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Yearly Flue Jab


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I feel like death with a heavy flue again..

Went to my Dr on Tues and he checked and said I have the flue, so have 5 different tables to take for 5 days. He just shrugged when I asked him about the flue jab...

He the same Dr gave me the flue jab in March, so why have I know got the flue? After the Flue jab in March 2008 I had a bad bout of Flue in August and again in February this year...

Being Diabetic I am classed as high risk so have had a flue jab every year for the passed 12 years, [i'm 60 later this year] never had the flue in the UK, from one flue jab to the next, but here had flue every year even with the injection.

So How long does the injection last here?

Edited by ignis
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why have I know got the flue?

1. There is not just one flu - there are many. If you look at the leaflet that comes with the vaccine you will see the name of the batch, e.g. "southern hemisphere 2009" and the ingredients ... about 4-5 flu viruses are listed. For each type of flu virus there are then variants or mutations. So the vaccine is designed to help stop you getting the most common flu virus/es around that particular season in that part of the world

2. Always check the name and use-by date of the vaccine just in case it's an old batch from the back of the fridge

Better luck in the future - stay well

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why have I know got the flue?

1. There is not just one flu - there are many. If you look at the leaflet that comes with the vaccine you will see the name of the batch, e.g. "southern hemisphere 2009" and the ingredients ... about 4-5 flu viruses are listed. For each type of flu virus there are then variants or mutations. So the vaccine is designed to help stop you getting the most common flu virus/es around that particular season in that part of the world

2. Always check the name and use-by date of the vaccine just in case it's an old batch from the back of the fridge

Better luck in the future - stay well

Thanks, the Doctor has never given me a leafle, he just gets the vaccine out of the fridge and gives me the injection... cannot remember before moving here in 2003, if I had a leaflet, but feel sure that I just got the injection by my local Dr

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Apart from a dose of paracetamol and maybe vitimin C tablets, why have you been given 5 types of tablets? :)

Flu is viral, no tablets are going to cure it but paracetamol will ease the symptoms.

Change your Doc. :D

Obviously there are antiviral drugs out there (amantadine etc) and they do limit the effect of the infection. It makes sense to give these to a patient whose immune system is compromised and so the vaccination can't work.

Other tablets may be for complicating bacterial infections.

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"So How long does the injection last here?"

The same as everywhere else: a flu shot provides lifetime immunity for very specific flu strains. Every year, the "flu shot" is redesigned to provide protection against the 3 flu strains that are expected to cause the majority of the flu cases. Checking the CDC website, you'll find dozens of different flu strains that have been targeted over the past decades, and strains that have not.

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The way to make influenza shots give you long term effective immunity.

Have your flu shots annualy, usually changed for diffent viral strains.

Over many years you gain very good immunity to most strains.

No doctor will tell you that as fact, but many believe it to be so.

I have had flu shots annually for over 30 years.

No idea when I had the flu last, or a cold for that matter.

It will not happen immediately, but will happen, well in my family that is fact.

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"So How long does the injection last here?"

The same as everywhere else: a flu shot provides lifetime immunity for very specific flu strains. Every year, the "flu shot" is redesigned to provide protection against the 3 flu strains that are expected to cause the majority of the flu cases. Checking the CDC website, you'll find dozens of different flu strains that have been targeted over the past decades, and strains that have not.

Yes, but to me it always feels like the same, very bad head, nose non stop running for at least a week, bad ear pain, bad chest, bad tonsils, cough, high temperature, no interest in food it always appears to be 4 -5 weeks till I get back to normal.. This is the 5th time I have had the same systems over the past 3 years

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"So How long does the injection last here?"

The same as everywhere else: a flu shot provides lifetime immunity for very specific flu strains. Every year, the "flu shot" is redesigned to provide protection against the 3 flu strains that are expected to cause the majority of the flu cases. Checking the CDC website, you'll find dozens of different flu strains that have been targeted over the past decades, and strains that have not.

Yes, but to me it always feels like the same, very bad head, nose non stop running for at least a week, bad ear pain, bad chest, bad tonsils, cough, high temperature, no interest in food it always appears to be 4 -5 weeks till I get back to normal.. This is the 5th time I have had the same systems over the past 3 years

The main thing is NOT to look at the jab as a cure all, it isn't.

YOU have to be in reasonably good health, nothing like being run down, stressed at work or with anything else to weaken your restsance.

The shot is a help in prevention, we have to do our bit as well.

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YOU have to be in reasonably good health, nothing like being run down, stressed at work or with anything else to weaken your restsance.

Yes in reasonably good health, diabetes under control, not run down, retired not stressed.

Do have alleges one being Penicillin, so have other antibiotics but after a few days get Thrush so then have a wash and cream from the Dr. to add to the complications, and no I do not drink alcohol.

Just that in Portugal and then in the UK, never had Flue, or for that matter for the 1st 2 years here, but since appear to get it and more often, twice very bad last year, and now is the 2nd time this year so far

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"So How long does the injection last here?"

The same as everywhere else: a flu shot provides lifetime immunity for very specific flu strains. Every year, the "flu shot" is redesigned to provide protection against the 3 flu strains that are expected to cause the majority of the flu cases. Checking the CDC website, you'll find dozens of different flu strains that have been targeted over the past decades, and strains that have not.

Yes, but to me it always feels like the same, very bad head, nose non stop running for at least a week, bad ear pain, bad chest, bad tonsils, cough, high temperature, no interest in food it always appears to be 4 -5 weeks till I get back to normal.. This is the 5th time I have had the same systems over the past 3 years

I wonder i wonder I wonder, if you are getting the flu...

When you get it, is there an initial 2- 3days where it is staggeringly unpleasant? You literally should not be able to walk no matter how hard you try. With your headache do you get photophobia and retrobulbar? And are you sure your tonsils are inflamming...?

The 4-5 weeks of fatigue sounds right as well as the sweats.

But even if it is the flu, your diabetes may have impaired your white blood cells so you may have a compromised autonomic nervous system. Do you suffer bad side effects after each flu jab you take?

I think you should look at going to a diabetes specialist and explaining your chronic flu symtoms.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lots of discussion about various flu shots.

Now where would one go to get his/her normal Flu shot for this season since it is the begining of the time for these shots. I have been getting mine faithfully for 30-40 years in the US, don't want to miss out on the current shots because I am here in Bangkok!


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I lived in US over 40 years. Maybe got 2 flu shots. Maybe a virus flew down the chimney flue on a flea. Don't know if I ever got flued, Went for vaccination update laast month and opted only for inoculation against (Japanese) encephalitis since Mom got that in 1948 (but she died from penicillin allergy).

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The way to make influenza shots give you long term effective immunity.

I have had flu shots annually for over 30 years.

Wow, didn't know it has been available for that long... thought it was a fairly new thing. Just wasn't popularized yet I guess? :)

Would you believe the first flu vaccine was developed in 1944 with Jonas Salk as one of the discoverers. I remember as a "kid" family discussions about whether or not people should have flu shots...so that dates it to pre-1968. And I remember Dino singing, "Darling je vous aime beaucoup, now we've both got the Asian flu," and that's definitely the late 60s.

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