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Sad News About A New Bakery


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The sad news is that an excellent new Italian bakery has opened in Chiang Mai. The news is sad because my wife also has a bakery and I hate the thought of serious competition. The only good news in all this is that the new bakery is Italian so mostly isn't offering items that would compete with my wife's products. I lived in New York City for 30 years and never had much use for the multitude of Italian bakeries there. Their producs either tasted either very dry or as though their flavorings had been created somewhere in the vicinity of a refinery.

But this place is different. I briefly chatted with the owner, a young Italian woman, who told me that hers are family recipes. Realy dairy products are used here. I suspect that she comes from Northern Italy but I neglected to ask. At any rate, the name of the bakery is Cannella Cafe. I wouldn't be surprised if the espresso is delicious too but since I don't like coffee I can't say for sure.

The bakery is located on 51 Singharat Rd. Soi 4. It's roughly halfway between Siam TV and the Thai Airways Headquarters. Phone number is 0-5341-7727. I've attached a map.


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Nice advertising technique!!!

Might even work. :D

the mods are slow today :)

you can't blame the guy for trying - better than paying thaivisa for advertising 351 free hits already and counting

but yes a bit slow

Edited by caf
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Nice advertising technique!!!

Might even work. :D

the mods are slow today :)

you can't blame the guy for trying - better than paying thaivisa for advertising 351 free hits already and counting

but yes a bit slow


Is it that the mods are slow in acting or rather that the cynics are slow in their thinking? I believe Ulysses G. is a mod and could have pulled the plug on my post had he felt there was cause for it. He knows who I am and, in this case, what is even more to the point, he knows who I am not.

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The sad news is that an excellent new Italian bakery has opened in Chiang Mai. The news is sad because my wife also has a bakery and I hate the thought of serious competition. The only good news in all this is that the new bakery is Italian so mostly isn't offering items that would compete with my wife's products. I lived in New York City for 30 years and never had much use for the multitude of Italian bakeries there. Their producs either tasted either very dry or as though their flavorings had been created somewhere in the vicinity of a refinery.

But this place is different. I briefly chatted with the owner, a young Italian woman, who told me that hers are family recipes. Realy dairy products are used here. I suspect that she comes from Northern Italy but I neglected to ask. At any rate, the name of the bakery is Cannella Cafe. I wouldn't be surprised if the espresso is delicious too but since I don't like coffee I can't say for sure.

The bakery is located on 51 Singharat Rd. Soi 4. It's roughly halfway between Siam TV and the Thai Airways Headquarters. Phone number is 0-5341-7727. I've attached a map.

Ok, I give in - where's your wife's bakery ................ ?

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I know Coz-you-smell-ito, and this isn't so much a tooting of his wife's horn, as much as a tipping of the hat to the new place. He knows his food and is passionate about it. If he says a place is worth investigating, it usually is.

And I know he likes a good crusty loaf. Is that what you found there ? What was particularly good ?

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I know Coz-you-smell-ito, and this isn't so much a tooting of his wife's horn, as much as a tipping of the hat to the new place. He knows his food and is passionate about it. If he says a place is worth investigating, it usually is.

And I know he likes a good crusty loaf. Is that what you found there ? What was particularly good?

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I'll save him the trouble:

It's located in the Rimping Supermarket, Mee Chok branch on the Maejo Road.

And Butter is Better has my vote also. Everything I have tried there has been good (esp. the apple pie) and the staff are always very friendly and welcoming. Thumbs up also to the Wednesday discounts - every little bit helps.

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First of all, I’d like to give a shout ot to all my fellow conspirators, UlyssesG, Electrified, realthaideal,csmsoulbrother. SamsaiSam and,chiangmabruce , (or, as I affectionately call them , Mr. Brown, Mr. Pink, Mr. White, Mr. Green, Mr. Black, and Mister Gray) at thaivisa whom I enlisted into this vast conspiracy to circuitously promote my wife's bakery. You will be rewarded with the usual bags of 24 carat cholesterol. No need to remind you all of the vow that you took never to mention my wife’s bakery by name even under threat of torture or debarment from the forum. Which maybe comes to the same thing or worse for some of us. . I am only sorry that the innocent Cannella and others will have to suffer the injury of even further praise. Such are the fortunes of war & guerilla marketing..

And now to answer various questions.

The truth is, I came to taste Cannella's products by a kind of reverse slumming. Gate crashing? Thanks to my wife being the owner of a well regarded anonymous bakery, she was given an invitation for 2 to attend a wine tasting of some new wines that Italasia was promoting. Much of Chiang Mai's Hi-So o was here. The guests were almost universally a lively and attractive group of people who seemed to have many interesting things to say. So naturally I avoided disgracing myself conversation with them and concentrated on the wine and food. I know my place. Which is in the buffet line.

. And here I am going to continue in my serial shilling vein by saying that these wines were astonishingly good. And a few, astonishingly pricey. Still if you have 4000+ baht to dispose of, I highly recommend the Ca' del Bosco Annamaria which is an Italian version of Champagne using the same varieties of grapes that the French use. And the same prices. Also a very fine cabernet named Maurizio Zannella, that sells for nearly as much. But I did have a pinot nero (pinot noir) that retails for about 900 baht and while I am not nearly wealthy enough to call that a bargain, it seemed a very fair price for an excellent wine. (It’s also fair to note here that much of that price is due to the high tariffs Thailand imposes on wine.) On the label e grape is called Spatburgunder and the vineyard's name is Kettmeir. Spatburgunder is German for pinot noir)

. These wines come from the Alto Adige, the northernmost part of Italy where a Germanic dialect is the lingua franca.

The venue was Casa del Antonio Restaurant which I think is owned by Giorgio. as is Italasia Along with the wines, Giorio provided some excellent antipasti. More subterranean marketing. Sorry, I can’t help myself. Maybe I should go on some kind of medication?

And somewhere in the middle of the soiree, a variety of pastries from Cannella were provided. I wish I knew what they were called. Is there a taxonomy of pastry with latin names? We need a new Linnaeus! Okay, I did recognize the cream puffs. Didn’t see any cannoli. I suspect that the people behind Cannella may come from somewhere north of Rome and do not traffic in cannoli, but that’s only a guess. At any rate, the products tasted like genuine pastry. Not as sweet as we Americans generally like but excellent. No skimping on good quality ingredients here.

I don’t think Cannella does bread since it’s a Caffe. But I can’t say for sure.

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... snip ... I believe Ulysses G. is a mod and could have pulled the plug on my post had he felt there was cause for it. He knows who I am and, in this case, what is even more to the point, he knows who I am not.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Cozumelito,

While Ulysses G. is so highly modified that he could be termed a "modulation of modification," he appears, to me, as only moderately immoderate in his behavior here (compared to ... in the context of ... the feral mutants like you-know-who daily running amok).

I was not aware of these psychic powers you ascribe to him until now, but since I have always respected him, I feel that, as usual, I have nothing to fear but what I see in the mirror.

In another post you wrote : "Maybe I should go on some kind of medication?" : it seems to me like you are doing well with the wine and the pasta as it is.

I sure wish I had UG's taste buds ... or yours !

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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Might I suggest you change the signs to "Free Coffee with Purchase"? I noticed a number of people enjoying your coffee and buying nothing. I asked your lovely salesgirl what the ratio was and she confirmed that at least half took the coffee and bought nothing. I myself have never had the ability to walk away from a bakery counter empty handed and am enjoying my goodies as I type.

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