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Stange Coincidence?


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Well, I had worked with my company for coming out here to Thailand for quite some time. I'd be able to "tele-commute", but be based out of the office we have in BKK. Mid-December I was given the green light to move out with only a few loose ends to tie up. Loose ends turned to "major" problems in the ensuing months and a couple weeks ago, I got word that the company will not support the move. I've got a wife and stepdaughter now, so the news has been difficult to take. Company will be working with me though, And I'll be able to have right around 6 months off here, so for the short term, it's a workable solution (nothing else I can do)

ok.. so much for the background. Wierd thing is, perhaps things occurred that let me know this was going to happen.

For example, back in July, my wife and I took a trip. Once of the places we visited was Nakhon Pathom. In the temple that had the reclining Buddha, we did the thing where you shake a canister full of "fortune telling sticks" until one falls out. It has a number on it then you take the to get your fortune. Mine said something to the effect that I would not be able to be with the one I love.. can't remember the exact wording. Hers was more positive and almost contradictory. I told her not to worry about it. Hey, I was given the ok to move out here in December right? In my mind, though, the words on the paper from the temple were still there, and I never thought to myself "heh, I told you so".

Move up to January to when we should be married. Upon planning for the correct date we went to go see the monk in the town temple. He was very good I was told. After consulting his book and dates and whatever else he calls on, he made a couple of spot on "readings" of my life leading up to this point. Then he says (and he had only known me for the few minutes he had seen me) Someone from my work does not want me to be here and I could have a problem.

So now 2 things screwing with me head. From January, I made plans with my company to get a Non-B Visa, then ultimately a work permit... My immediate boss kept telling me to be patient a little longer.. everything almost in place, and then it all fell apart. I'm told there was one particular lawyer in the company who had major heartburn with this move and elevated the issue up a couple levels below the CEO. And that was that. Case closed.

Should be able to salvage something of a "normal" life though with 6 months here throughout the year. That'll be my time with no work responsibilities so I can start to build up something here in preparation when I can quit current job and be self sufficient here (maybe a couple years down the road depending on how things evolve)

It's just a little wierd that on the only 2 occasions where I came into contact with something/someone religious that the message given to me was that I wouldn't be able to come here (for now).

I'm sure a lot of you other folks here have some interesting stories to tell (not that mine was all that interesting). I know I'd be interested in hearing them. :o

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Well, I had worked with my company for coming out here to Thailand for quite some time. I'd be able to "tele-commute", but be based out of the office we have in BKK. Mid-December I was given the green light to move out with only a few loose ends to tie up. Loose ends turned to "major" problems in the ensuing months and a couple weeks ago, I got word that the company will not support the move.  I've got a wife and stepdaughter now, so the news has been difficult to take. Company will be working with me though, And I'll be able to have right around 6 months off here, so for the short term, it's a workable solution (nothing else I can do)

ok.. so much for the background. Wierd thing is, perhaps things occurred that let me know this was going to happen.

For example, back in July, my wife and I took a trip. Once of the places we visited was Nakhon Pathom. In the temple that had the reclining Buddha, we did the thing where you shake a canister full of "fortune telling sticks" until one falls out. It has a number on it then you take the to get your fortune. Mine said something to the effect that I would not be able to be with the one I love.. can't remember the exact wording. Hers was more positive and almost contradictory.  I told her not to worry about it. Hey, I was given the ok to move out here in December right? In my mind, though, the words on the paper from the temple were still there, and I never thought to myself "heh, I told you so".

Move up to January to when we should be married. Upon planning for the correct date we went to go see the monk in the town temple. He was very good I was told. After consulting his book and dates and whatever else he calls on, he made a couple of spot on "readings" of my life leading up to this point.  Then he says (and he had only known me for the few minutes he had seen me) Someone from my work does not want me to be here and I could have a problem.

So now 2 things screwing with me head. From January, I made plans with my company to get a Non-B Visa, then ultimately a work permit... My immediate boss kept telling me to be patient a little longer.. everything almost in place, and then it all fell apart.  I'm told there was one particular lawyer in the company who had major heartburn with this move and elevated the issue up a couple levels below the CEO. And that was that. Case closed. 

Should be able to salvage something of a "normal" life though with 6 months here throughout the year.  That'll be my time with no work responsibilities so I can start to build up something here in preparation when I can quit current job and be self sufficient here (maybe a couple years down the road depending on how things evolve)

It's just a little wierd that on the only 2 occasions where I came into contact with something/someone religious that the message given to me was that I wouldn't be able to come here (for now).

I'm sure a lot of you other folks here have some interesting stories to tell (not that mine was all that interesting).  I know I'd be interested in hearing them.  :o

Well i am not all thta a religous man and believe if u want somthing enough in life u can formulate it .....i also had a go at those sticks and nothing happened to me to suggest ......i should.,nt come here ...what was the reasson your bosses gave ..i am sure not the sticks!!!...sound like u want it enough to come anyawy ...where theres a will [not willy!!]theres a way!!!I formulated redundancy and sold house to start life here but did have a spiritual reading from a woman who said i would live here and sell house..and change job...but then i knew that!!..and all i can say is sop far so good!!!

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In the temple that had the reclining Buddha, we did the thing where you shake a canister full of "fortune telling sticks" until one falls out. It has a number on it then you take the to get your fortune. Mine said something to the effect that I would not be able to be with the one I love.. can't remember the exact wording.

In my mind, though, the words on the paper from the temple were still there, and I never thought to myself "heh, I told you so".

Did you keep the paper when you left the temple? If so, that is why it came true. If you want to disallow the tellings, you have to leave the paper there and not take it with you.

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This could be a tricky road, getting good / bad fortunes, omens, premonitions, readings, whatever, then attributing some outcome that may appear to be validation.

I think we've all wrestled with events that seem too incredible to be coincidence,


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There is no such thing as coincidence

It is not possible for some things to be destiny and others not.

I used to debate this subject til I was blue in the face. Now, my experience tells me that so many things have happened in my life that are unexplainable in conventional terms, that everything happens as it is supposed to happen, and there is a reason for everything happening.

Edited by Neeranam
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Neeranam, I certainly keep an open mind about things. I'm not prepared to go as far as to say there is absolutely no such thing as coincidence. I seem to have a couple times a year when I dwell on things, research a bit, and advance my own understanding of what I feel about this subject.

As cliffy said, If you want something bad enough in life you can formulate some sort of plan to attain it, discounting unforseen circumstances like an ultra-conservative lawyer interfering with a plan almost a year in the making :o

I do feel though that in the case of my situation now, that the two events I described seem to point toward the resolution of my current situation. Although unfortunate, the outcome isn't really that bad and I'll have a lot more free time on my hands to formulate a more permanent plan.

Well... I really didn't want to have this turn into a thread about religion, or destiny per se. I do know some of you have had some interesting experiences. Neeranam, obviously you have had some. I'd be interested in reading the stories.

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ine said something to the effect that I would not be able to be with the one I love.. can't remember the exact wording. Hers was more positive and almost contradictory.

If they were contradictory, then one will always be true, however, if you're not the one your wife loves, then they aren't contradictory at all, and the prophecy has been fullfilled.

As a level headed person I'd be inclined to discount the latter and realise that if the opposite had happened, and you could work for your company here, then you would be making a post saying how your wifes stick had predicted it would happen.

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ine said something to the effect that I would not be able to be with the one I love.. can't remember the exact wording. Hers was more positive and almost contradictory.

If they were contradictory, then one will always be true, however, if you're not the one your wife loves, then they aren't contradictory at all, and the prophecy has been fullfilled.

As a level headed person I'd be inclined to discount the latter and realise that if the opposite had happened, and you could work for your company here, then you would be making a post saying how your wifes stick had predicted it would happen.

I doubt I'd be making the post at all, besides, the opposite did not happen. Another way of looking at it (being the level headed peron I think I am ) would be that for my current situation (the short tem), the prediction held true, but in the long term, my wifes "prediction" holds true, so in fact both can be true :o

Ah well... I still know there are others with interesting stories regarding coincidences, premonitions, whatever in your life in Thailand.. Anyone care to share?

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There is no such thing as coincidence

It is not possible for some things to be destiny and others not.

I used to debate this subject til I was blue in the face. Now, my experience tells me that so many things have happened in my life that are unexplainable in conventional terms, that everything happens as it is supposed to happen, and there is a reason for everything happening.

It's called Chaos Theory.

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There is no such thing as coincidence

It is not possible for some things to be destiny and others not.

I used to debate this subject til I was blue in the face. Now, my experience tells me that so many things have happened in my life that are unexplainable in conventional terms, that everything happens as it is supposed to happen, and there is a reason for everything happening.

It's called Chaos Theory.

The point of The Chaos Theory is that if you look deep enough in to seemingly random events you will eventually find a pattern, unfortunatly some patterns may be 10's of thousand even millions of years in the making so it's a hard theory for people to study.

As for there being no coincidences Neeranam, of the billions of people doing the billions of things on this planet, there has to be billions of actions/consequences that seem connected but infact are not. Coincidences happen constantly, it's impossible for them not to. Its just the human condition tends to pick out the things that are connected and convieniently forget or dissmiss the billions of times that nothing was connected at all.

Selective amnesia :o

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There is no such thing as coincidence

It is not possible for some things to be destiny and others not.

I used to debate this subject til I was blue in the face. Now, my experience tells me that so many things have happened in my life that are unexplainable in conventional terms, that everything happens as it is supposed to happen, and there is a reason for everything happening.

It's called Chaos Theory.

The point of The Chaos Theory is that if you look deep enough in to seemingly random events you will eventually find a pattern, unfortunatly some patterns may be 10's of thousand even millions of years in the making so it's a hard theory for people to study.

As for there being no coincidences Neeranam, of the billions of people doing the billions of things on this planet, there has to be billions of actions/consequences that seem connected but infact are not. Coincidences happen constantly, it's impossible for them not to. Its just the human condition tends to pick out the things that are connected and convieniently forget or dissmiss the billions of times that nothing was connected at all.

Selective amnesia :o

funny you mentioned that......

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did the same thing, four different wats, more or less not all the same stuff on the little papers, still have one, now that i can read a bit of thai will attempt to read it myself and not have friends interpreting - and leaving out the bad parts which i think they did, being thai and not wanting to upset me or something--; was taken to see monk somewhere near ban chiang who is famous for fortunes with thai woman friend who translated, based on my children's names, and mine and birth dates (a bit difficult since we have jewish dates and 'english' dates the jewish ones being lunar so really dont know which ones are more 'true' :D ).... some stuff true so far, some stuff not true yet.(my youngest daughter will be a good gaughter and take care of me in my old age), (i will meet rich man who will take care of me 'still waiting for that one :o ')..

have a thai issan friend who told me that since our paths have crossed unexpectedly to the good, maybe in future our fates will be shared if buddha wants it that way BUT he doesnt believe all the papers at the wat stuff, saying: "different wats, same day, different bulls--- not the real buddhist way"... but he is rather less 'animistic' than many of the issan thai i've met

the story of how i found my friend is that we had lost contact for almost a year after he left working at the kibbutz; i came to thailand, no phone number etc; i sent a post card to last address, had no idea if he was in thailand or working somewhere else over seas, married or anything; he phoned place i was at; it was near by!! were together for four days, he says that is a sign from buddha. since then he is in the states and we phone every few weeks i will not see him for an other three years at least; but i take all sorts of little things that happen in my life as signs that things are moving in the right direction, i choose the immediate path, and decide things and wait with lots of patience:

he used the word วาสนา[/SIZE] waatF naaM



good fortune due to past good deeds, luck, lot in life

ิีbut in general look how many words there are for luck, fortune, destiny, fate:

khraw[h]Hnounluck, chance, fate, fortune, omen, planet

2.ฆาต khaatFnoundeath; fate; end

3.โฉลกchaL lohkLnounchance, fortune, luck, fate, opportunity

4.ชะตา chaH dtaaMnounfate, destiny, fortune, future, luck, lot

5.โชคชะตา chohkF chaH dtaaMnounfate, fortune, destiny

6.โชคลาภ chohkF laapFnounfortune, fate

7.พรหมเรขา phrohmM rehM khaaRnoun, phrase, formal, poetic, loanword, Pali[a Buddhist belief derived from Brahman idea] fate; destiny; the state of being preordained by fate or a divine power

8.เวรกรรม wehnM gamMnoun, phrase, loanword, Palikarma, a consequence of an action; fate, misfortune, retribution

วาสนา waatF naaM

borrowed from thai lang.com

i know slightly off subject but fun anyway :D

now if someone could explain the differences i'll go bug them in the lang. forum for continuation....

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There is no such thing as coincidence

It is not possible for some things to be destiny and others not.

I used to debate this subject til I was blue in the face. Now, my experience tells me that so many things have happened in my life that are unexplainable in conventional terms, that everything happens as it is supposed to happen, and there is a reason for everything happening.

It's called Chaos Theory.

The point of The Chaos Theory is that if you look deep enough in to seemingly random events you will eventually find a pattern, unfortunatly some patterns may be 10's of thousand even millions of years in the making so it's a hard theory for people to study.

As for there being no coincidences Neeranam, of the billions of people doing the billions of things on this planet, there has to be billions of actions/consequences that seem connected but infact are not. Coincidences happen constantly, it's impossible for them not to. Its just the human condition tends to pick out the things that are connected and convieniently forget or dissmiss the billions of times that nothing was connected at all.

Selective amnesia :o

Yes, just making the point that whilst everything happens that's supposed to happen, it's impossible to predict what will happen within complex systems with any great acuracy. That's not to say that you can't make general predictions on the macroscopic level.

I'd say that human thought and interaction is one of the most complex systems there is, and therefore impossible to predict acurately. The reason for everything happening is a result of what has happened before. Cause and effect.

Edited by konangrit
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