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Having A Bad Day


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Never mind a bad day, I am not having a good month.

I don't expect anyone to care, I am just depressed enough to want to share it all, maybe it will lighten the load. And maybe your bad day might not seem so bad after all.

Thai husband, inflamation of the Brain stem, utterly debilitating pain and hospitalised, he's been ill for a month.

He gets home not fully recovered but is managing and then 2 days later gets bitten by a snake and is rushed to hospital, spends time in ICU and is now on the mend, although he still has a residual migraine from the first problem.

Son has contracted legionnaires while visiting and has been seriously ill, so much for his months happy holiday, he still doesn't know what day of the week it is.

I have been told I have a serious health problem, but will be ok with extensive treatment.

And to top it all off my very best mate ( male) has lost his Mrs to another woman.

I am looking forward to October.

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Hi Lioness,i don't know if you are religious or not,but i would suggest you a visit to a local Temple.At least you might get some peace of mind.

I was having a bad month one year ago,everything was going wrong,so i paid a few visits to the local temple,and once to another one in BKK.

I just offered some flowers,burned some incense sticks,sat down and had a relaxed chat with a monk.

The last of four visits i met a powerful monk,who cleared my paranoia with few well adjusted words(I had my GF as a translator)and performed some little magic for me to feel more confident.

I think a positive attitude can do miracles,if you don't like to go to visit temples,try some other way to renew your energy,talking to a good friend might be helpful too. :)

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Never mind a bad day, I am not having a good month.

I don't expect anyone to care, I am just depressed enough to want to share it all, maybe it will lighten the load. And maybe your bad day might not seem so bad after all.

Thai husband, inflamation of the Brain stem, utterly debilitating pain and hospitalised, he's been ill for a month.

He gets home not fully recovered but is managing and then 2 days later gets bitten by a snake and is rushed to hospital, spends time in ICU and is now on the mend, although he still has a residual migraine from the first problem.

Son has contracted legionnaires while visiting and has been seriously ill, so much for his months happy holiday, he still doesn't know what day of the week it is.

I have been told I have a serious health problem, but will be ok with extensive treatment.

And to top it all off my very best mate ( male) has lost his Mrs to another woman.

I am looking forward to October.

You are a very strong woman and I am sure you'll overcome. Best wishes to you and your family.

If need arises, please PM me.

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WOW! Makes other people's troubles pale in comparison. I've always been blessed with relatively good health, but I know my days are numbered.

I DO know that luck runs in cycles... both good and bad. I had a bad run when my second marriage ended in 1996. My wife took off and left me with her druggy son who was bent on destroying our relationship and my home. I put up with his smashing my home and stealing my stuff for about 2 months and finally had to get the police to remove him. At the time that was happening my father was dying and I couldn't be there to help him. It finally got it resolved and it's been mostly up hill ever since. But, I expect another down turn any time. All I can do is not over extend myself or make plans too far in the future. Life is just like a poker game. You play the odds, make a few bets, but don't take too many risks you can't survive.

I wish you the best and hope for a full recovery for you and your husband.

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Hi Lioness,i don't know if you are religious or not,but i would suggest you a visit to a local Temple.At least you might get some peace of mind.

I was having a bad month one year ago,everything was going wrong,so i paid a few visits to the local temple,and once to another one in BKK.

I just offered some flowers,burned some incense sticks,sat down and had a relaxed chat with a monk.

The last of four visits i met a powerful monk,who cleared my paranoia with few well adjusted words(I had my GF as a translator)and performed some little magic for me to feel more confident.

I think a positive attitude can do miracles,if you don't like to go to visit temples,try some other way to renew your energy,talking to a good friend might be helpful too. :)

Yes Lioness! Don't know if you're a pisshead or not, but would suggest you go out and get slaughtered.

As to your friend being dumped for another woman, I'd suggest a pm to F1Fanatic who I think would be glad to give some adivce :D

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By the gods - you have my type of luck. Doesn't rain, only pours.

Had a gf years ago that lost her husband to his boyfriend - he was an airline steward, so it's probably expected.

Avoid disappointment - expect nothing.

Best of luck to you. Sound like you need it.

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I've had a hel_l shit of a month too, and reading about your run of bad luck doesn't make me feel any better, so I won't help you by telling my story :) . I've been, and still am, a very grumpy man. Oh dear, never mind.

It could have been worse and you are all still alive and have each other.

Chin up, stiff upper lip, forge on!

I sincerely hope things get better for you, your husband, and your friend.

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"And to top it all off my very best mate ( male) has lost his Mrs to another woman."

Oh, please.

It happens. I used to work on offshore drilling rigs & one of the drillers who was from Louisiana came back after his month off looking pretty depressed. It transipred that his wife had run off with the woman next door who was a lesbian.

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