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Wholegrain Bread In Phuket?

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Whole grain breeds such as 7 grain and Black Russian bread is available at Don's Bakery in Don's Mall. These are European styled breads taught by Chef Otto.

Chef Otto from Bangkok?


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Phew!!!...... well, the animosity that can be generated on this board by a seemingly innocent request for information never ceases to amaze me.

There was a similar thread recently where someone tried to make an enquiry about the availability of sea salt. That too descended into a mindless slanging match.

To return to the topic…. should anyone be interested. And, johninthai I hope that, despite your justified protestations you are still reading……..

I think we may have been a little cross purposes given the myriad variations in the English language.

The flour which I use is imported from Australia. It is labelled "WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR (stone grind). To my thinking this is wholemeal.

I usually add a little white flour (from the same company labelled "hard wheat flour") which produces a lighter, less dense, loaf. The word, "hard" in baking terms indicates a high gluten content, or wheat protein which produces a bread with a better texture. Soft flours produce more "cakey" results.

Thailand often adopts the American way (this alone, is a subject worthy of some discussion) and labels flour "all purpose flour" which is both a misnomer and unnecessarily confusing.

Making bread is so easy here, given the friendly temperatures. You do not need a "breadmaker" which, in any case, would be imported and therefore expensive, but you do need an oven which is the only stumbling block. Thais don't use them in the home so they are shoddily made and overpriced. I am currently on my third electric one which has died only four months after purchase!

I am coming to the conclusion that gas ovens are better but few of them seem capable of the requisite temperature. Any recommendations here would be gratefully received.

For further information, there is also a very good baking supply shop in Bangkok Road, Phuket town on the right hand side just before the fountain.

There is a German or Swiss baking supply shop in Rawai which, I think is called Schmidt. They sell all manner of German bread mixes.

Now then, some of you, try and find something contentious in that!!


Thanks mrjohn...i wasn't comming back initially ,but when i saw your post i weakened and here i am.

Like i said initially your reply was the only sensible one, and as you and hopalong pointed out the behaviour of a few[the local gang] is shameful...i believe you read the obnoxious postings just before the moderator removed them...same as the seasalt and many, many more.

Never been so embaressed to be an expat in my life,the local gang should hang there heads in shame!

Anyway i am replying to you and if the gang misconstues anything i write as of now...i will not lower myself to play there funny games again.

Mrjohn, give up on the electric oven option . Look for the Sanyo gas oven, made in thailand i believe.In "a previous life" i was a chef and gas is the 100% choice in pro kitchens because of the rapid initial heat up and after ,the degree of control of this heat from low,slow simmer to rapid boil in seconds is unmatchable in the average electric oven, let alone a Thai-style one..

It is a conventional size, white enamel oven with three gas rings on top, one of which is a large one to use a wok on.

The oven has both top and bottom heating and seperate top and bottom controls, and all have auto ignition facility.

I used mine for two years in C/M every single day and sometimes twice daily and had NO problem at all. When i sold my house the oven still looked and worked as new.

The only small problem is the temp guage built into the door..had a m,ind of its own, but after a few uses you soon get a feeling for it and you can also buy a cheap therostat to place inside and double check.

I often cooked pork roasts and the crackle was the best! because of the high temps you can get, so it will be excellent for breadmaking where you need a good "solid heat".

The next best thing about this oven is the price...I paid 5500 baht 2-3 years ago so maybe up to 7000 now..i think we bought at Macro but not 100% sure now.Excellent value..go buy with confidence..

After showing friends in C/M the idiocy response from 'the local gang' a mate up there has organised a weekly delivery of the great bread from the bakery to my condo here for under 90 baht a loaf!!Too easy,and the info from the bakery is as you say mrjohn, wholewheat flour but with added WHOLEGRAINS to give that extra flavour and texture... :D

Oh dear, how can a topic about Wholegrain Bread go so far downhill into a slanging match between some members.

The last 6 posts have all been removed.

Doubt there is much more to be said about where to find Wholegrain Bread. But if anyone has a good recommendation then post it up. Otherwise this post will be closed if the bickering continues.


Hello livinginkata; really glad you stepped in,i don't like cencorship but there are obviously times when maybe you should not stand back and wait till things get so out of hand.I don't know the guidelines but maybe in future "in any post' if the reply is irrelevant you can"send back for consideration" or something along those lines.eg my looking for bread brings in a"troll for potential baker" totally irrelevant and maybe should not have been posted.

This is only one small example of what happens and others have pointed out numerous similar queries that have turned into a free for all..which definately is not what this is all about.

If people have something to offer of relevance, great for all, if they have no worthwhile comment pass on the subject...it really is that simple.

Thanks anyway..John :D

Show me a 700 gram thick sliced wholegrain loaf in any supermarket mentioned for anywhere near 60 baht and i will give you 1000baht...cash for you! :)

Ill send you my accont number, transfer the money and PM me your adress - iI send you the bread, Whole Grain, Rye, "Farmers Bread"!

Not sure if they have any but you could try the bakery just up from Chalong circle on the way to Rawai. It is next to Family restaurant just by Tesco Lotus. If you blink you will miss it as I do not know if they even have a sign but the shop is a light green colour. It is the only place I know where you can buy freshly made crumpets if you order beforehand.

Tried that once.

no decent bread.

I go there often. Love the bread and the crumpets. :)

Show me a 700 gram thick sliced wholegrain loaf in any supermarket mentioned for anywhere near 60 baht and i will give you 1000baht...cash for you! :D

Ill send you my accont number, transfer the money and PM me your adress - iI send you the bread, Whole Grain, Rye, "Farmers Bread"!

:) Interesting....tell me more please.eg where in phuket are you?

The bread is as asked ie.700 gm thick sliced WHOLEGRAIN? Yes? near 60 baht/ yes?

If not you send me 1000 baht ..ok..lol



"troll for potential baker" totally irrelevant and maybe should not have been posted.

This is only one small example of what happens and others have pointed out numerous similar queries that have turned into a free for all..which definately is not what this is all about.

If people have something to offer of relevance, great for all, if they have no worthwhile comment pass on the subject...it really is that simple.

Thanks anyway..John :)

The 'troll' comment was mine, and please accept that it was made slightly tongue in cheek. Trust that you have success in what you're looking for, though I think the best advice that I've read is to actually make your own. Recipe's are easily available, and I've found sourcing ingredients for the most obscure foods are achievable here in Phuket. Also, the satisfaction of producing something yourself is infinitely better than buying from a shop.


The 'troll' comment was mine, and please accept that it was made slightly tongue in cheek


C mon pagallim...Tongue in cheek? You must be bored sh-tless..THe guy made the effort to find out about bread..Tell him about bread !

I figure if he wants humour he will look in the appropriate posting... :D

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