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Fat Men, Small Thai Women.


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About your pecs.. its not the problem of the muscle but the problem of keeping the same diet you had when you were training. Its a common mistake people who quit training dont adjust their food intake and get fat. Then they think that their muscles turn into fat and its impossible.

I like the way how it looks and i like the extra strength but to be honest you dont notice it that much i think in day to day things either that or im used to it. I think its all a question of semantics what is trim and what is muscular, that is different for everyone. I dont like the pro bodybuilders of today but i did like Arnold. My goals are just a muscular body that is real lean. What is too big and so on i will see when i think i'm done.

I think that was my problem - I was so used to carbo loading in the mornings and protein loading in the evenings (that's how it used to be, probably completely different these days), that I carried on doing it - and with working lunches and almost nightly after work beers with colleagues and/or the boss (and often leads to curry etc) I just put on the pounds. I have always been stocky, even when I was all muscle (iron work, 5 mile rules most evenings and training/games on weekends), and I have kept a lot of the muscle too - especially across the shoulders and back (and I can still feel hard ribbing beneath the barrel) - but with a layer of fat on my chest on gut and an arse/lovehandles the envy of any hippo, my normal shape emphasises my 'new' bulk. No fat at all on my legs and they are still tree trunks, but its all lost on the gut I'm afraid :)

Bugger - I just know I'm gonna go join another gym now!

I think body builder go too far these days, they are all veins and almost look inside out - how can that be attractive? Power lifters all look like me - stocky and bulky (often with guts on them too) - they never seem to look well defined, but are often much stronger than the body beautifuls (though they get injured a lot too!) - I'm with you, toned looks best IMO

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I think that was my problem - I was so used to carbo loading in the mornings and protein loading in the evenings (that's how it used to be, probably completely different these days), that I carried on doing it - and with working lunches and almost nightly after work beers with colleagues and/or the boss (and often leads to curry etc) I just put on the pounds. I have always been stocky, even when I was all muscle (iron work, 5 mile rules most evenings and training/games on weekends), and I have kept a lot of the muscle too - especially across the shoulders and back (and I can still feel hard ribbing beneath the barrel) - but with a layer of fat on my chest on gut and an arse/lovehandles the envy of any hippo, my normal shape emphasises my 'new' bulk. No fat at all on my legs and they are still tree trunks, but its all lost on the gut I'm afraid :)

Bugger - I just know I'm gonna go join another gym now!

I think body builder go too far these days, they are all veins and almost look inside out - how can that be attractive? Power lifters all look like me - stocky and bulky (often with guts on them too) - they never seem to look well defined, but are often much stronger than the body beautifuls (though they get injured a lot too!) - I'm with you, toned looks best IMO

I agree top bodybuilders go too far, but hey let them if they want.

Anyway if you start working out again you will regain muscle fast, loosing fat might be hard but worth it. I got back in shape recently lost many kgs and gained many (muscle). Took me more than half a year and im still not where i want to be. But im slimmer now then i been in years and have mass then i had in years too if it makes any sense.

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OK, can I ask a question here - a lot has been said about 'why Thai girls like fat blokes' ya da da da - and many of you are saying it must be the money - and yet the fitter ones are convinced its because of their looks that the girls like them. Apart from that being more than a tad vain, the question is 'How do you know its you she likes (or your body if you must) and not YOUR potential wallet?'

...and don't say because she told you so, because that's also what she told the fat guy too. Point is, you have no more idea if its true affection or gold digging than the next fellow, however fat - its just your vanity tells you your 'sacrifice' makes all the difference.

I know because the girls i dated always payed half of the costs. My wife pays half of everything too mortgage, electricity ect . So i know its not about money. I would not date a girl and always pay everything. I do this to make sure its not about the money.

So, if you did happen to go out with a girl that couldn't afford to pay half, then she's a gold digger? - and if the fat guy's date also paid half that means she isn't? Still not entirely convinced here, and I don't want to seem like I attacking you (which I'm not), but it still seems like either vanity or body snobbery that is prejudicing (non fat / non old / non ugly / whatever) people's views of other people's relationships. Its rather shallow and slightly bigoted in my view.

I believe we can all attract the wrong sort and the right sort and I truly think that, whilst people tend to be initially attracted by physical appearance, it is often the funny, confident, interesting guy that ends up with the girl long term regardless of whether he can do the ironing on his abs or not. Grabbing a hooker for a one night stand is a completely different kettle of fish, but when people get to know each other (especially in groups - at work, on courses, even on holidays), its often not the one you expect that gets the best looking girl in the end (if if she did work her way through the GI Joe's first).

slam dunk wolf

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OK, can I ask a question here - a lot has been said about 'why Thai girls like fat blokes' ya da da da - and many of you are saying it must be the money - and yet the fitter ones are convinced its because of their looks that the girls like them. Apart from that being more than a tad vain, the question is 'How do you know its you she likes (or your body if you must) and not YOUR potential wallet?'

...and don't say because she told you so, because that's also what she told the fat guy too. Point is, you have no more idea if its true affection or gold digging than the next fellow, however fat - its just your vanity tells you your 'sacrifice' makes all the difference.

I know because the girls i dated always payed half of the costs. My wife pays half of everything too mortgage, electricity ect . So i know its not about money. I would not date a girl and always pay everything. I do this to make sure its not about the money.

So, if you did happen to go out with a girl that couldn't afford to pay half, then she's a gold digger? - and if the fat guy's date also paid half that means she isn't? Still not entirely convinced here, and I don't want to seem like I attacking you (which I'm not), but it still seems like either vanity or body snobbery that is prejudicing (non fat / non old / non ugly / whatever) people's views of other people's relationships. Its rather shallow and slightly bigoted in my view.

I believe we can all attract the wrong sort and the right sort and I truly think that, whilst people tend to be initially attracted by physical appearance, it is often the funny, confident, interesting guy that ends up with the girl long term regardless of whether he can do the ironing on his abs or not. Grabbing a hooker for a one night stand is a completely different kettle of fish, but when people get to know each other (especially in groups - at work, on courses, even on holidays), its often not the one you expect that gets the best looking girl in the end (if if she did work her way through the GI Joe's first).

I think you look at my awnser in a black and white way, there is a lot of grey too. Im sure you know it but just ignore it. The fact is by letting them pay too you will weed out the gold diggers and after a while you can see who is one and who is not. But of course taking a poor girl to a expensive restaurant and expecting her to pay is not the way to do it. You just have to be creative about it, my wife pays less then me now just based on income.

As Bonobo has said people like beauty but we all think different about what is beauty. But in general fat is not seen as beautiful. I have stated a few times that i rather have a smart average girl then a super sexy with no brains and a bad temper but even better would be if the super sexy girl would be smart too.

Just look at it like this if all things are the same but body weight is different the fat guy usually looses out. If the in shape guy is an total asshol_e he will loose out but so would a fat guy that is a total asshol_e. What im trying to say how you look does influence things but other things can offset the balance. If you pay for the girl then money helps (not that i would do that).. if your funny and a real gentleman then that helps too.

The whole time in this thread you see people compare the fit guy who is an asshol_e the fat guy who is funny and a gentle man. Why dont compare only the fat par... because then they know the awnser and have to admit that in GENERAL fat guys loose out then.

I hope i have shown nuance in my post and that peple understand it.

Well Robblok your wrong. We do not agree with you that "in GENERAL fat guys loose out then". You've tried every angle in your last post to shape your answer to fat guy verses fit guy the fit guy will always win with all things even. False. Not even you can claim to know that for a fact. The problem is as you so aggressively try to push your point onto others, most can see through the vanity and won't agree with you just coz they don't. An image of a fat hating jock shows through with most thinking, this guy wouldn't stand a chance against a gentlemanly jovial fat guy even if you happen to be a gentlemanly jovial fit guy, it's the chip on your shoulder everyone can see.

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Well Robblok your wrong. We do not agree with you that "in GENERAL fat guys loose out then". You've tried every angle in your last post to shape your answer to fat guy verses fit guy the fit guy will always win with all things even. False. Not even you can claim to know that for a fact. The problem is as you so aggressively try to push your point onto others, most can see through the vanity and won't agree with you just coz they don't. An image of a fat hating jock shows through with most thinking, this guy wouldn't stand a chance against a gentlemanly jovial fat guy even if you happen to be a gentlemanly jovial fit guy, it's the chip on your shoulder everyone can see.

I am not sure what your life experiences are, but in general, in the West and in Thailand, there are certain physical characteristics which are considered more attractive. And people who have those characteristics will probably win out in the mating game, everything else being equal,  over someone who is not so attractive. I see absolutely nothing incorrect about Robblok's assertion on this.

I don't mean to judge anyone's worth based on this.  But it is pretty hard to argue this, in my opinion.  Sure, there are people who like characteristics different than the societal norm.  In the Marines, there was a larger percentage of men who were attracted to rather overweight women than the percentage of men in the population at large who did.  But would anyone outside of a few places in Africa say that an obese woman has an easier time attracting a mate when compared with a normal-sized woman, all else being equal?  You accuse Robblock of having a chip on his shoulder, but by the very accusation, your argument falls apart. All things are not equal if the "jovial fit guy" has a chip on his shoulder.

In m humble opinion, anyone who is not as attractive as per societal consensus, whether that is a short man, a bald man, a dark-skinned Thai woman, an overweight man or woman, will generally play second fiddle to the tall man, the full-headed man, the light-skinned Thai woman, the fit man or woman, all else being equal. And that does not change just because someone doesn't like the tone of the messenger.

And as one who does not fit the mold as one of the "beautiful people," I can acknowledge that without feeling inferior. It is just a fact of life.

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Well Robblok your wrong. We do not agree with you that "in GENERAL fat guys loose out then". You've tried every angle in your last post to shape your answer to fat guy verses fit guy the fit guy will always win with all things even. False. Not even you can claim to know that for a fact. The problem is as you so aggressively try to push your point onto others, most can see through the vanity and won't agree with you just coz they don't. An image of a fat hating jock shows through with most thinking, this guy wouldn't stand a chance against a gentlemanly jovial fat guy even if you happen to be a gentlemanly jovial fit guy, it's the chip on your shoulder everyone can see.

Maybe you see things in my post that are not there i hate nobody and i have tried to put it in a way not to offend anyone. I have clearly shown that im not bashing anyone im merely stating what i think is right.

But put it this way if 2 apples are identical in taste and structure and weight and one is shaped badly and the other one is shaped good in most cases people would go for the apple that is shaped good.

What i am saying that if all things are the same then being better looking could be the deciding point. I don't see why it would not be so, if all things are the same that is. If you got the idiot muscle man and the smart fat guy the outcome could be totally different. Im just saying if the other points of the package are the same and just looks are different then that is the winning point. What someone thinks is important in a guy or girl differs from person to person.. one would say humor an other say money again an other would say body.

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I find Thai girls, and Asian women generally with the exception of Filipinas, way more concerned with what a guy looks like than Western women. Western women are more interested in money and status than looks. A successful high-status guy - surgeon, lawyer, business owner, CEO (note that the keyword is "successful," the legal aid lawyer or gas station owner don't count) - can date models, actresses, TV anchors, dancers etc. in the West, even if he's older and obese. In LOS those guys would have a real problem dating comparable women; it would be next to impossible. And even with the P4P girls in LOS any fit younger guy would have an edge on him. That's because the women in LOS can't tell the difference between a farang doctor and a farang truck driver and have to judge us chiefly on our appearance rather than our status.

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Well I've been working out and staying with my diet, but something seems to be wrong... :):D:D


NOW I understand why all those foxy young girls find you irresistible Ian. :D

A guy has to have a LITTLE bit of fun with photoshop to lighten up this discussion. It was actually a bit difficult to make myself look fat without sticking my face on somebody else's body. If I'm going to make fun of someone I'll always use myself first. I don't want to offend anyone in particular.

I agree with bonobo and Robblok in this discussion. Everything else being equal, the visually attractive person (whether they be male or female) is going to have better luck with the opposite sex than someone who is not as visually attractive. But, that is just the initial few meetings. Once people get to know each other better the visual part becomes less important and the personality of the person becomes increasingly more important. It is the reason why many couples who are still deeply in love can ignore the physical part of their spouse.

I also agree that it doesn't hurt for someone to do as much as they can to make themselves look more attractive. I helps the person's health and does a lot for their ego. A person who feels good about their appearance is a much more confident person and confidence goes a long way in attracting the opposite sex. Or the SAME sex for that matter.

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