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Tourist Visas Penang

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I honestly don't know the answer to your question. Penang has been denying visas to those with several tourist visas and/or having one with an extension,

Since you are there already I would tell them to try. The most you would loose is their fee and some time wasted.

Reports are that they have been giving out 30 day transit visas to those that are denied. If you are flying back to Thailand I would tell the agent not to accept that because you will get 30 days on entry.

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Reports are that they have been giving out 30 day transit visas to those that are denied.

Why would a Brit (and many other nationalities) need a 30 day "transit visa"? He would automatically get 30 days upon re-entry anyway.

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I am a Brit who has been working in Thailand for over a year with Bvisa and work permit.

I am now in Penang and wish to return on a two month tourist visa but the visa agents are unsure if I will be granted a visa....? Can anyone clarify?

I am glad to report a positive result.

Thanks for the attempted answers.

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A friend of mine who had already two non imm. B Penang issued visas in his passport, was given a tourist visa in Penang on August 25. At first the agent (Swiss Hotel) said there would be a problem since he already had two Penang issued visas in his passport, but my friend pointed out these were not tourist visas, but non imm. B's. The agent said he would give it a try, and the visa came through no problem.

There seems to be a price war going on concerning the visa handling service: nowadays every guesthouse is offering this service for 5 Ringgit (approx. 50 Baht), and in the Swiss Hotel it is even free for people staying there.

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I am a Brit who has been working in Thailand for over a year with Bvisa and work permit.

I am now in Penang and wish to return on a two month tourist visa but the visa agents are unsure if I will be granted a visa....? Can anyone clarify?

I am glad to report a positive result.

Thanks for the attempted answers.

I thought we gave you an answer. Did we not tell you to try no matter what the agents said.

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Not if you came back by land. Only 15 days at a border crossing.

Yeah, I failed to consider that some people travel overland to Penang.

Someone mentioned yesterday (not on the forum) that AirAsia has cancelled all morning flights to Penang. Can anyone confirm this? Is it true?

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I am a Brit who has been working in Thailand for over a year with Bvisa and work permit.

I am now in Penang and wish to return on a two month tourist visa but the visa agents are unsure if I will be granted a visa....? Can anyone clarify?

I am glad to report a positive result.

Thanks for the attempted answers.

I thought we gave you an answer. Did we not tell you to try no matter what the agents said.

Yes, you said " Try". You did not know what the answer would be.

The real answer is "yes" if you are not repeating tourist visas. 

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Not if you came back by land. Only 15 days at a border crossing.

Yeah, I failed to consider that some people travel overland to Penang.

Someone mentioned yesterday (not on the forum) that AirAsia has cancelled all morning flights to Penang. Can anyone confirm this? Is it true?

I am aware, only, of Firefly between Phuket and Penang. 

I bussed out and flew back.I noticed that the fare from Penang to Phuket was 2120 Baht whereas Phuket to Penang would have been 2800 Baht. I paid cash, booking online with a credit card may prove a better option.

The flight lasted one hour and fifteen minutes, was very comfortable and well worth 1200 Baht extra to save 19 hours of bus and waiting, for those who care about that. I do, Im getting old! 

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