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Fat Men, Small Thai Women.


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And you don't think that your need to show us how your body looks/looked in a wet t-shirt says something a bit sad?

If you think i put the picture up here to impress girls or so i must inform you this is a forum mainly dominated by guys.

Choosing a picture of yourself in a wet t-shirt as your avatar reminds me of a certain member of this forum whose signature is a list of his university qualifications.

Like you and your avatar, it could be argued that his signature says something about him, but where i come from it would be considered nothing short of crass and big-headed to be making a point of advertising to the world the accomplishments you are most proud of. Nothing wrong with being proud of what you have done, but why the need to tell everyone? Why not let them find out for themselves?

People in life who have impressed me the most are those who are aware of their own strengths, be they physical, mental or whatever, but have no need or desire to make a point of bringing them to your attention.

Muscle men who are permanently dressed in tight fitting muscle tops and who take every oppurtunity to strip off and show their "wares", or highly-educated academics who include the letters after their name in every bit of correspondence and announce themselves as Dr so and so when they know nothing of medicine, tend to be insecure and self-absorbed individuals in my opinion. Nothing impressive about that.

If i wanted to impress people i would have selected an other picture. This picture i was way out of shape, at the moment im in much better shape. The thing is i have been using this picture for ages not to impress people but to depict myself. The reason being its in an tropical setting on the beach and you see me on it. As far as muscle pics goes its actually quite a lousy pic. I had to crop it a bit to make sure i was seen in it but its a picture taken on kho phi phi.

I think the only reason you post about this picture is because i made some comments in a post about fat people. Then you connected the dots and thought i was a muscle men bent on impressing other people. If you want to know more about me just go to the i'm to fat forum here in Thai visa and look at all the advice that i give people. Why.. because i like to workout and help people not to impress people.

Secure people don't care about muscle men only people who are not secure about how they look worry about them in general. I dont feel threatened by academics because i know i studied enough and was one of the best in my class. If people like to show off what titles they have just let them unless you feel inadequate yourself you should not care about it. Only insecure people worry about things like that.

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Oh I am sorry Rob, didn't realise you wanted to continue. I don't work out for myself and as an added bonus some girls seem to like it. However, I am not in that bad of shape all things considered. Lots of yard work, shopping for the family, working 8-10 hours a day, drinking 15 beer or so on a friday night, bbqing good steaks and salmon all help to keep me comfortable with myself. On ocassion, I do even do the laundry.

Sorry to disappoint you though, my female admirers don't quite fit into the demongraphic that you try to paint all of us with. They in fact go for little things like good taste, humility, sense of humour (albeit warped at times) and that all important thing - respect. While I am the first to reach for the tab when amongst friends. My friends know that generosity comes in many forms and funny enough we are all comfortable about it. Probably why we are friends.

If somebody wants to call me fat or whatever (either in Thai or English for that matter), suffice to say it doesn't take long for moi to find fault in them should I choose too, usually in a swift brutal fashion (no sense beating aroudn the bush) - thankfully, I don't give a flying gecko turd what too many people think - other than those I care about and rarely have to stoop to the level of common kwais.

Female admirers bkkjames? :D wonder what your wife has to say about that :D

She is one of them, my mom is the other one. :D:)

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She is one of them, my mom is the other one. :D:)

You must be a great guy for your wife to still admire you after marriage. Usually after the deal is done your status goes down :D

That's the thing you need to learn Rob. Even fat married men are attractive to the opposite sex. Try it sometime.

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She is one of them, my mom is the other one. :D:)

You must be a great guy for your wife to still admire you after marriage. Usually after the deal is done your status goes down :D

That's the thing you need to learn Rob. Even fat married men are attractive to the opposite sex. Try it sometime.

No need to try that.. but your right married men can be attractive to the opposite sex.

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Thai women love me because i'm rather large, or "fat" if you will. It is because they think I must be rich if I can get this big. Fat = great hit with the ladies, get a burger or two up you, you skinny cry babies, and you might see some action.

P.s. if you have a good body Thai women see it as a weakness because you spend more time at the gym than making money. You are doing it wrong.

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Thai women love me because i'm rather large, or "fat" if you will. It is because they think I must be rich if I can get this big. Fat = great hit with the ladies, get a burger or two up you, you skinny cry babies, and you might see some action.

P.s. if you have a good body Thai women see it as a weakness because you spend more time at the gym than making money. You are doing it wrong.

Exactly, where were you earlier today when I was trying to get this point across.

Come on Rob, put down the carrot and dumbell and pick up a double whopper with cheese. Nothing says handsome more than BK breath in the morning mate. Plus, you will gain face in having your gal know that you can afford to eat out now and again. :)

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Come on Rob, put down the carrot and dumbell and pick up a double whopper with cheese. Nothing says handsome more than BK breath in the morning mate.


You just gotta Love that great ThaiVisa humor! :D:D

Yes you really got to love it.. it was a great joke for sure.

But i do eat a burger once in a while. Cant always have a clean diet. Need to relax once in a while.

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Wait am overweight aswell haha tho am tryin to lose my weight abit:P tell ya wot my friend she's a thai her bf is german she's around 5'3" and 105 lbs he's around 6" and 260 lbs and she loves fat man!!! not just lil overweight but FAT! she told me nothing to do with money!!! see? not all of us after money! fat man can be very charming i find they're cute and kind!! down to earth aswell btw u shouldnt worry too much about wot people think just u and ur sweetheart know wot it is, that's all that matters... when we lie down its same size :) cant be problem haha wink wink:P


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I think the only reason you post about this picture is because i made some comments in a post about fat people.

No actually that's not the only reason.

For a long time now i've been wondering who on earth would chose a Peter Andre album cover picture as their avatar.

Now i know.

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I think the only reason you post about this picture is because i made some comments in a post about fat people.

No actually that's not the only reason.

For a long time now i've been wondering who on earth would chose a Peter Andre album cover picture as their avatar.

Now i know.

Peter Andre album cover ?

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LOL, sure, All women are in it for the money :) Right, all Thai women are gold diggers...either your joking Which I'm sure you are, or you spend too much time paying bar fines to ex chilli farmers with sick family buffalo.


hello Huey!!

I mean what I write, they are all in it for the money to start with!! You have no money they will NOT choose you, dont you agree. This doesn´t make them golddiggers. I have the fullest respect for Thaigirls, really!! I am also here for a purpose, we are all here for a purpose. Why dont you think the girls are, where they are for a purpose...

I think it starts with the money.. and hopefully a relationship can be built on maybe some feelings growing into it. So Huey, maybe we believe the same??


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Those saying thai women are only with them for the money obviously have nothing else to offer, such as a personality, an abilaty to make people laugh and to be a nice guy in general ,if you dont have any of these qualites there are some thai women that will tolerate you for a given price sure ! :)

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I understand many people will not want to believe this, but I know foreigners that have been supported financially by Thai nationals. I've been in the situation myself where a younger slimmer woman has supported me in between jobs. It's not all about money if you have age on your side and can speak the lingo and you don't hang around with hookers.

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Those saying thai women are only with them for the money obviously have nothing else to offer, such as a personality, an abilaty to make people laugh and to be a nice guy in general ,if you dont have any of these qualites there are some thai women that will tolerate you for a given price sure ! :)

Carry on believing that. :D

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Those saying thai women are only with them for the money obviously have nothing else to offer, such as a personality, an abilaty to make people laugh and to be a nice guy in general ,if you dont have any of these qualites there are some thai women that will tolerate you for a given price sure ! :)

Carry on believing that. :D

See above post, .if you are surrounded by turkeys its hard to soar with eagles ! :D
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Those saying thai women are only with them for the money obviously have nothing else to offer, such as a personality, an abilaty to make people laugh and to be a nice guy in general ,if you dont have any of these qualites there are some thai women that will tolerate you for a given price sure ! :)

Carry on believing that. :D

See above post, .if you are surrounded by turkeys its hard to soar with eagles ! :D

Quite right (and let's face it, the farang men are the turkeys, plucked and ready for Christmas!) - its just that I'm still waiting to see 'an eagle'!

I do know one successful mixed marriage here, but the (lovely) lady made it v clear (to me as a friend) that she only went out with her farang husband after years of pursuit. Good for him - he found a truly good woman, and I'm sure he won't let her down because he loves her. Even so, love didn't come into it on her part - it was a pragmatic decision that has worked out well for both of them.

Other than that, where mixed relationships are concerned, I've honestly seen nothing other than Thai women with farangs who where actively looking for farang men.

I know there are obviously relationships out there truly based on love, but I suspect the vast majority of them were founded abroad.

Edited by F1fanatic
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Let's try and keep this on-topic.  No more posts criticizing others about their avatar or using Ph.D. after their names or whatever.

There have been some (a few) thoughtful posts here, but if it keep straying, it will be closed.

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I think people mock any couple where sexual attraction appears to be the only reason they're together. For example, many african-americans don't like it when black men are with white women because they think it means the women just wanted 'something exotic' and the man has an inferiority complex that makes him attracted to the 'oppressive' race. -It's obviously nonsense most of the time, but certain couples have to carry that sting. It works the same for large westerners with small asians... the only thing such a discrepent couple would seem to have in common is sexual attraction (from the man).

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As you all can see I don't post much on here, but I do a lot of reading. I find something hard to understand that seems to be a "big" subject of discussion. Why do people make the assumption that because a man is fat he should not be with a Thai woman or that the Thai woman would not want to be with a fat guy unless it is for of money??? You know, this is not just Thai women either. When people anywhere around the world see a beautiful woman with an over weight man they assume she is only in it for money. So, I guess men who do not fit the "average" should not be with any woman? Or, should we only be with fat women? I would also guess that because we do not fit the "average", we have no personality or no charm or intelligence or.....what is it, really? So people are only supposed to fall in love based on physical appearance? I'm just looking for a little help in understanding some people's posts. It's not just on this site I read over on Bangkok Post as well and it just blows my mind the things I read. Regardless of what some of yall think, people CAN connect in other ways than just physically. My wife has explained to me time and time again that she has been with the "sexy" man type, and they all are SHIT! Ego's bigger than Texas, don't treat their women with any kind of respect. At any rate, like I said before, I'm just looking for a little help in understanding other people's posts..........

In reading your post, I think you are comfortable with yourself and with your relationship. The fact you have a different stature from your wife seems to be of little or no importance to you. So why worry what other people base their assumptions on? If others want to waste their time in speculation and judgement, they are merely spectators in life not yet participants

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It doesn't bother me in any way what others might perceive or assume about me. If they are ignorant or rude then that is their problem, not mine. I also make no assumptions about other couples. Whatever understanding a couple has between themselves is entirely their own business. I don't care if a woman is only in it for the money, or if she is madly in love with a guy, whether he's fat, skinny, old, bald, or handsome and young. Same goes for handsome men and relativey homely wives. I have a young friend who is very handsome with a fantastic physique. His wife is over weight and not particularly attractive in any way. But, they seem happy and that is all that matters.

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It doesn't bother me in any way what others might perceive or assume about me. If they are ignorant or rude then that is their problem, not mine. I also make no assumptions about other couples. Whatever understanding a couple has between themselves is entirely their own business. I don't care if a woman is only in it for the money, or if she is madly in love with a guy, whether he's fat, skinny, old, bald, or handsome and young. Same goes for handsome men and relativey homely wives. I have a young friend who is very handsome with a fantastic physique. His wife is over weight and not particularly attractive in any way. But, they seem happy and that is all that matters.

Ian, Nicely put, As usual. Keep them posts comming :)

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Was there any reason to insult Glegolo with your comments, Huey, other than to somehow make yourself feel better?

Who cares what other people do? Who cares what their needs are? If it works for them then who are we to judge them in a negative fashion?

Yes, most people want the perfect relationship, but the facts remain that it only happens about 10% of the time. If you like those odds then stay out of a poker game.

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Who cares what other people do? Who cares what their needs are? If it works for them then who are we to judge them in a negative fashion?

Its not a matter of caring what somebody does Ian, it is the issue of whether a specific behavior is condoned. For example, I don't care if you personally rob banks or regularly pick your nose in a restaurant, but I don't condone the robbing of banks or approve of the picking of noses in public places. That's not passing judgment.

Edited by Lopburi99
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