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How To Build A Road On This Soft Earth?


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Our property has some very soft earth on one side. This is the road to the new pool, so we need to fix it. We tried to harden the earth with a machine, but it didnt do much good (a machine that looks like a big lawn mower,flat underneath).

Do we need a big road roller? Should we put concrete here, or isnt that a good option on a surface like this? Maybe gravel is better?

Thanks in advance, chr



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I recently posted a similar topic "How to Build a Road". Some good comments there plus this article is a must:


In simple terms:

-excavate a crowned road with drainage ditches making sure the road is higher than grade

-add a road base that can harden and compact it

-add a rock surface

I am also in Phetchabun and recently costed this out: road base is about 150 baht per cubic meter and surface rock goes for around 500 baht per cube. The former is called luke lang and the latter heen klook. Sounded cheap until costing out a zillion truckloads of it...

Edited by canopy
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Ok, canopy, thanks a lot.

a little bit contradicting advice, in the paper it says: The ideal situation is to make a firm base for the driveway about 4-6 inches thick using the native soil.

But in the thread you started, one poster says: put small rocks as foundation.

What did you do?

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That is the "ideal situation" as it says, but it is doubtful your soil is suitable as is. You can either amend it as it specifies or haul in a suitable base. I think the latter may be cheaper and makes it a bit higher at the same time so recommended that.

I will start soon so no first hand experience to share yet.

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Sure, you can take a look. I am debating whether to start right or wait for the rains to stop which I am told is somewhat imminent. My future place that is getting a road is in kao kho but I live close to Phetchabun city as of now.

I recommend going to a place that sells rock and explain what you want. The luke lang I saw in kao kho is part clay with small rock. That is the cheapest thing but there are other alternatives. The key is you need something that will harden and shed water to keep the surface rock from sinking in.

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ok, the look lang is a bit different in the rain season, it has a bit more water. But it looks good and is firm, not like the old earth.

It is not so easy to see from the pics, but the look lang consists small stone and clay. we already started using the compacter, and after a day or 2 with sun, the stones will be visible.



this is the compacter we are using.


Edited by chrgrims
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