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Police Shoot Rottweiler


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I wonder if any of the people posting the negative comments about Rottweilers have ever owned one or even had any interaction with one? I seriously doubt it as it seems none of you actually know anything about these dogs! Dogs attack people every day for a number of different reasons, mainly lack of training and socialization when the dog was young, it's nothing to do with the breed. Most people who have owned many different breeds of dogs say that Rotties are their favourite as they are the most loving and least problematic. Because Rottweilers are one of the most intelligent and easily trainable breed of dogs, and they are also big and strong, people often have them as guard dogs. But the majority are kept as loving family pets and are absolutely fine with people, including kids, and other dogs. My neighbour had Rotties when I was a kid and all they ever did was play with the local kids, even when we were a bit rough with them. I am the proud owner of a 6 month old female Rottie and she's had lots of training and socialization and loves everyone, she's never shown any sign of aggression towards anyone or other dogs and meets many people, including kids, on a daily basis. But there are sometimes people who avoid her when she's walking towards them and that is for one reason...ridiculous stories in the media and internet (like this one on thaivisa!) which gives them bad press. This story wouldn't have been posted at all if the dog involved wasn't a Rottweiler, I see soi dogs chasing and biting people on a regular basis here in Thailand but they don't get shot! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A BAD DOG, JUST A BAD OWNER!!!

statistically they are bad dogs, or statistically only bad owners have "rotties"?

Neither! Statistics weren't mentioned anywhere and Rottie is a commonly used name for Rottweilers, " aren't required.

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I wonder if any of the people posting the negative comments about Rottweilers have ever owned one or even had any interaction with one? I seriously doubt it as it seems none of you actually know anything about these dogs! Dogs attack people every day for a number of different reasons, mainly lack of training and socialization when the dog was young, it's nothing to do with the breed. Most people who have owned many different breeds of dogs say that Rotties are their favourite as they are the most loving and least problematic. Because Rottweilers are one of the most intelligent and easily trainable breed of dogs, and they are also big and strong, people often have them as guard dogs. But the majority are kept as loving family pets and are absolutely fine with people, including kids, and other dogs. My neighbour had Rotties when I was a kid and all they ever did was play with the local kids, even when we were a bit rough with them. I am the proud owner of a 6 month old female Rottie and she's had lots of training and socialization and loves everyone, she's never shown any sign of aggression towards anyone or other dogs and meets many people, including kids, on a daily basis. But there are sometimes people who avoid her when she's walking towards them and that is for one reason...ridiculous stories in the media and internet (like this one on thaivisa!) which gives them bad press. This story wouldn't have been posted at all if the dog involved wasn't a Rottweiler, I see soi dogs chasing and biting people on a regular basis here in Thailand but they don't get shot! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A BAD DOG, JUST A BAD OWNER!!!

statistically they are bad dogs, or statistically only bad owners have "rotties"?

Ah !! I think you've hit the nail on the head. These bad macho obsessed owners only ever choose the dangerous dogs as pets. It's so see through it's cringeworthy. If these guys weren't so narcissistic in the way there image was portrayed they wouldn't need to have these dogs pulling them along, do you lot wear sun glasses indoors as well. I would think more of a guy with a yorkshire terrier than some macho idiot with 3 pitbulls licking his kids any day. In balance of fairness i would lump jack russells in with dangerous dogs , they are vicious things and there owners are aware of this when they buy them i'm sure with.

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Neither of my dogs pull on the lead, because they have been trained. It takes a very short time to get a dog to stop pulling. I do not fit any of your labels on Rottweiler owners, neither would I think the Royalty, politicians etc who keep rottweilers. Like any other dog, if well treated and well trained they are man's best friend.

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Neither of my dogs pull on the lead, because they have been trained. It takes a very short time to get a dog to stop pulling. I do not fit any of your labels on Rottweiler owners, neither would I think the Royalty, politicians etc who keep rottweilers. Like any other dog, if well treated and well trained they are man's best friend.

Oh don't worry i can see exactly how you like to be portrayed from your avatar. :D:)

Please give me one good reason to own an animal like a rott or pitbull other than trying to portray a macho image? What is wrong with a lovely springer spaniel for instance. The arrogant way in which owners of such dangerous dogs react when are confronted with the truth shows what kind of people they are. Horrible. I for one am not impressed by your type only saddened by your presence in society. Grow up.

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Oh don't worry i can see exactly how you like to be portrayed from your avatar. :D:)

Please give me one good reason to own an animal like a rott or pitbull other than trying to portray a macho image? What is wrong with a lovely springer spaniel for instance. The arrogant way in which owners of such dangerous dogs react when are confronted with the truth shows what kind of people they are. Horrible. I for one am not impressed by your type only saddened by your presence in society. Grow up.

WHOA!!! Sit loser, sit.... DerekC answered repectfully and factually about his own circumstance. And you spew out the awful words which I have highlighted in red. Unwarranted aggression: in fact, rather like some rottweilers you seem to intensely hate. Sorry to butt in, but really no need to get nasty and personal.

Where are the moderators when you need one?!?!?!

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Oh don't worry i can see exactly how you like to be portrayed from your avatar. :D:)

Please give me one good reason to own an animal like a rott or pitbull other than trying to portray a macho image? What is wrong with a lovely springer spaniel for instance. The arrogant way in which owners of such dangerous dogs react when are confronted with the truth shows what kind of people they are. Horrible. I for one am not impressed by your type only saddened by your presence in society. Grow up.

WHOA!!! Sit loser, sit.... DerekC answered repectfully and factually about his own circumstance. And you spew out the awful words which I have highlighted in red. Unwarranted aggression: in fact, rather like some rottweilers you seem to intensely hate. Sorry to butt in, but really no need to get nasty and personal.

Where are the moderators when you need one?!?!?!

Here here!!! If anyone reads through this thread properly they will see that the people who have a different opinion to loser1 have only given facts about the dogs and opinions based on their own experience of owning one. I made a few sarcastic comments which were obviously only meant to wind the loser up, yet he tried to twist my words and make me out to be a sexist homophobe! It is actually the loser who has made ridiculous and outrageous comments, here's just a few.

'rottweilers and the like should be kept in zoos and not allowed around humans.'

'someone with tattoos and and 'singha' T-Shirt that he has made some bad choices, he never be able to see the truth. '

'i think it's as if these dangerous dog lovers have a sensibility gene missing from their genetic make up'

'Can you imagine how many other things would be allowed if they had their way drink driving, the right to bear arms( thats worked out well everywhere hasn't it), no speed limits, no visa restrictions so any scumbag who can scrape together the airfare for Thailand can stay indefinitley sipping chang and chain smoking in there 100% polyester chang vests constantly on the move for the cheapest price until they end up on a stool outside the local ma and pa shop dreaming of being able to afford dinner let alone a rottweiller. :D

'Any parent that buys a dangerous dog when they have kids is sending out a clear signal to the authorities that they are too irresponsible to be trusted with children'

'5 year olds, rottweilers .... frightening...thanks dad for looking out for my safety' (Possibly the worst, questioning the love and parenting skills of a father)

So there's some of the losers comments, bullied at school perhaps! (Joob Joob)

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Oh don't worry i can see exactly how you like to be portrayed from your avatar. :D:)

Please give me one good reason to own an animal like a rott or pitbull other than trying to portray a macho image? What is wrong with a lovely springer spaniel for instance. The arrogant way in which owners of such dangerous dogs react when are confronted with the truth shows what kind of people they are. Horrible. I for one am not impressed by your type only saddened by your presence in society. Grow up.

WHOA!!! Sit loser, sit.... DerekC answered repectfully and factually about his own circumstance. And you spew out the awful words which I have highlighted in red. Unwarranted aggression: in fact, rather like some rottweilers you seem to intensely hate. Sorry to butt in, but really no need to get nasty and personal.

Where are the moderators when you need one?!?!?!

Here here!!! If anyone reads through this thread properly they will see that the people who have a different opinion to loser1 have only given facts about the dogs and opinions based on their own experience of owning one. I made a few sarcastic comments which were obviously only meant to wind the loser up, yet he tried to twist my words and make me out to be a sexist homophobe! It is actually the loser who has made ridiculous and outrageous comments, here's just a few.

'rottweilers and the like should be kept in zoos and not allowed around humans.'

'someone with tattoos and and 'singha' T-Shirt that he has made some bad choices, he never be able to see the truth. '

'i think it's as if these dangerous dog lovers have a sensibility gene missing from their genetic make up'

'Can you imagine how many other things would be allowed if they had their way drink driving, the right to bear arms( thats worked out well everywhere hasn't it), no speed limits, no visa restrictions so any scumbag who can scrape together the airfare for Thailand can stay indefinitley sipping chang and chain smoking in there 100% polyester chang vests constantly on the move for the cheapest price until they end up on a stool outside the local ma and pa shop dreaming of being able to afford dinner let alone a rottweiller. :D

'Any parent that buys a dangerous dog when they have kids is sending out a clear signal to the authorities that they are too irresponsible to be trusted with children'

'5 year olds, rottweilers .... frightening...thanks dad for looking out for my safety' (Possibly the worst, questioning the love and parenting skills of a father)

So there's some of the losers comments, bullied at school perhaps! (Joob Joob)

Umm.. Your question " Bullied at school? " in my opinion could only be posed by a bully, any nice person wouldn't think to say such a thing.

You can rest assured i won't be going through your posts to compose a condemning post. I stand by my comments.

On another note what does 'joob joob' represent coz last time i looked there is no ' B ' sound at the end of thai words as they are usually pronounced as an unaspirated 'P' sound. I suggest in future you write any thai words down in thai script, it's less confusing for all concerned. Thanks :D

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The Kelpie is an Australian cattle dog.

A Kelpie looks like a Border Collie and is a sheep dog.

My apologies. You're right.

Australian cattle dogs are mainly, but, not exclusively, Red, or, Blue Heelers.

Everyone that I have known that has owned one has sworn blind that they are absolutely the best.

My ex had one, so have many of my friends, they were very fashionable dogs in the 90's. Extremely loyal, tough with heaps of energy, too much energy to be kept in the city unless they receive a lot of exercise. The one we had been badly treated as a pup. It was left alone with my gf's daughter and her friends, trying to play with the dog they chased it and when corned it bit one on the face. It was irresponsible to leave it alone with the kids, I wasn't home and this is something I'd always warned about.

Heelers are known to bite at the heels, hence the name. In general herding dogs tend to nip, they are not recommended for kids as they have a tendency to round them up.

Labs are retrievers, so it is common for them to bite, but the tend 'grab' rather than bite. They are high on the list of dogs that bite kids, possibly due to them being perceived as safe. There is at least one case where a lab has killed a baby.

A few years ago and lab chewed it's owners face off, it was wrongly labeled a Pit Bull and made front page news.

English Staffordshires are listed as one of the best dogs with kids, so are labs and pugs, but all these breeds have killed babies.

Bottom line is never leave kids unsupervised with dogs of any breed, train your dog and also train your kids. So many things done by kids can set of dogs instincts to attack (e.g. running at them, hitting them, taking things from them, screaming and running etc.)

As for reasons to have a large dog, we have one and my wife feels safe alone at night when I'm not there. Much safer than having a gun.

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Bottom line is never leave kids unsupervised with dogs of any breed

You are right, any dogs can kill. Even Pomeranians.

LOS ANGELES (AP) - A small Pomeranian dog killed a 6-week-old baby while the infant's caretaker briefly left the child unattended to warm a bottle of milk, authorities said.

But I do believe that you also have to know your dog: background, temperament, health issues.

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Bottom line is never leave kids unsupervised with dogs of any breed

You are right, any dogs can kill. Even Pomeranians.

LOS ANGELES (AP) - A small Pomeranian dog killed a 6-week-old baby while the infant's caretaker briefly left the child unattended to warm a bottle of milk, authorities said.

But I do believe that you also have to know your dog: background, temperament, health issues.

That is true, also learn about the instincts of all dogs. It's more useful to know the circumstances of dog attacks than the breed. For example was there more than one dog present, was one of the dogs in heat, were they eating/being fed, were they chained?

For fun kids often like to let dogs chase them, but this potentially dangerous.

Also, I've heard statistically, dogs allowed on the sofa are more likely to attack, because they see themselves as equals in the pack. If, for example, a dog was laying on a sofa and a young child pushed it off, it may see this as a challenge and bite the child.

Small dogs aren't necessarily good with kids, they tend to be nervous and can easily bite kids out of fear.

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They also bite out of jealousy. When I was pregnant I thought it was a good idea to get a Dalmatian puppy trained up before the baby came. She was a beautifully tempered dog normally, but she became jealous once the baby started getting 'her' attention.

She didn't bite, she just nipped. Once. And while it was just the once, additional safeguards were ramped up immediately (she was closely watched before, but now total distance was put into place). It was an uneasy truce so I found her a home with a young, single guy who just happened to have dog handling experience (he made pocket money in high school by being at the receiving end of police dog training).

After that, it was cats and a female Doberman/Rottweiler/Alsatian mix. And that dog was a total woos! Even my cats would chase her around the yard...

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Labs are retrievers, so it is common for them to bite, but the tend 'grab' rather than bite. They are high on the list of dogs that bite kids, possibly due to them being perceived as safe. There is at least one case where a lab has killed a baby.

A few years ago and lab chewed it's owners face off, it was wrongly labeled a Pit Bull and made front page news.

Thanks for the reality check and reminder re labs! That explains why it's on the list.

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Oh don't worry i can see exactly how you like to be portrayed from your avatar. :D:)

Please give me one good reason to own an animal like a rott or pitbull other than trying to portray a macho image? What is wrong with a lovely springer spaniel for instance. The arrogant way in which owners of such dangerous dogs react when are confronted with the truth shows what kind of people they are. Horrible. I for one am not impressed by your type only saddened by your presence in society. Grow up.

WHOA!!! Sit loser, sit.... DerekC answered repectfully and factually about his own circumstance. And you spew out the awful words which I have highlighted in red. Unwarranted aggression: in fact, rather like some rottweilers you seem to intensely hate. Sorry to butt in, but really no need to get nasty and personal.

Where are the moderators when you need one?!?!?!

Here here!!! If anyone reads through this thread properly they will see that the people who have a different opinion to loser1 have only given facts about the dogs and opinions based on their own experience of owning one. I made a few sarcastic comments which were obviously only meant to wind the loser up, yet he tried to twist my words and make me out to be a sexist homophobe! It is actually the loser who has made ridiculous and outrageous comments, here's just a few.

'rottweilers and the like should be kept in zoos and not allowed around humans.'

'someone with tattoos and and 'singha' T-Shirt that he has made some bad choices, he never be able to see the truth. '

'i think it's as if these dangerous dog lovers have a sensibility gene missing from their genetic make up'

'Can you imagine how many other things would be allowed if they had their way drink driving, the right to bear arms( thats worked out well everywhere hasn't it), no speed limits, no visa restrictions so any scumbag who can scrape together the airfare for Thailand can stay indefinitley sipping chang and chain smoking in there 100% polyester chang vests constantly on the move for the cheapest price until they end up on a stool outside the local ma and pa shop dreaming of being able to afford dinner let alone a rottweiller. :D

'Any parent that buys a dangerous dog when they have kids is sending out a clear signal to the authorities that they are too irresponsible to be trusted with children'

'5 year olds, rottweilers .... frightening...thanks dad for looking out for my safety' (Possibly the worst, questioning the love and parenting skills of a father)

So there's some of the losers comments, bullied at school perhaps! (Joob Joob)

Umm.. Your question " Bullied at school? " in my opinion could only be posed by a bully, any nice person wouldn't think to say such a thing.

You can rest assured i won't be going through your posts to compose a condemning post. I stand by my comments.

On another note what does 'joob joob' represent coz last time i looked there is no ' B ' sound at the end of thai words as they are usually pronounced as an unaspirated 'P' sound. I suggest in future you write any thai words down in thai script, it's less confusing for all concerned. Thanks :D

You're not having a good week are you?! So far you've been wrong about Rottweilers and their owners and now you're wrong again about Joob Joob. Good night loser, it's been fun! ( จุ๊บ จุ๊บ )

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They also bite out of jealousy. When I was pregnant I thought it was a good idea to get a Dalmatian puppy trained up before the baby came. She was a beautifully tempered dog normally, but she became jealous once the baby started getting 'her' attention.

She didn't bite, she just nipped. Once. And while it was just the once, additional safeguards were ramped up immediately (she was closely watched before, but now total distance was put into place). It was an uneasy truce so I found her a home with a young, single guy who just happened to have dog handling experience (he made pocket money in high school by being at the receiving end of police dog training).

After that, it was cats and a female Doberman/Rottweiler/Alsatian mix. And that dog was a total woos! Even my cats would chase her around the yard...

And cats can be as bad, at times. I remember having a tortoiseshell cat that attacked the wife (ex wife) a few times. Also cats can be dangerous around babies.

Good cat, nice pussy cat. Kill!!!! :)

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And cats can be as bad, at times. I remember having a tortoiseshell cat that attacked the wife (ex wife) a few times. Also cats can be dangerous around babies.

Good cat, nice pussy cat. Kill!!!! :)

Ah, you are right! I've known some mean spirited cats in my time (not mine). Spitting, scratching, biting, with poo in the middle of your pillow personalities. Nasty things.

Maybe I'll get a chipmunk next time round.

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Dear doggie 888888,

In my 25 years of being a UK Police Officer, I only ever heard of 2 Labradors biting someone. One was defending it's owners property, the second one was my colleagues Police Drug detection dog whom we adopted at the age of 2 years old. It was very food posssesive and my friend wasn't made aware of this, when he went to feed him, it naturally bit him. But after a short spell of training, this never occured again.

As for loser 1 I don't regard myself as macho walking my Rottweilers and Pit bull around the area where I live. People generally stop me and tell me how polite they are. I have always owned or handled large dogs and feel more comfortable with them. Whenever we visit the vets, they sit in the waiting room and cause no problems whatsoever. My eldest Rottweiler is 6 years of age, his grandfather is still alive today, you can see him sat outside it's owners shop which is in the middle of the city, most people give him a gentle stroke when they pass by him.


We do own other small dogs, and believe me the worst that we do have are the two toy poodles. If you look at them the wrong way! they will bare their teeth. When my wife isn't around a sudden sharp shock soon resolves that problem ( Just a hiss and a gentle poke in their bodies, not a kick or a good punching) but as soon as my wife is with them, they gain their confidence and are at it again.

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The simple fact is that the majority of Thai owners do not control their dogs. I am an avid walker and am constantly harrassed by gowling, teeth barring dogs of all breeds, and often the owners are in the background finding this to be humerous. This is extremely irresponsible. I'm pleased that the police took action with the Rotweilers owner, but it is incredibly sad that the poor woman was mauled in the first place.

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For all of the non lovers of Rottweilers and Pit Bulls who were as quick as a flash of lightening, to report the story of the Rottweiler being shot by the Police for attacking a person. Well did you read any of the Thai National newspapers yesterday? It was reported that a St. Bernard dog in Prajobkirikan bit a young child fiercely on it's face so much so that the child needed 32 stitiches. Now these dogs were trained to go to the aid of injured Mountaineers in the Swiss Alps carrying a small barrel of brandy for the injured party to drink and keep warm until the rescuers found them.

You aren't so quick to report this news are you?

Edited by Pitbullman1
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For all of the non lovers of Rottweilers and Pit Bulls who were as quick as a flash of lightening, to report the story of the Rottweiler being shot by the Police for attacking a person. Well did you read any of the Thai National newspapers yesterday? It was reported that a St. Bernard dog in Prajobkirikan bit a young child fiercely on it's face so much so that the child needed 32 stitiches. Now these dogs were trained to go to the aid of injured Mountaineers in the Swiss Alps carrying a small barrel of brandy for the injured party to drink and keep warm until the rescuers found them.

You aren't so quick to report this news are you?

As I do not read Thai newspapers, I would not know. But as I live in Nakhon Sawan and the Rottweiler attacked a 60 year old woman here as she walked down her own street, minding her own business and she needed almost 100 stitches. The police shot the dog. I thought it worthy of reporting as a a bit of local news.

Where is the problem with that?

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For all of the non lovers of Rottweilers and Pit Bulls who were as quick as a flash of lightening, to report the story of the Rottweiler being shot by the Police for attacking a person. Well did you read any of the Thai National newspapers yesterday? It was reported that a St. Bernard dog in Prajobkirikan bit a young child fiercely on it's face so much so that the child needed 32 stitiches. Now these dogs were trained to go to the aid of injured Mountaineers in the Swiss Alps carrying a small barrel of brandy for the injured party to drink and keep warm until the rescuers found them.

You aren't so quick to report this news are you?

And this Thai St. Bernard dog was also trained to aid mountaineers?

No......I didn't think so.

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For all of the non lovers of Rottweilers and Pit Bulls who were as quick as a flash of lightening, to report the story of the Rottweiler being shot by the Police for attacking a person. Well did you read any of the Thai National newspapers yesterday? It was reported that a St. Bernard dog in Prajobkirikan bit a young child fiercely on it's face so much so that the child needed 32 stitiches. Now these dogs were trained to go to the aid of injured Mountaineers in the Swiss Alps carrying a small barrel of brandy for the injured party to drink and keep warm until the rescuers found them.

You aren't so quick to report this news are you?

And this Thai St. Bernard dog was also trained to aid mountaineers?

No......I didn't think so.


That's the whole point. You can't make assumptions about a breed......

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In Nakhonsawan the police were called out to an incident involving a Rottweiler dog. The dog attacked a 60 year old woman leaving her needing almost 100 stitches in her upper leg. She was lucky others were there to help get the dog off her.

The police shot the dog and then arrested the owner who, it seems, had allowed the dog out into the street unsupervised where the attack took place.

hel_l yeah my neighbor also does the same thing let the dogs out to shit around the village 1 pitbull and 2 rotty he said they dont bite people it seems he trusts his dogs so much he thinks he's rich but nah he'll be arrested if his dogs bit people it's a law here and if he's lucky enuff he'll be shot (not a dog) instead of suffering in prison lol and dogs will be sent to Tarae district in Sakon Nakon where people eat dogs and cats!!!

i've heard in that village when dog or cat got hit by a car people there faught for the dead body yuck <deleted>?!?

I wonder u know i got a dog too hes mixed black alsatian+rotty when i walked near that area those dogs walked to me and tried to smell me i had to pray omg their owner wasnt around. 3 dogs and me! i heard a male dog will instinctively mark his territory and try to protect it im afraid they mite GET RID OF ME somedays argh...hopefully itll never happen!


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allmost all the Thais in my village let there dogs run around unsupervised. Very few have any way to supervise them anyway. If you live here you have to deal with it, protect yourself. now if a dog became dangerous the villagers themselves would take care of the dog and owner thai style.

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I remember being east of Jomtien once and cruising on a motorbike with a girl on the back down an off road near a reservoir. It was an old dusty road and it became a turnaround near a small Thai house. Well sure as hel_l a very large Rotweiller comes ripping after us on the bike. I couldn't get speed up but luckily there was a water truck ahead and I was able to pull beside it out of site of the dog and stay there till we turned and left. Scared the crap out of me. If that truck wasn't there someone would have a ripped leg I am sure. And if you ever wiped out who knows what could happen. I'm not so eager to venture down these side roads where you can't get up to speed anymore.

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Nothing wrong with reporting it G54.

Once again we have an innocent child attacked by a dog and most probably scarred for life. Was the dog being supervised? dont think so. Once again the owner is to blame.

Thx :)

I have to say that I feel for the child. The g/f told me today about the attack shortly after I read about it on here. Now, that child will grow up with a constant fear of dogs.

Imagine, this is Thailand and we all see dogs of varying sized roaming the streets. Often two dogs or more. For many of us this is not a problem, but for that little girl she will feel fear every time a dog goes near her. So almost every time she ventures out she will feel anything from a twinge of fear to outright terror, depending on what the dog does.

I heard also today that the woman attacked by the Rottweiler is now out of hospital and is under care of her family at home.

The owner is facing a hospital bill of 40,000 Baht as well as the loss of his dog, all because it was not under control and that is an expensive lesson for the majority of Thai people.

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Thanks for the extra news about the Thai owner having to forfeit 40,000 ฿. That's excellent news to hear.

Here in and around our newly built village, if a farang's dog bites a Thai person the farang automatically has to pay 12,000 ฿ plus, even for a minute scratch, but let a Thai person's dog bite you and take a chunk out of you, they simply laugh in your face. When you ask for compensation for innoculations they say, "Sorry we don't have any money."

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Thanks for the extra news about the Thai owner having to forfeit 40,000 ฿. That's excellent news to hear.

Here in and around our newly built village, if a farang's dog bites a Thai person the farang automatically has to pay 12,000 ฿ plus, even for a minute scratch, but let a Thai person's dog bite you and take a chunk out of you, they simply laugh in your face. When you ask for compensation for innoculations they say, "Sorry we don't have any money."

Yeah, is often the case regarding money. At least the police are on this guys case.

An auto 12K fine? That certainly sounds steep - and unfair in the extreme - when you compare it to the Thai people who, as you say, turn around and say they have no money :)

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