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Where Can I Get Yellow "livestrong" Wristband?


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I am desperate to get hold of one of those LANCE ARMSTRONG yellow wristband ... dont wanna order it from abroad...

does anyone know where i can get one in bkk ..


ohh and not to forget the black/white wristbands for "anti-racism" too..

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I am desperate to get hold of one of those LANCE ARMSTRONG yellow wristband ... dont wanna order it from abroad...

does anyone know where i can get one in bkk ..


ohh and not to forget the black/white wristbands for "anti-racism" too..

This whole craze has become one of the biggest rip offs of all time. Most are counterfeited in China now; get one of those for a fraction of the cost. Nobody will know the difference. :o

The best ones are the 'Live Wrong' bracelets that are black. Even at my local 7-11

where I'm living in California, there are blue ones to help the Tsunami victims in Asia. Somebody's making A LOT of MONEY from somebody else's misfortune. Don't fall into it.

Edited by mbkudu
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I have an orginal form the US. When I was walking down Sukumvit I was asked if you could buy them in Thailand and I said that I had not seen them for sale. The chap who asked said good, as he just had 2 million of them made! I informed him that the Stand Up Speak Up (black/white bands) might go better, so expect them to be hitting the streets shortly - copied of course

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  • 5 weeks later...
I am desperate to get hold of one of those LANCE ARMSTRONG yellow wristband ... dont wanna order it from abroad...

does anyone know where i can get one in bkk ..


ohh and not to forget the black/white wristbands for "anti-racism" too..

What you can get in Thailand is a string wristband.

Although the cost of this in many cases is immeasurable, there are several benefits.

Not the least of them being someone to kiss you goodnight.

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I have been picking them up over here at places like Nike,Footlocker jjb sports etc for around £1.50 each and have been sending them over to one of K.W nephews since around Xmas time .

All of her relatives kids have got them now and he (the nephew)sounds as though he is on the way to his first million.

The little bugger is only 16 but it seems he is flogging the damm things to his mates for about Bt 2000 each :o

We are in the wrong game and would agree that somebody is making a killing...BIG TIME...

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guys, I've seen that yellow, black, white and blue bands everywhere - from chatichak market to WTC steps and Siam around 100baht and 50b at China Town.

what is the deal with it ? I think I missed something, what sort of idiot will wear rubber band with statement on his wrist, unless it's not running number at contest or something ?

Is it some charity ?

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This was the big "must have" fashon item of the year and it appears to have been targeted at kids.

As said earlier I was first asked to pick them up at the Nike store down at Oxford Circus in Central london.

For 2-3 weeks they were sold out...gold dust.

Then a week or so later after calling was told that they should be getting in a new lot....2 million.

There must have been 5000 midgits outside the shop plus mums,dads,brothers,aunts uncles all standing in a very long Q for at least 2 hours with wallets buldging with £££.

Only 2 per person but some punters told me that they would just keep going back ...again and again.

Again as said it was a 6 week CRAZE which now appears to have died out now that there are fakes everywhere.

If you didnt get one then....dont bother....NAFF now......



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They did design and make these bracelets with the target audience of teens and kinds in mind. That was the whole point for selling them for a dollar, and have the money go towards cancer research. If we think about it, overseas in the US and europe a buck is pocket change and that's why they are appealing to youngsters. However it becasme such a fad, that the copies ones started popping out all over asia and else where...

For the fact that they're for a good cause, is a good thing. But for the amont of copies that are out there, it's really shown teh darkest side of humanity. This is worse than taking candy from a little kid, it's robbing the poor and showing the real ugly side of humanity. Maybe I'm just naive and believe that even in the worst of people, robbing from charities and the needy are not something most are capable of..... cause this is exactly that!

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Tamagots, yoyos and now the coloured wristbands, those on the crest of a fad make a killing; I know this latest one has a noble purpose as its origin but if we put our heads together at TV, surely we could create the next fad and then retire to whatever part of Thailand takes one's fancy?

It's got to be simple and used on, or by, part of the bodies of kids or teenagers.

Any suggestions?

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It's a pity all these people are wearing them without considering their purpose and where the money is going. I wonder how many of them even know the origins, and even if they do, do they seriously believe they are making a contribution to the right place? (or do they care??) :o

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guys, I've seen that yellow, black, white and blue bands everywhere - from chatichak market to WTC steps and Siam around 100baht and 50b at China Town.

what is the deal with it ? I think I missed something, what sort of idiot will wear rubber band with statement on his wrist, unless it's not running number at contest or something ?

Is it some charity ?



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The "Livestrong" bracelets were a creation of Lance Armstrong the American bike rider, and the procedes from the sale go to fund cancer research or some worthy cause like it. They only came in yellow and have now turned into a fad. While it's great that people are buying the things to support cancer research, IMO it's in poor taste to make knock offs and sell them to people under false pretenses that they are contributing to the cure. As far as making the stupid looking things in different colors for fad reasons, to each his own. BTW,I saw a report on the telly that said the ones they were selling to support the Tsunami effort was a crock of sh1t so.... :o

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Just yesterday one of my students came up to me waving this wristband in my face and I had no idea what it represented! ? :o ..

For a minute or two, yes it did remind me of the wristbands I used to get given from my local pool, Alton Towers, and Margate! :D

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Just yesterday one of my students came up to me waving this wristband in my face and I had no idea what it represented! ? :o ..

For a minute or two, yes it did remind me of the wristbands I used to get given from my local pool, Alton Towers, and Margate!  :D

probably picked it up at the recently completed Gong Kao festival on Koh Loi ... :D

(gets bigger, but not better, every year)

they were going there for 50 baht... any color, variety of sayings... :D

and yes, exact replicas, they seem, to the pool band... Peoria Public, in my case.

Edited by sriracha john
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