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How Much Should I Pay?


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Anyway, I reckon Chelski is onto something here, we could create a complete new set of words instead of using 'prostitute'.

A 747 could represent a lass who is slightly large who has had a few kids.

A Spitfire could be an older but firm girl.

and so on.....

Ain't that the way it goes..... marry an F-16, and wake up 20 yrs later with a DC-10. :o


Keep trading them in :D

Um... but I'm the one turning into the DC-10. She's still an F-16. :D


What? two hung low and one halfway up your tail?

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Anyway, I reckon Chelski is onto something here, we could create a complete new set of words instead of using 'prostitute'.

A 747 could represent a lass who is slightly large who has had a few kids.

A Spitfire could be an older but firm girl.

and so on.....

Ain't that the way it goes..... marry an F-16, and wake up 20 yrs later with a DC-10. :o


I like it!

I checked in to Nana one night with an 18 year old 'prototype'....but I did not want her to stay..probably wouldn't have anyway..gotta fly...so my old oppo from Surin...30 year old Chinese girl comes in, probably an Ilyushin, crashing anytime anywhere.. stays the night...In the morning Nana reception, who as you know pretend they are on a different planet, gasped....what happened to the girl in the night? 'Went in a schoolgirl came out a granny'....ooh those farang pilots!

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How I hate the word prostitute when talking about bgs.  :o I was a very successful conract aircraft engineer. Why was I so successful? I use to sell my services to the highest bidder. Guess I'm nothing but a prostitute  :D

Mr Mourinho: Do you sell your cheese to the highest bidder?

Seems we have got lots of things mixed up here!

Max. You asked asked how much to send. I think there are two simple answers

1. If you have a decent 'conversational nrelationship' with the girl then you should be able to come to an agreement

about what she needs and what you can afford. It is true. You will know soon enough if the whole thing is a sham and it won't have cost you much. But also remember girls are good at waiting!

2. If it is 'just another story', or you really don't know, then 5000B a month is enough. I think 10000B+ way over under the circumstances..What she earned in BKK is irrelevant.

I rather go along with most of Toastie's beliefs and comments. The trouble is that LOS is not like Liverpool. Prostitution in Europe is marginal and mostly pretty grubby. In LOS it is a way of life for a huge number of people resulting from the institutionalised Thai male's attitudes to, and patronage, of women, the education and employment structure etc...do you realise that most girls without high school/university leaving certificates can't get the majority of jobs...and even if they can no-one is going to employ them if they are over 25. LOS is ridden through with treatment of girls that, by western standards, is considered totally unacceptable.

So I am not prepared to condemn bgs/hookers on the basis that it is the soft option.

What I do think is sad is that ,once they have some money, they don't have the skills/support/confidence to get out and do the only thing they can which is start their own business.....God I sound like Miss Manners

I got 'called away' before I had quite 'finished' with this, well for now! The wife said: "Have you paid the Phone Bill?"

"Oh yes"

"Good, then you can f*** with me. Come on"

The relationship between money, goods and services is I fear more complicated than calling people prostitutes or 747s, though probably not as much fun!

I tend to think that guys are prostituting their money. Strutting up and down Walking Street or wherever, waving their wads. I got this. I will sell it to anyone whose got the currency/good I need which is p***y. Kai took, kai paeng, kai tua, kai ngun. Its the same.

Guys got a choice too. Easier option than what, for them? What they don't want for all the obvious reasons.....snappy farang sweethearts!!

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whats complicated about it?


Pronunciation: 'präs-t&-"tüt, -"tyüt

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form(s): -tut·ed; -tut·ing

Etymology: Latin prostitutus, past participle of prostituere, from pro- before + statuere to station -- more at PRO-, STATUTE

1 : to offer indiscriminately for sexual intercourse especially for money

2 : to devote to corrupt or unworthy purposes : DEBASE <prostitute one's talents

A discussion about whether ones wife is a prostitute for the houskeeping this isn't I am talking about girls who sell themselve for sex plain an d simple lets not fudge the issue

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whats complicated about it?


Pronunciation: 'präs-t&-"tüt, -"tyüt

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form(s): -tut·ed; -tut·ing

Etymology: Latin prostitutus, past participle of prostituere, from pro- before + statuere to station -- more at PRO-, STATUTE

1 : to offer indiscriminately for sexual intercourse especially for money

2 : to devote to corrupt or unworthy purposes : DEBASE <prostitute one's talents

A discussion about whether ones wife is a prostitute for the houskeeping this isn't I am talking about girls who sell themselve for sex plain an d simple lets not fudge the issue

Your Latin is crap

The verb is Sto... Stare ...Steti....Status...to stand

What you have in prostitute is an iterative form of the verb. Bet hookers never thought of themselves as iterative workers...ie again and again!

Pro in this case means 'instead of' not before

ie substitute......

The other meanings and usages have followed on.

I can read a dictionary.

What is your problem with these girls?

And your English is not much better! They don't 'sell themselves for sex'; they sell their bodies for money. Commodity exchange is what is happening.....different currencies, different prices...different bargains.

I think boys are prostituting their wealth for sex...ie. in your terms debasing both the currency of their wealth and their talents/ability to find satisfying sexual and other relationships.

To offer 'indiscriminately' begs a whole lot of questions....and I think the Sexual Politics writers of the 60s onwards demonstrated there was not a lot of difference between serial relationships/serial marriage where the money/sex thing was concerned...housewives/trophy wives/ etc.

And you want to fight with me too, who am among the few that agree with you even a little?

To it!

Edited by srisatch
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And toastie is a fokker &lt;deleted&gt;

To extend the analogy:-

A Boring 707

A Yak-Yak-Yak-7

A Zero

A Hawker Siddelly Strident

A Soppytwit Camel

You missed messoshit 109

And with that it's good night from me. See you all in the morning when I can start laughing again

Edited by lampard10
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So TW, you are saying that:

Relationship with a BG will never be successful?

Relationship with a normal girl will always be successful?

Whenever a relationship fails, it's the girl's fault?

You say they have their choices, so do you know every BG in Thailand?

You think you know everything here?

You better hope you do not accidentally become handicapped one day to learn it the hard way what unlucky means.

Is it too difficult for you to understand? I guess so! There are people in this world who are borned to be not so capable, not so intelligent, not so lucky, more naughty than others, ie there are all sorts of different people and situations!

Say for example, if there is one day when only people who are good at english can maintain a decent standard of living and people with english standard like mine could only earn 3000baht a month, what do you think I would do?

Still so, you have not yet say why you have to insult them. Is it just that someone is doing something which YOU think is immoral, you have the right to insult them?

Saying that you respect Thailand is just BS!

No one here is saying that prostitution is a good thing for Thailand. But it is still quite the only way for some girls to find a better life. This is still a phenomenon in poor countries.

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