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Omg! Tricked Into Eating Some Pla Rah!


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I was grumbling yesterday as my wife again stunk up the house cooking. I got out the fans just to air out the place. Smelled absolutely awful and revolting.

Well, guess what? She slipped some of this stuff into my rice without me knowing. You guessed it, when I ate it I said it was terrific! As I saw her grin widen, I knew what I had just eaten.

I think it is called Pla Rak or something like that. It is fermented fish in a sauce with onions and other stuff and smells atrocious while being cooked.

I actually asked her to make it again tonight! :D .

Sometimes once you get past the smell, you have it licked!

Now she wants me to try kapit :D No way! That stuff is viol. :):D

Edited by Lopburi99
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dude, it is like farang eating blue cheese is comparable to thai gaaa phii or pha raaa. Some Thai people don't like regular cheese Every culture have some nasty sh*ts, deal with it. Besides, you already married to a thai woman, this phase of food shocks should already a past tense. Hmm i wonder how bbq human-ribs will taste like. anyway, Good luck to your quest in avoiding the smells. Human being been eating worsing sh*t then gaaa phii or phaaa raaa or blue cheese. We probably put more nasty stuff in our mouths then other animals. I beg you peace, and good luck your food quest and smells out there :)

Edited by majorpacman
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Fermented fish sauce is common in many countries, and has been consumed in Europe since Roman times.

The danger is eating it raw, ideally needs to be well boiled to kill any liver flukes as the Pla Rar is made from raw fresh water fish. You should allow the dead fish to rot ferment for at least 18 months before use. Stuff sold in market places is often younger.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was grumbling yesterday as my wife again stunk up the house cooking. I got out the fans just to air out the place. Smelled absolutely awful and revolting.

Well, guess what? She slipped some of this stuff into my rice without me knowing. You guessed it, when I ate it I said it was terrific! As I saw her grin widen, I knew what I had just eaten.

I think it is called Pla Rak or something like that. It is fermented fish in a sauce with onions and other stuff and smells atrocious while being cooked.

I actually asked her to make it again tonight! :D .

Sometimes once you get past the smell, you have it licked!

Now she wants me to try kapit :D No way! That stuff is viol. :):D

I have not gotten stuck with the pla rah yet but I have gotten pushed into kappi, something I swore I would never touch and complained about every time people ate it near me. This year when I came back to the US to work I smuggled a kilo of kappi with me. :D

My problem with pla rah is more than just the smell. It also has a similar look to the contents of a bucket I might find next to the bed after a large meal and a night of drinking in which I can't remember getting home.

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