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hello guys

please kindly help me out of this predicament which have been killing my heart for almost 8yrs now.i've been dealing with panic and anxiety disorder for long period of years wiyhout seen anyway to get out or help myself only relied on medications like SSRIs.,(lexapro,tranxene,proporol)i'm tired with all this medications ,can not even go to the gym without taken one pill of tranxene to avoid nervous problem and my psychologist doc only depend on medications and i hope this medication is no more working.pls help me with new specialist or other medication to go on with.thankx sanitex bangkok


I am not completely clear whether you are ready to seek treatment to address the cause of the problem or only want to try a different regimen of medications. Medications can only do so much; this anxiety is an alarm signal from your mind and you need to heed it and find and address the problem. Please see the pinned notice with names and contact information of therapists in Thailand.

In terms of pyschiatrists (for medication, and that's pretty much all they will provide, so still need a therapist) Dr. Suttiporn at Bumrungrad has been recommended by other members.

Based on qualifications I would also suggest Dr. Taweesin Visanuyothin, trained in the US in neuropsychiatry and has published extensively. He is in a senior position with the Thai Minisy\try of Health but has priovate practice at Samitivej and at Vichaiyut Hospital


There is an organization similar to AA (but not a 12-step) which deals with this type of issue. It is called "Recovery International" (you can google them). I doubt they have meetings in Thailand, but you might be able to get some of their literature, and/or participate online.

Good luck.

  • 1 year later...
Where can I find Kava in Thailand?

Is it legal?

Is it expensive?

That might friend, is a good question. It is legal, and the cost varies depending on the quality and where it came from. A while ago I had 6 pounds sent in from Hawaii, and customs had made a cut in one of the bags to test it I guess, and that was it.

What's the deal with the kava? Is it still legal in Thailand?


I really doubt that a herbal supplement will help the OP if he's been on strong drugs for a number of years, as someone else pointed out the OP needs to get to the bottom of the problem, the anxiety/depression is the symptom - not the problem.

  • 2 months later...

I am currently seeing Dr. Spain - psychiatrist at the Behavioral clinic at Bumrungrad. This is where I was sent when i walked in and asked to see someone regarding my anxiety. Just to pre warn you if you go to Bumrungrad, the appointment is set up like a doctors appointment - you have your 5 - 10 minutes to talk then your out, not like if you go see one back in North America where you get a hour to chat. It seems the main purpose of the psychiatrist is to prescribe medication. Ive seen Dr. Spain 3 x and he has helped me with changing medications, however not dealing with any underlying issues/therapy. I was hoping for more from a clinic dedicated to Behavioral issues :ermm:

fyi - the cost per appointment is around 900 baht.


Ive seen Dr. Spain 3 x and he has helped me with changing medications, however not dealing with any underlying issues/therapy. I was hoping for more from a clinic dedicated to Behavioral issues :ermm:

Psychiatrists indeed mainly prescribe medication. for therapy, you need to see a psyc hologist or tyrained counselor. different animal altogether, and not usually found in hospitals.

PSI is one option and there are others, see the pinned notice in this forum on mental health resources. there are some very good western, credentialled, mental health professionals in Bangkok who can help with this and will provide the type of thing you have in mind-- a hour (or at least a 50 minute hour!) long sessions to work through the underlying issues and help you cope with the problem.

It seems the main purpose of the psychiatrist is to prescribe medication.... not dealing with any underlying issues/therapy.

Too many people IMHO are being 'chemically coshed' (walking zombies) rather than educated.

If you adopt a purely mental approach you may not get anywhere because tension can be coming from the body and not just the mind. IMO you need to tackle both.

There are many different approaches which you can investigate for yourself but I've been there, done that and this is what I've found to be most useful. Sometimes miraculous...

1. Identify and dissolve any emotional root cause, using techniques like EFT/EMDF and/or 'Family Constellations'.

2. Remove fluoride (from water and anti-depressants) and other 'toxins' from your body. Juice fasts are great for cleaning body, mind and soul. I've seen many people lifted out of depression.

3. Ensure adequate nutrition. Stress places a greater demand on your 'B' vitamins and if your gut bacteria aren't producing enough (perhaps due to imbalances caused by antibiotics) you may need to supplement with probiotics. B5 is particularly important for stress because it supports the adrenals, which get exhausted after years of 'fight or flight'. Research 'adaptogens'.

4. Exercise is a great stressbuster but not if you are already exhausted. Some people need complete rest.

5. Learn about yoga breathing. 'Sudarshan Kriya', has research supporting its effectiveness in anxiety. Breathing from the upper chest doesn't remove CO2 properly and is akin to gradual oxygen starvation.

6. Drink adequate clean water. Dehydration can cause anxiety.

7. Meditative techniques are useful but less effective if your problem is coming from the body, or if your mind is in too much turmoil. Address the physical aspects before you apply it.

8. A good night's RESTFUL sleep is vital for recovery. Sleep before 10 pm.

9. Don't be a 'grasshopper' rushing from therapist to therapist and giving up because you aren't getting an instant fix. It can take time to recover.

10. Don't be rigid in your thinking. Trees that are flexible don't fall down in storms.

11. Find someone to support you. It's easy to isolate yourself from others. Staring at a computer screen all day will fry anyone's brains! Get some fresh air and sunshine.

12. Panic attacks are debilitating and frightening. You are not 'mad'. Your body and mind are reacting exactly as designed. When your anxiety levels start to take off, keep telling yourself it's just a passing cloud and be kind to yourself.

13. Stay away from stimulants like alcohol and caffeine.

14. Running away is also a legitimate strategy.

15. Ignore those that have never tried these or are driven (or paid) to pour scorn. They don't really care about you.

It is your body. Your life and you WILL come out of this difficult period.

Hope this helps.

  • 1 month later...

Where can I find Kava in Thailand?

Is it legal?

Is it expensive?

Nobody know?

Or maybe it just doesn't exist in Thailand?

I got some Casela Siamea capsules in a local herbal shop on the recommendation of the owner. It was supposed to have similar effect but in fact had no effect whatsoever. Not expensive but 150B well wasted.


There is Valerian (Mega brand) around, haven't seen kava.

In any case both of these likely to be more useful for "ordinary" stress than for people with panic disorders and the like.

There are some good, well qualified Western therapists in LOS. See the pinned mental health thread. Even if medication is unavoidable at first, should always be combined with therapy...and the meds kept to a minimum. With a good therapist, a motivated client can usually come off of, or avoid the need for, regular medication for anxiety.

People are often hesitant to go into therapy. While various excuses may be offered the bottom line is usually fear that the process will be (emotionally) painful, and of course emotional pain/mental stress is exactly what they are seeking to get rid of. So it is understandable that the idea of therapy would give pause, but it really is the only way out. Think of it like a painful abscess (boil). It will hurt to lance it, but the pus needs to be drained and once it is, you can heal. And nowadays most therapists do not use the old fashioned Freudian "years on a couch" approach. There are many techniques which give concrete results in a comparatively short time, i.e. months rather than years. A good therapist will start by setting specific goals with the client for what they hope to achieve in therapy.

There are meditation techniques which can also provide a lasting reduction of anxiety and stress. Any any legitimate one will offer the teachings free of charge. But as with therapy, you do need to make a serious commitment/ investment of time, and the process will also involve facing some painful things.

It is one of the paradoxes of life that one of the main csuses of suffering is all the things we do -- or don't do -- in an effort to avoid suffering.


Sheryl, I think the biggest problem is a couple of hours therapy per week, at 1,000B/hr (just a guess, but assuming a Dr. charge you a couple of hundrede for a few minutes I would expect this to be the price) for a couple of months can quickly become *very* expensive... and in my, granted, very limited and mostly from movies obtained experience, they tend to want to go on and on forever. Why kill a the goose that laid the golden egg. Of course if you're seriously ill you have to pay whatever it cost to be cured, but for minor anxiety perhaps there are less expensive alternatives that would work.


Sheryl, I think the biggest problem is a couple of hours therapy per week, at 1,000B/hr (just a guess, but assuming a Dr. charge you a couple of hundrede for a few minutes I would expect this to be the price) for a couple of months can quickly become *very* expensive... and in my, granted, very limited and mostly from movies obtained experience, they tend to want to go on and on forever. Why kill a the goose that laid the golden egg. Of course if you're seriously ill you have to pay whatever it cost to be cured, but for minor anxiety perhaps there are less expensive alternatives that would work.

The movies are neither up to date nor a good source of information on this!

The "couple-hours-per-week-for-years" thing is classic psychoanalysis which has been largely eclipsed by newer and shorter term goal-oriented approaches. Especially as the latter have been shown to be as much or more effective and of course are much, much less expensive.

Old style analysts can still be found in parts of Manahttan but I doubt you'd find any in LOS and certainly that is not what any of the listed resources offer.

The frequency of sessions is up to the client and therapist. I think once a week is probably the norm, but both more and less frequent can be done. The individuals client's needs. preferences, economic constraints, other logistical constraints etc all factor into deciding this.

Such things as the frequency of sessions, cost per session and desired outcomes/goals are typically discussed at the first visit. If you don't like what you hear, no need to take it further.

And then there is meditation, which doesn't cost a thing other than your time.


I find 'Rescue Remedy' made from Bach remedies is very good for anxiety. Another one is passion flower oil. I get these in Oz but not sure where you would get in Thailand?

Have developed anxiety from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which I have had for over 2 years. Used about 3 or 4 anti-depressant medications. I found that the medications after a month complicated my condition with unwanted side effects.

The rescue remedy I take occasionally; but will dose morning and night if I feel anxious.

Agree with Sherly, get to a specialist to deal with this issue. I saw a specialist 3 times to work out what I needed to do. Also helps to have a good doctor that guides you as well.

My experience is only my experience. I am not advocating my process as a treatment option for OP, it is how I dealt with the problem.

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