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Young Farang Motorist Harrassing Farang Motorcyclists


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This was not a rental. He also had this Thai University girl in the passenger seat, and from what I could tell, it looked like she too was really enjoying the spectacle. She had on one of those really short, really tight skirts and tight white tshirt. I can't believe a woman that attractive would involve herself with a young farang with these types of 'hobbies'. I was shaking in anger and trust me, I almost did something.

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I got chased on my Yamaha 400 by a crazed lady in a Thunderbird...in Austin :) It happens everywhere, nearly never. Pattaya - is that in Panama?

:D Gym bunnies shouldn't drive about shirtless in short shorts. It unleashes the beast in lovelorn women.

When faced with a wacko tailgating, isn't just wiser to pull over and wait a minute until the wacko passes and moves on? Bike vs, car/truck is an uneven match and it's just not worth ending up paralyzed or dead. If you don't care about yourself think about the spouse/partner/kids lthat have to deal with the aftermath.

There are quite a few posters here that agree with you. You are absolutely right. And anyway what they say on an internet forum and what they do in real life may not be the same of course.

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It would seem that this thread may have passed it's use by date. We now have people who can intimately describe the passengers in a speeding vehicle, including knowing their educational status.

So, without further due or consideration.....CLOSED.

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