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Trapped in the usa


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Drama Queen,

You will get better information and help from Thai/Asian community in California, possibly from someone who has had simmilar experience like you. There is a Thai newspaper called Siam Chronicle in Los Angeles. If you call and explain your situation, they will raise some fund for you as Asian communities there support each other.

Even if you find a job, since your daughtor is still young, you will probably have to hire baby sitter and then most of your minmum wage income will be taken away for child care. You need money to start new life but that's the dillemar.

Returning Thailand will be the last card. I don't think it's easy to get a same type of entry level job at your age unless you are willing to work for very basic dead end job.  I do have a toll free number of Thai newspaper in LA, so if you need it, please inform me.

Hang in there. I hope the luck is on your side!

And I hope you read a bit more carefully in the future. You are wasting your breath/bandwidth/internet time. This thread is two YEARS old. Get it? Drama Queen has been and gone.

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