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Been Away From Uk For More Than 3 Months?

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They will give you a little book to say that you are applying for whatever it is. You can show this to the dentist and sign the on benefit box. I got about 300 quids worth done on my last visit

and one of the reasons that the health service is in the precarious state that it is is because of scroungers and freeloaders.

treatment is being denied to those who need it because of lack of funding.

neerenram , you should be ashamed of yourself.

if you can afford to pay for the airfare back to the uk then you should not be claiming state benefits.

its nothing more than theft.

Having lived worked and paid into the British system for 25 years I would not regard it as theft to attempt to benefit friom this contribution, especially as every tom dick and harry with no previous contribution to the UK treasury turns up and starts getting funded every whch way, from medical to legal appeals about the legality of their immigration status.

The pension fiasco that is about to ensue and penalise the babyboomers who have been financing pensions up to now with their hard earned cash , is an absolutely clear example of theft by the state, and such a state deserves to be stolen from.

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I certainly paid a large wad of cash into the Exchequer over the years,but i did decide to come and live here so personally i don't think i can complain.



especially as every tom dick and harry with no previous contribution to the UK treasury turns up and starts getting funded every whch way, from medical to legal appeals about the legality of their immigration status.
if its wrong for them to do it , then it is wrong for you to do it.

otherwise you become just as much a cheat as they are and in no position to criticize.

as i've said , you will just make things worse for those who have paid in and need treatment.

you've got to take a moral stance against it.

dragon man

Whilst I saw everyone around me from other countries and those who had never worked get everything.Bitter? Sure!

join the club.

just one of the many reasons why i got away and made sure that the taxman cant touch me anymore.

got tired of helping to support freeloaders, cheats , and those who think that the world owes them a living.


I was in Thailand for 6-7 months and have just received treatment (even dentistry) on the NHS, no questions asked.

I've never heard of the NHS retracting their services in any situation, ever!


for gp treatment and dental treatment the nhs will do random checks on patients to check whether that patient has received the treatment for which the doctor or dentist is claiming payment ,whether the patient is entitled to treatment under the nhs and they do random checks (for dental patients , who have to pay a proportion of the fees ) to ensure that the fees charged were correct and any benefit claims were legitimate.

for gp treatment and dental treatment the nhs will do random checks on patients to check whether that patient has received the treatment for which the doctor or dentist is claiming payment ,whether the patient is entitled to treatment under the nhs and they do random checks (for dental patients , who have to pay a proportion of the fees ) to ensure that the fees charged were correct and any benefit claims were legitimate.

They also do checks on prescriptions and come down heavily on people who sign that they are entitled to free prescriptions when they are not....this is classed as fraud...

6000 new HIV cases treated in UK in 2004 - nearly half were contracted 'in Africa' according to NHS.

yes , it does seem unfair that uk citizens who have contributed to the system are being denied treatment or having to join lengthy waiting lists , whilst others just walk in and get free treatment.

blame the eu/uk labour party immigration policy fiasco and the laws on human rights.

but , moog , would you feel comfortable denying these people life saving treatment?

6000 new HIV cases treated in UK in 2004 - nearly half were contracted 'in Africa' according to NHS.

yes , it does seem unfair that uk citizens who have contributed to the system are being denied treatment or having to join lengthy waiting lists , whilst others just walk in and get free treatment.

blame the eu/uk labour party immigration policy fiasco and the laws on human rights.

but , moog , would you feel comfortable denying these people life saving treatment?

That's correct, the majority of new HIV cases in the UK now are from immigrants.

It should be quite a simple job of stopping this by making all visitors from high risk countries in sub-Saharan Africa pass a HIV test before being granted a visa. I don't think you have much choice but to treat them once they are in the UK, as you would be condemning them to death, otherwise.

More needs to be done to provide Africa with affordable anti-retroviral drugs, which would not only save lives, but also discourage most HIV sufferers from travelling to western countries to seek treatment, thus reducing the incidence rate in the developed world.

Friends i have from the UK say that the problem is magnified by having a left wing government that is lax on  immigration.

Blair? Left wing??? Even Margaret Thatcher acknowledged him as her "natural successor".

You are partly correct though. Immigration always seems to increase when Labour are in office.

moog , would you feel comfortable denying these people life saving treatment?

Yes, they should be sent straight back to Africa

Fingerprinted and permanently banned from returning to the UK.

The leaders of African countries steal all the aid we send, then ask Bono to cancel the debts and more money to be sent, so they can remit it to Switzerland.

I never manoeuvred to send my Thai ex-girlfriend to UK to freeload, when she contracted HIV from some scabrous Thai snooker hall owner.


My brother in the UK who works in Fleet Street says all the shops are staffed by Ukranians and all the labourers on construction sites are Russian. :o


The problem is a lack of labour in the UK construction industry. I don't see why they are employing Russians. Now that Poland and other Eastern European countries have joined the EU there are plenty of legal migrants willing to work for relatively low wages in industries where there are labour shortages.

Yes, they should be sent straight back to Africa

Fingerprinted and permanently banned from returning to the UK.

The leaders of African countries steal all the aid we send, then ask Bono to cancel the debts and more money to be sent, so they can remit it to Switzerland.

as much as i agree with you i doubt that i would be able to personally "sign a deportation order " sending someone who needs life saving treatment away.

if a government minister decreed it then that's another matter , but if the decision were mine , then i might find it difficult.

I don't see why they are employing Russians

I believe there was some kind of loophole that let a million Ukranians and Russians into Italy.Someone in the Italian visa department didn't think it odd to get a million applications. :o

I don't see why they are employing Russians

I believe there was some kind of loophole that let a million Ukranians and Russians into Italy.Someone in the Italian visa department didn't think it odd to get a million applications. :o

Yes, well, Italy is a major port of entry for illegal immigrants into the EU, so it doesn't surprise me that they've saved them the hassle by just granting them visas.

  • 4 months later...
I've continued paying NI contributions every month (3 and a bit years now).

That should still entitle me to NHS cover.

Dave, this only entitles you to a full state pension (If you pay enough qualifying FULL years)
I was in Thailand for 6-7 months and have just received treatment (even dentistry) on the NHS, no questions asked.

I've never heard of the NHS retracting their services in any situation, ever!

If the NHS are not aware that you have been living outside of the UK, they are unlikely to deny treatment

6000 new HIV cases treated in UK in 2004 - nearly half were contracted 'in Africa' according to NHS.

yes , it does seem unfair that uk citizens who have contributed to the system are being denied treatment or having to join lengthy waiting lists , whilst others just walk in and get free treatment.

blame the eu/uk labour party immigration policy fiasco and the laws on human rights.

but , moog , would you feel comfortable denying these people life saving treatment?

That's correct, the majority of new HIV cases in the UK now are from immigrants.

It should be quite a simple job of stopping this by making all visitors from high risk countries in sub-Saharan Africa pass a HIV test before being granted a visa. I don't think you have much choice but to treat them once they are in the UK, as you would be condemning them to death, otherwise.

More needs to be done to provide Africa with affordable anti-retroviral drugs, which would not only save lives, but also discourage most HIV sufferers from travelling to western countries to seek treatment, thus reducing the incidence rate in the developed world.

Follow link

Note paragraph.............

What do I have to pay for?

All treatment given by staff at a hospital or by staff employed by a hospital may be subject to a charge with the following exceptions:

Treatment given in an accident and emergency department (excludes emergency treatment given elsewhere in the hospital);

Treatment given in a walk in centre providing similar services to those of an accident and emergency department of a hospital;

Treatment for certain communicable diseases (excluding HIV/AIDS where it is only the first diagnosis and connected counselling sessions that are charge free);


Another relevant link from same website


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