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Jehovah's Witnesses Doing The Rounds!


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Sorry if this offends anybody, but I'm doing this as a "warning". Whatever religion you are, I don't like it pushed and promoted the way Jehovah's Winesses do.

Seems as if a group have set themselves up in the Chalong area. They "caught" me this morning in my soi in Rawai, and gave me the usual blah, blah, blah about Jehovah, and how my understanding of his writings will make me a better person, know the reasons why the world is in such a state, and probably enlighten me as to why farangs can't own land in Thailand.

I find it all so annoying and irritating. Anyway, I gave them as polite and short shrift as I could and they went on their way.

Their method is typical of what I saw in UK, and never thought I'd see over here. Big, black Isuzu, driven by a large guy who said he was from Texas. They'd just formed a group in the Chalong area. Accompanying him is the usual "guest list" - a mature man, a younger man in his 30's, and a young boy about 11/12.

In the car, they had a map of Rawai soi's, and were ticking them off as they drove around. I think my soi has a big "damned" indicator on it now!

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tell them you are gay and find them rather attractive...and watch them flee...it's quite entertaining.

A nutter I used to know would open the door stark <deleted> naked.. Then seem really keen and invite them in..

EDIT :::

A buddy back in my home country would simply answer the door naked... :) worked every time.

DOH.. Ok that makes 2..

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I have seen them recently doing their rounds in the Queen's Park in BKK.

I remember a young, very attractive and very much for sex, woman in Belgium who was running her shop alone. Got visited repeatedly by these guys and ended up converting and allowing sex to her husband only once a week. Lasted a few years.

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They preach that there is only a certain amount of places in heaven don't they??! So last time they annoyed me I just said to them that I'm sure heaven must be full by now...they didn't like that :-)

Only 144,000 of them are going to run the earth for 1,000 years before the big holocost comes. All the "Good Guys" (White shirts, no "blacks", all Americans) are going to be nominated by the big "G" himself.

Ask if they have a number? Damned glad I'm an atheist :)

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My friend has a Jehovah vitnes family as closest neighbor. They always terrorize the neighbor hood. One night we had a party at my friends place, did we find out we will give them a visit. We nock their door 3 Am in the night, it took some time before they opens the door. But when they finally open the door, did we tell him we were coming from Darwin’s vitnes and we starting to talk about Darwin and missing link etc. After that nightly visit, my friend did never see them again.

So find out where they leave, and when the bars close go and visit them.

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Last week, wife invited one into garden for drink of water as it was hot. She called me to come visit as she was not sure what he wanted. When he announced himself, I told him I did not allow discussion of religion or politics on my property. He quietly left.

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Yes, they were doing the rounds in the sois in and around near mine in Chalong. They seemed to be writing down the addresses of houses that interested them, perhaps for a 'special visit' in the near future. I dare say they would have rung the bell but the dogs were going crazy at the gate. I love my dogs. :)

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I have seen them recently doing their rounds in the Queen's Park in BKK.

I remember a young, very attractive and very much for sex, woman in Belgium who was running her shop alone. Got visited repeatedly by these guys and ended up converting and allowing sex to her husband only once a week. Lasted a few years.

A lot of Western women must already be converted.

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also came with this big black car...

They are C.I.A.

Now I am firmley of the opionion that we all have a right to our beliefs,faith, whatever rmakes you feel sane, they are welcome in my home anytime and i will read their delusional phamplets so long as they read Richard Dawkins "the god delusion" at the same time . Then we can compare notes.

if you have not read this work may I respectfully reccomend it i have given away now about 15 copies and have never asked for one back. Preach the faith but the one that might lead to enlightenment.

but if you must have a faith in some mystrical power then that's ok too just pop around for a beer sometime and lets have a little chat.

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