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California has once again astonished the civilized world...Reagan as governor...no smoking in bars...now a terminator (ie., brainless robot) for governor.

As a former denizen after the As defeat in the AL playoffs I wanted to puke but now I want to self immolate.

Lets hear it...tell it to the world!!!

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hey...markt...teenagers "shine you on" with such comments...or maybe we can construe hasta la vista with the end of rational government in CA.

What if it happened in Thailand?


According to the Daily Mail (I don't read it, my mother does), he once claimed his fellow Austrian, dear old Adolf, as a hero. Indeed his father was a member of the Nazi party pre-Anschluss, when it was illegal, and was also active in the Sturmabteilung (brown shirts), those peace-loving chaps who did so much for racial harmony in the 3rd Reich.

Hasta la vista democracy in California.



I think Arnold will make a fine governor, and one day he will follow in Ronald Reagan's steps as a President. I think Arnold has done well, people like him.

If you think he is not so good, tell him, not me!   :o    :D


SoCal...from your handle I presume that we are talking about the same gov'...

Scouse...the Nazi business was a campaign issue and arnie managed to prevail nonetheless...something that maybe has darkened the credibility of the CA electorate...anybody that ever said that democracy is everything to everybody is crazy...

Maigo6...arnie is a punk...kick his ass up and down the street any day...same with discussing power generation and supply and the economics thereof...the big issue that got Gray Davis removed...
Maigo6...arnie is a punk...kick his ass up and down the street any day...same with discussing power generation and supply and the economics thereof...the big issue that got Gray Davis removed...

Look if Arnold was President it would not be any worse than Bush jnr. Think yourself lucky you are not British, we get boring people as our politicians. I think its good to have Arnold, i would have voted for him, and if ..lets say...Mick Jagger went into politics, i would vote for Mick any day, Kieth Richards too, at least cannabis would be legalised.

Arnold, will run for president one day, it brightens up politics.

Arnold Kick's ass.


Maigo...George Dubya wasn't voted in...the job was awarded by some redneck court in Florida.

But as far as the general point you make I say yeah...I don't like Keith...maybe Jimmy Page for PM, better riffs...Alan Rickman for slimey Foreign Minister...and that sexy bit that played the lady Chief Inspector on TV as Minister of Sex Drugs and Pleasure...


arnie is a punk...kick his ass up and down the street any day...

Oh yeah, RIGHT--NOT!  Ha ha ha!  Arnold Schwarzenegger a pussy??  Say that to his face!  heh heh heh...

"Ah-nuld" is going to kick A$$ in "Caleeeeeforneeeea"!  He brightens up the political landscape and will do a great job, (especially with advisors like Warren Buffet assisting).  

And although it's true the Hitler remark didn't prove to be helpful later in his career, that remark has already been explained (if you care to do your research): 1) Hitler was impressive, as far as his ability to sway a crowd with his speeches--which is all Arnold was referring to, and 2) he admits to making that comment at a time when his career needed publicity and he achieved that by making outrageous sounding (but actually harmless, at closer inspection) remarks.  Like Madonna's attention-grabbing, media manipulation, Arnold knew the press would take it and run with it, which is what he wanted.

Of course, some people to this day, will attempt to put a spin on things like that, to suit their own pre-conceived notions of the world and politics.  You don't know anyone like that, do you?   :cool:


I've just heard that Steven Spielberg is making a new film about composers. Apparently Bruce Willis has signed up to be Beethoven and Tom Hanks, Mozart. When asked if he wished to be in the movie Arnie said, "I'll be Bach."

The old ones are the best!



"I have no idea what that was about, unless it was a genetic experiment to breed a bullet-proof Kennedy." —Comedian Will Durst, on Schwarzenegger's marriage to Maria Shriver

the new ones aren't that bad .

As a California resident (San Diego) for thirteen years I must admit to voting for Gray Davis and his energy efficient pals. However, the mess was not all his doing. He had much help from the rest of the yokels who sold their souls to Enron and others. Arnold is inheriting a mess and probably won't do much more to kill the Golden State than any other power hungry narcissist. The machine continues to chug forward, backward and sideways. My understanding is that he doesn't smoke dope anymore, Maria doesn't like the smell. Had to give that up when he stopped going down on fellow competitors in the backrooms of Mr. Olympia. At least he'll be good fodder for comedians. And outside of the former Governor "The Body" of Minnesota, who's going to back him down?

Fly the mayor..fly arnie

Maybe one day they will rename L.A.International-the Arnold Swartznigger International Airport...what a mouthfull.

Come back John Wayne or Clit Eastwood,all is forgiven.

The h##l ye are.(OK I have done it##)

Heard a rumour that Heathrow could be come Tony Blair International. :o

80 million passengers would go through him every year. ???


Wish we could name LAX after him but we can't... It's already been named after Tom Bradley, a former longtime mayor of LA.  We do have a John Wayne airport in Orange County near LA, which is pretty cool though.  Don't know when Clit Eastwood is gonna get his own.

What about BKK's airport... what or who is Don Muang?  I think Tittiporn airport would be much better..

Hmmmm some people seem to think that the US Constitution has been / will be amended to enable a non US born person become President   ???  Will Arnie be a busier sex fiend than   Swift Willy was ?  Where is Monica now ?        :o

Big Arnie's first job is to pump up the Californian economy.

He pumped up his biceps, deltoids and pecs with steroids maybe he can pump up treasury's coffers using a similar dose.


When Arnie was young, poor and unknown he lived and did body building in Portsmouth.

He comes back once a year to visit his old friends.

He has not let fame and fortune distort his ego.


Hail to Der Groppenfuehrer!

You will find Arnold's name in the dictionary under the definition for egomaniac.

I think he is harmless, but the question is if he can actually do any of the things that people have imagined that he has promised, as he really never got specific on anything in his campaign. :o


he really never got specific on anything in his campaign

Really?  He didn't? Are you sure?

What about this?....


Hmmm.. after reading it, what exactly do you guys have against any of these plans?  You have taken the time to do your research?  You have read this right?  You're not just sitting back at home in Bangkok or London and pretending to really know the issues, are you???


It is true, the GROPENATOR recently published a list of his positions on his web site. What percentage of voters read that, do you think? I would guess less than one percent.

HOWEVER, it is widely understood and reported that during the campaign in his public persona (one debate, tv ads, speeches), Arnold:

Spoke almost entirely in platitudes (such as "I am for the children" "I am going to clean house." "We are going to create more jobs and such things.")

Studiously avoided specific detail about what he would cut to balance the budget, and avoided specific positions whenever possible. He would have to cut some things because he has vowed not to raise taxes.

This was clearly a campaign strategy that worked like a charm. He was selling his glamorous self, not his policies, and a forceful charismatic movie star beats a soft spoken party wonk (Davis) any day of the week.

This is a man, a novice in politics, that craves an endless supply of success and adoration. It remains to be seen whether this serves California well, or not. The voters decided they wanted to go down this road and take a ride with him. There are many examples in history where such a cult of personality didn't go so well.


This guy runs several multi-million dollar businesses.  What he said consistently was he was going to do an audit, then decide how to fix the deficit.  

Sounds reasonable, and with Warren Buffet helping, one can only hope that we see agressive actions against Enron managers and associates in the energy business that perpetrated the economic attack on California during the manufactured energy crisis.

It's a long shot, I realize, but both Buffet and Arnie are immigrants who believe in the American dream, and who made their money in America through honest work, not corruption, like many in the current administration.

I'm a Californian living in Thailand. After being embarrased by our President I now have to apologize for our Governor!!!!!!!!Think I'll stay in Thailand............. :cool:
Guest IT Manager

I personally would find it humorous, just to hear that someone from California actually gave enough of a <deleted>** to do any research.

Try this "ooh Mikie, isn't that the guy from toiminator?, lets vote for him, he had greaaaaaaat abs, don'cha think honey?"

After Reagan and Busch it's hard to expect a lot. Scalawag, you take the heat, you representative of the massed infirm and bewildered

PS Wonder if this'll get the chop

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