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Do You Think Prospective Thai Visa Members Should Have An Iq Test Before Acceptance?


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^ yeah

The lower scores w/ boobs will problably get more hits


The lower scores w/o boobs will get a plank ...flat side that is... :)

Do you think guys just like stupid girls with big tits ? Maybe for a night but not for in a relation. At least i would not like to have a gf without a brain tried it once too boring in the long run.

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As to how I look, that is my business. Why should you care how I look? My uniform of the day is a T shirt, shorts and flip flops. As a matter of fact, I don't trust people who wear long sleeved shirts and a tie. I used to get a number two haircut but the number two rake my barber used broke so now it is a number one. (no rake) Should I expect him to buy a new rake since he charges me a whopping 30 baht for a haircut? I give him 40 baht and not many people tip 25 percent.

Jewelry? The nearest thing to jewelry is a phone in my pocket. I don't wear a watch. My Nokia is as accurate as a Rolex so why would I need to wear a watch? Maybe the best part is that I don't care what time it is. I get up when I want and go to bed when I want. As a matter of fact, the only time I want to know what day it is to check if my Social Security check has been deposited in my bank.

A policy of MYOB is always a good idea and more important than your IQ. Some people realize they have a lower than average IQ so they don't post supposedly expert opinions when they actually know nothing.

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Do you think guys just like stupid girls with big tits ? Maybe for a night but not for in a relation. At least i would not like to have a gf without a brain tried it once too boring in the long run.

I don't think anyone is stupid. We might see things in diff perspectives, or... depending on one's angle of perspective.

on my serious side here

Edited by mooncake
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After reading so many nonsensical posts on many threads i think it's a must have.

You mean just you and me. What a good idea. No more flaming, no off topic posts, no more changing every subject to whether Thaksin is bad or good. No more mods. Just a forum for rational discussion. In our dreams.

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Hey I had to try mine - 3 times...as those were squeezed together tighter than THAT!

anyway...am IN now!!----phewwww :)

Mine were tighter than a sumu wrestlers 30inch slim fit chinos.

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Pink Floyd said it best in the wall, in the flesh , disc 2,

If I had had my way i'd have all of them shot!!!!! Classic

if you wan't an eliteist forum then start " thai visa yellow shirts .com " and enjoy your narrow minded little world.

for me let the idiots speak sometimes they are right.

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<br />Pink Floyd said it best in the wall, in the flesh , disc 2,<br /><br />If I had had my way i'd have all of them shot!!!!! Classic<br /><br />if you wan't an eliteist forum then start " thai visa yellow shirts .com " and enjoy your narrow minded little world.<br /> for me let the idiots speak sometimes they are right.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

But surely you are a classing yourself as a narrow minded eliteist........

Otherwise would not your post have read 'sometimes we are right'.....?

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Is your post a consequence of personal superiority or are you genuinly concerned about the standard of some inconsiquencial responses dragging the whole forum down to the gutter level ? Surely , it takes a broad spectrum of thoughts and feelings to whet ones appetite sufficiently to garner a logical retort of ones own .......

My response was supposedly given 'Tongue-in-cheek ' , as to the dictionary , have not read or consulted one in many a year , have to keep my ageing gray matter as sharp as possible on a day to day basis , when the brain dies , what is left in ones humble life to appreciate any more ?

Maybe you should. :)

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