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Last Air Asia Flight From Chaingrai At 10-00pm

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I have booked a long haul flight for next month,the 10-pm Air Asia Flight out of Chaingrai

gets me into Bangkok at just the right time to check in ETC.

Anyone had any experience of this flight being Delayed, Cancelled

or any good reports about being on time ETC

I am only interested in this flight i know my other options



Although much better than they used to be Airasia like any other airline can have delays so my advice go earlier.I have been delayed many times with airasia. I will often go a day before and have a night in Bangkok but will always leave on a flight which gives me enough time to get the next if that one is cancelled or delayed .


took it 3 weeks ago 1.5 hour delay, others may disagree with me but i always seem to be delayed on air asia id go as far as to say 50% of the time delayed. I stopped flying with them after that, one too many delays swiched to thai air who always seem to be on time, o so i thought, till my 4 hour delay last week.... :) maybe its just all thai carriers :D:D


I too had a flight to catch from Bangkok last week, the 9th September and the 10.00pm flight would have connected ok if on time, but due to previous experiance's I caught the Thai 15.30 flight form Chiang Rai to Bangkok and that was on time.



I have used Air Asia 3 times in the last 5 weeks from Chiang Rai and EVERY time i have had a problem, i like the other poster used Thai, even though i loath them, and got into BKK 5 hours early. Truth is you just cant trust A.A. and if you try to reason with the staff they are rude especially the guy in A.A.'s airport office.

Another recent complaint, i checked availability for a BKK flight a couple of weeks ago in the office at Big C, Chiang Rai, i was told no problem just turn up plenty of seats 1,480 bahts, same as their web site. turn up i did, seats available but they tried to charge me 4,780 baht, once again the staff did not care less, the guy said if i dont like it complain in BKK he didnt care.

I have booked a long haul flight for next month,the 10-pm Air Asia Flight out of Chaingrai

gets me into Bangkok at just the right time to check in ETC.

Anyone had any experience of this flight being Delayed, Cancelled

or any good reports about being on time ETC

I am only interested in this flight i know my other options


:) good luck, but don't count on it. be prepared to throw away your ticket and book on another airline. they are very unreliable and haughty. they still owe me an expalnation for a flight i never book for yesterday and at a higher price too. they promised to call but never did.

this is inspite of my having flown into singapore earlier this month from bangkok with airasia and having pre-booked a silmilar flight for november. since yesterday they don't bother to reply as promised and they have yet to explain why the flight alloted me was not the flight i booked for and they have not explained why when i booked on-line yesterday, my booking blacked out twice and i ended with a ticket price much higher than the one i booked for. besides my booking time was when the november flight was when the flight was 70% empty....... :D

worst still a helpful junior staff was unable to put me through their supervisor whom she claimed the latter refused to speak to me . worst still, she said the latter will call me yesterday and he never did till even now today. :D

many flights to australia have similarly been so delayed and no advance notice is given even though when we book on-line with them and have to pay for self booking and they have all our private phone numbers and data. :D

i also sincerely believe my private data with them have been compromised by their staff in their back-room at the on-line booking site. :D

beware and becareful......see other treads here on air asia on delayed flights and very poor follow up service besides their non-chalant attitudes once you have pre-booked a flight with them :D .

my flight details and number are provided in the airasia tread elsewhere. :D

worst still, the staff even bother to provide a hardly non-accesssible web-site address for me to file a complaint. yet another jeopardy is when you manage to access the hardly accessible website, you end up in a totally unrelated, incomprehensible chinese only website. :D

follow the airasia tread here and you know what i mean.

besides, i am not the only one with this problem having book both said flights out of bangkok. :P

others have problems booking their flights countries too besides thailand.

liek i said , if your flight goes beyond s.e.asia. be prepared to throw away airasia ticket and book another flight as suggested by someone else here on this tread. :P

I have used Air Asia 3 times in the last 5 weeks from Chiang Rai and EVERY time i have had a problem, i like the other poster used Thai, even though i loath them, and got into BKK 5 hours early. Truth is you just cant trust A.A. and if you try to reason with the staff they are rude especially the guy in A.A.'s airport office.

Another recent complaint, i checked availability for a BKK flight a couple of weeks ago in the office at Big C, Chiang Rai, i was told no problem just turn up plenty of seats 1,480 bahts, same as their web site. turn up i did, seats available but they tried to charge me 4,780 baht, once again the staff did not care less, the guy said if i dont like it complain in BKK he didnt care.

:):D:D:D:D this is my third day waiting for a reply from airasia regarding a flight i never booked. it is also about a fare increased on this flight i never booked on line when in fact the day i am supposed to fly and the cost for this flight was much lower - i.e.november 2nd - is less than 70% full at the time of booking.

i mentioned my plight to a staff - including the blackout during my on line - but nothing came out of it.

worst still, my private data , i believe , has been tampered with and compromised when i did my on-line booking.

till now, no reply is forthcoming from the airline even though i was given a useless airasia support/ follow-up website address to do so by the staff.

it seems a troll or two is singing all airasia's praises in another tread and when questioned about his hundreds of flights with airasia , he backed out and claim the number of flights are not as important as airasia's quality of service.

he also - particularly one "britmaveric" , " a defender of "god-knows" - in the other tread, did not reply to questions posed to him by me and others, although he has posted well over 19,000 treads in this forum since 2003, november.

beware of false claims herein and beware of charlatans or worst still cons on this forum site.

banter,jokes,et.al are one thing here in this forum , but to blatantly lie on this forum is utterly banal especially when this forum has well over 90,000 subscribers worldwide to date !

simply put, i loathe dishonest cheats who can tamper with our on-line booking of an airticket for which we are charged to book on-line with our own effort. :D:D:D:P:P


About one month ago this flight was almost "permanently" delayed till midnight. Now the flight is on time. As already stated: you are taking chances.

About one month ago this flight was almost "permanently" delayed till midnight. Now the flight is on time. As already stated: you are taking chances.

:) ....and may i add, with AIRASIA... 'chances not worth taking'..... because they still cannot be bordered to reply to my tampered on-line booking with them till today... the third day of my earlier post ON THEM, AIRASIA, even though they know this tread and thaivisa website exists...... :D


One thing to consider is this.

Whether it be Air Asia, or TG or whoever....they run these aircraft up and down a north/south corridor from CR all day.

If you want to go early morning- more likely than not, the aircraft has been parked there overnight, or will be arriving shortly. And will be on time.

As the day goes on, and the aircraft is committed to various other airports around Thailand....the various delays stack up slowly.

So if you are scheduled on the last flight out of CR on Air Asia, with a very tight connection for your international flight....possibly not good.

If you want to reduce your stress level, pick an earlier flight.

I know I am stating the obvious, but a lot of folks simply don't understand how the airline system works, nowadays.

There are no guarantees that if you miss your connecting flight, that you will be compensated.

I have flown Thai Air Asia, Air Asia, Thai Airways, and 1-2-Go here.

I give Air Asia a big thumbs up for overall value for money. But it is not a full service airline.

Think Southwest (in US) or Ryanair (UK) for comparison.

Hope this helps.


Air Asia is a great airline and I highly recommend them. Great value for point to point travel. Just arrive an hr before your flight and keep baggage light - you'll have not much of an issue. Never had much of an issue with all my years of flying with them.

Def better chances taking earlier flights IMHO. If you don't mind being stuck in BKK for the nite if it doesnt work out then give it a try.

Ignore people like miathai - never happy and always like to whinge. If you had an issue with AA involving your credit card, just go through your credit card and this will prevent 99.9% of one's grief.

I have booked a long haul flight for next month,the 10-pm Air Asia Flight out of Chaingrai

gets me into Bangkok at just the right time to check in ETC.

Anyone had any experience of this flight being Delayed, Cancelled

or any good reports about being on time ETC

I am only interested in this flight i know my other options


a very welcome insight and very responsible reply here by mr. Mcgriggfith.

to date, "britmaveric" seems very adamant about his nonsense here and have yet to clarify his "hundreds of flights" with airasia.

hopefully, "britmaveric" paycheck does not come from airasia and if it does, i feel sorry for airasia for two reasons:

1. no reply is forthcoming from them to date, and,

2. the website provided me by their staff seems useless to the english speaking world.

should "britmaveric" suffer the the proclivity of having to reply to this note, hopefully his reply will be sane if not logical and truthful.

beyond that, god saves his soul instead of allowing him to claim I am "whinging...." blah , blah , blah......

i had merely sought clarification from airasia this one time after having flown with them , no, not the unaccounted for "hundreds of times" of flights with airasia by "britmaveric".


miathai - I'll give you that Air Asia has its issues with their communications lines, but this isnt going to change the fact or help your issue any.

Stop whinging and just deal with your credit card. :)

For what Air Asia does: providing low cost flights to Thailand and rest of SEA is brilliant. Also makes travel available to lot of thai(s) who'd normally be stuck on a coach.

he also - particularly one "britmaveric" , " a defender of "god-knows" - in the other tread, did not reply to questions posed to him by me and others, although he has posted well over 19,000 treads in this forum since 2003, november.

Britmaverick is known far and wide as a true gentleman - as honest as the day is long. Attacking him pretty much points out that you are full of sh - it! :)


I knew i could not take the chance of the last Air Asia flight being delayed so i booked Thai Airways.

I checked the Air Asia Web page this morning the price of the flight showed 1,890 Baht

When i checked the Thai Airways Web Page the price of the flight showed 2,895 Baht when i called to the

Thai Airways office to book they told me SORRY the price today was 2,195 Baht if i would have booked yesterday i would have paid 1,895 Baht

the tax was now 850 Baht

I have just checked the Thai Airways Web Page and now it shows the price of the ticket 3,195 Baht

So i have paid 305 Baht more than flying Air Asia but if i would have booked on line with Thai Airways it would have cost me 1,000 Baht more



They have so many "promotion" tickets per flight soap, when they are gone the cost reverts to the full price.

I booked my mate on Thai rather than AA because he had a fair bit of luggage and because he booked 3 weeks ahead he got the low price.

I have booked a long haul flight for next month,the 10-pm Air Asia Flight out of Chaingrai

gets me into Bangkok at just the right time to check in ETC.

Anyone had any experience of this flight being Delayed, Cancelled

or any good reports about being on time ETC

I am only interested in this flight i know my other options


be sure you have no connecting flights out.

otherwise, you may be very disappointed and may not fly with them ever again.


I must find the photo I took on the ground on my one and only flight with Air Asia.

The LH engine upper nacelle camlocks had a lovely overlay of duck tape and bulging corrosion blisters that were a sight to behold.

Yes I did make it to Bangkok, but never again with them.

edite: found the pic



"Our liabilities to you are limited, it is therefore recommended that you purchase travel insurance"

is the rather cryptical and not very encouraging sentence you can find on the information sheet of your Air-Asia ticket.

As McGriffith already pointed out: Morning flight mostly okay, but evening and on top of it with an international connection ...?

Limbo :)

So i have paid 305 Baht more than flying Air Asia but if i would have booked on line with Thai Airways it would have cost me 1,000 Baht more


You can't tell. Only you can say is that at the time you looked from internet the price was 1000 more than at the time you booked and for it.

The other fact of modern wonders in flight ticket pricing is that the price is changing constantly based on god knows how many parameters and without any visible logic for humans. Sure they look on how many seat are booked but they also have more advanced logic in their systems. Most likely the fact that several people start booking for certain day or time will get the prices up automatic etc...

I have used Air Asia 3 times in the last 5 weeks from Chiang Rai and EVERY time i have had a problem, i like the other poster used Thai, even though i loath them, and got into BKK 5 hours early. Truth is you just cant trust A.A. and if you try to reason with the staff they are rude especially the guy in A.A.'s airport office.

Another recent complaint, i checked availability for a BKK flight a couple of weeks ago in the office at Big C, Chiang Rai, i was told no problem just turn up plenty of seats 1,480 bahts, same as their web site. turn up i did, seats available but they tried to charge me 4,780 baht, once again the staff did not care less, the guy said if i dont like it complain in BKK he didnt care.

Sounds normal if you turned up in the airport to buy this ticket.

I always buy me ticket 2 days before. It is usually just less than 2000 baht this. Turning up in the airport is expensive. Paying for the ticket more than 1 month before is a lot cheaper.

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