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Buffalo Hit My Car


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my gfs son w/o permission used my bmw. short story, he hit neighbors buffalo, he says buffalo hit him.

neighbor wants me to pay as i have money, about 20,000 baht. i say boy pay. my gf say i pay as boy said he sorry.

ps. we been having lots of buffalo casserole lately, getting real old.

i pay for everything, is this how to treat a bf?

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my gfs son w/o permission used my bmw. short story, he hit neighbors buffalo, he says buffalo hit him.

neighbor wants me to pay as i have money, about 20,000 baht. i say boy pay. my gf say i pay as boy said he sorry.

ps. we been having lots of buffalo casserole lately, getting real old.

i pay for everything, is this how to treat a bf?

You pay....a real life sick buffalo story.. :) I am impressed.... :D

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sounds like your girlfriend & her son do not have any respect for you. get rid of the pair of them and call your insurance to get your wheels fixed. dont worry about paying for the buffalo that is the kids job, he took your car without permission and then you hae to pay because he said sorry. your bird is taking you for a ride... dump her right now!

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sounds like your girlfriend & her son do not have any respect for you. get rid of the pair of them and call your insurance to get your wheels fixed. dont worry about paying for the buffalo that is the kids job, he took your car without permission and then you hae to pay because he said sorry. your bird is taking you for a ride... dump her right now!

Hate to be harsh but couldn't agree more.

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my gfs son w/o permission used my bmw. short story, he hit neighbors buffalo, he says buffalo hit him.

neighbor wants me to pay as i have money, about 20,000 baht. i say boy pay. my gf say i pay as boy said he sorry.

ps. we been having lots of buffalo casserole lately, getting real old.

i pay for everything, is this how to treat a bf?

Was there a blizzard that he didn't see the buffaloe?

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my gfs son w/o permission used my bmw. short story, he hit neighbors buffalo, he says buffalo hit him.

neighbor wants me to pay as i have money, about 20,000 baht. i say boy pay. my gf say i pay as boy said he sorry.

ps. we been having lots of buffalo casserole lately, getting real old.

i pay for everything, is this how to treat a bf?

You've got to try to understand Thai logic. I'm not saying that I do - 10 years of trying to figure it out and can't say that I do, yet. I do know it's got something to do with your gf truly feeling that you are now responsible for the 20,000 because the boy said he was sorry.

Look at the bright side of this. After eating an entire buffalo, you should be able to write cookbook specializing in that particular type of meat.

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From what I understand because I had a friend hit a buffalo at around 9:30 at night we called the BIB they came out and they tracked down the owner and told him that he had to pay for the damage done to my buddy's car !! (I wish I had a Video camera) The owner was pisst rite off that they were telling him that he had to pay for my buddy's car !! He kept on saying were farang we must pay and of course he had no money !! Cops say buffalo not aloud on road !! In the end we said that he did not have to pay for the damage done to the car (big smile come to face) but we were not going to pay for the buffalo either !! (smile came off face) in the end police agreed that we did not have to pay and we left !! We could here the owner yelling at the cops 1/2 mile away :):D

First and only time I think I will ever see a farang not get robbed from the cops or bent over from the owner of the buffalo or whom ever they maybe

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Almost the same thing happened to my friend. His girlfriends younger brother "borrowed" his Honda CBR without his knowledge and got into a major accident. Motorbike was a write off and the brother ended up in hospital with his leg in traction for over a month. My friends girlfriend took him to the hospital and the brother apologized, according to him "half heartedly". Now the entire family believes he is off the hook and my mate has to pay the hospital bills.

I cannot stand that aspect of Thai culture. Even in my home things get broken by my wifes family members and then a simple sorry is all they expect to get off with. I put my foot down when they started up my RC heli nearly killing themselves in the process and causing some serious damage to the actual model. They are still working to pay it off and get me a new one.

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Many years ago I knew an American fellow who started up a mobile opticians travelling to various villages, testing eye sight and sellling cheap but correct spec glasses. He had his brother in-law do some of the driving and village visits. When the brother in law had a serious accident - his own fault- and ended up in hospital the whole family blamed the farang. The logic being that if he hadn't employed the BIL, he would not have nearly killed himself.

The farang eneded up leaving. He had worked really hard to establish a business for his Thai family but was hounded by them as a result of the acccident.

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You should count yourself lucky that you even get a 'sorry'.

My wifes two son's have 'borrowed' things of mine in the past, and returned them broken. When my wife and I ask why they are broken, we just get blank looks from both of them.

They now know better than to touch anything that is mine.

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Rule of thumb: Buffalo or any other beast for that matter have right of way on the roads 06:00 - 09:00 and 16:00 - 1900. You or your driver hit em between those hours you pay otherwise the owner pays IF you can get it out of them. If there is a Farang within 10 kms he is in the wrong 24/7 no correspondence entered into.

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my gfs son w/o permission used my bmw. short story, he hit neighbors buffalo, he says buffalo hit him.

neighbor wants me to pay as i have money, about 20,000 baht. i say boy pay. my gf say i pay as boy said he sorry.

ps. we been having lots of buffalo casserole lately, getting real old.

i pay for everything, is this how to treat a bf?

welcome to the rest of your life.

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my gfs son w/o permission used my bmw. short story, he hit neighbors buffalo, he says buffalo hit him.

neighbor wants me to pay as i have money, about 20,000 baht. i say boy pay. my gf say i pay as boy said he sorry.

ps. we been having lots of buffalo casserole lately, getting real old.

i pay for everything, is this how to treat a bf?

You pay....a real life sick buffalo story.. :) I am impressed.... :D

I must admit to thinking about some poor sod in Expat land getting a beaut of a sick bbuffalo appeal. ROFL

Edited by Mosha
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Well, I guess you are treated absolutely normally here. It doesn't matter whether you are Farang or not; the only fact that matters is that you are the guy having the most money of everyone around here. There is not the slightest doubt in anyones (traditional Thai) mind that someone has to pay for the buffalo. Now you belong to the circle of the people who killed or injured the animal, you have got the money, so you pay. That's the way it is, that's the way it has always been and that's the way it will always be. And if you want to belong to that circle of hers and you are the one with more money than the others around, then you need to accept it.

And as for your girlfriend - well, I would say there is no reason to dump her just now. You are within her circle, it was your car, you have the money - so you pay. That's very consistent; it has nothing to do with you being farang or not respecting you. Maybe at most you might blame her for not respecting your culture by treating you like she would treat anyone else in such situation.

If you have chosen to live here and to survive in peace then you need to accept what you cannot change.

Accept what you cannot change, try to be constructive and improve what you can change, happily enjoy all the beautiful things around, BUT don't complain.

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Well, I guess you are treated absolutely normally here. It doesn't matter whether you are Farang or not; the only fact that matters is that you are the guy having the most money of everyone around here. There is not the slightest doubt in anyones (traditional Thai) mind that someone has to pay for the buffalo. Now you belong to the circle of the people who killed or injured the animal, you have got the money, so you pay. That's the way it is, that's the way it has always been and that's the way it will always be. And if you want to belong to that circle of hers and you are the one with more money than the others around, then you need to accept it.

And as for your girlfriend - well, I would say there is no reason to dump her just now. You are within her circle, it was your car, you have the money - so you pay. That's very consistent; it has nothing to do with you being farang or not respecting you. Maybe at most you might blame her for not respecting your culture by treating you like she would treat anyone else in such situation.

If you have chosen to live here and to survive in peace then you need to accept what you cannot change.

Accept what you cannot change, try to be constructive and improve what you can change, happily enjoy all the beautiful things around, BUT don't complain.

What a load of twaddle.... because thai's have no concept of taking responsibility or being accountable for their actions, then the Farang must pay...because it expected culturally.... absolute <deleted>

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my gfs son w/o permission used my bmw. short story, he hit neighbors buffalo, he says buffalo hit him.

neighbor wants me to pay as i have money, about 20,000 baht. i say boy pay. my gf say i pay as boy said he sorry.

ps. we been having lots of buffalo casserole lately, getting real old.

i pay for everything, is this how to treat a bf?

Why you talk in pigeon thai?????

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my gfs son w/o permission used my bmw. short story, he hit neighbors buffalo, he says buffalo hit him.

neighbor wants me to pay as i have money, about 20,000 baht. i say boy pay. my gf say i pay as boy said he sorry.

ps. we been having lots of buffalo casserole lately, getting real old.

i pay for everything, is this how to treat a bf?

Why you talk in pigeon thai?????

May be the OP is not 1st language English....Klausss ??...German, Swiss ?? or maybe did it this way to try and illustrate the actual conversation that took place, what ever the reason personally thought it was quite amusing reading it this way... :)

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Well, I guess you are treated absolutely normally here. It doesn't matter whether you are Farang or not; the only fact that matters is that you are the guy having the most money of everyone around here. There is not the slightest doubt in anyones (traditional Thai) mind that someone has to pay for the buffalo. Now you belong to the circle of the people who killed or injured the animal, you have got the money, so you pay. That's the way it is, that's the way it has always been and that's the way it will always be. And if you want to belong to that circle of hers and you are the one with more money than the others around, then you need to accept it.

And as for your girlfriend - well, I would say there is no reason to dump her just now. You are within her circle, it was your car, you have the money - so you pay. That's very consistent; it has nothing to do with you being farang or not respecting you. Maybe at most you might blame her for not respecting your culture by treating you like she would treat anyone else in such situation.

If you have chosen to live here and to survive in peace then you need to accept what you cannot change.

Accept what you cannot change, try to be constructive and improve what you can change, happily enjoy all the beautiful things around, BUT don't complain.

Substitute 'Rich Thai' for Farang, and who would pay then?


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my gfs son w/o permission used my bmw. short story, he hit neighbors buffalo, he says buffalo hit him.

neighbor wants me to pay as i have money, about 20,000 baht. i say boy pay. my gf say i pay as boy said he sorry.

ps. we been having lots of buffalo casserole lately, getting real old.

i pay for everything, is this how to treat a bf?

Can we see any pictures of the BMW and Buffalo?

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I smell BS (Buffalo Shit)


Maybe BS (Bio Solids)

Of course, it might be a real story.

First topic is a sick (or dead) Bufalo story.

Might be.

Anyhow, if it is true, did the Buffalo die since you (OP) talk about all the buffalo caserole lately?

And, where did it happen? I mean, where did he drive the BMW?

For the members,

what is actually the price for a buffalo?

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