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Pattaya Condo Property Taxes

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I just heard that all the co-owners in the condo where I rent have received a Thai-language letter from Pattaya City Hall. It seems to concern property taxes due on rental units. No English translation yet.

Have any co-owners in other condos received this? Anybody know what it says exactly, what's going on?

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Well, nobody seems interested, which is surprising given the number of people here who own (and maybe rent out) condos. So I'm not sure if it's worth the effort to post this, but the condo office has posted a brief translation of the Thai letter.

ALL co-owners must take their documents (passport/ID, ownership docs, some other stuff I can't recall, plus any rental agreements) to City Hall PERSONALLY within 15 days.

The way it's been translated implies that EVERY owner must do this, regardless of whether they are letting out any properties or not, and the penalties for failing to do so are not specified in the translation.

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Well, nobody seems interested, ...

You are wrong. Many people are probably interested, but in your 1st message you talk about a letter received in Your condo that Seems to be about taxes. Ok. Could be interesting but no precise enough for me to reply as I did not receive such a letter.

With your 2nd message things are a little clearer. I would say that Pattaya City Hall begin to look towards the many guys who rent condos and do not declare anything... :)

It will become very interesting when someone will say that they received this same letter in an other condo... :D

A remark : in many Pattaya condos, the owner is there only a few weeks or months a year. There is no way that they can show these documents in only 15 days !

Wait and see... :D

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With your 2nd message things are a little clearer. I would say that Pattaya City Hall begin to look towards the many guys who rent condos and do not declare anything... :D

That's what it seemed like based on the condo's initial translation, but as I mentioned the latest translation says that ALL co-owners have to go to City Hall. Does that mean they are thinking of imposing a property tax on all units? Or are they just trying to weed out the lessors from people who actually live in their condos?

I may be wrong, but the only way of finding out which rooms in a building are being let out would be to correlate the records held by Pattaya Immigration, and even then they would be very inaccurate. For example, to get a retirement extension you have to provide proof of your current address, amd then every 90 day report you have to give them another copy. But they don't check the dates - I've been giving them copies of an old lease that expired two years ago, and they don't notice. On top of that, all the tourists visting, or people living here on Non-O's and visa runs, don't have to provide any proof of address at all. So the Immigration database is pretty much useless AFAICS.

It will become very interesting when someone will say that they received this same letter in an other condo... :D

That's what I was hoping to hear from other BM's. If this was a general Pattaya-wide letter to all condo units then surely the various boards would be lit up like the Walking Street sign. :) The fact that they are not seems to indicate that either this is something specifically aimed at this building (for whatever reason), or else it might be a trial run before launching it Pattaya-wide. Am I missing anything?

A remark : in many Pattaya condos, the owner is there only a few weeks or months a year. There is no way that they can show these documents in only 15 days !

I've lived here for 3 years, and have never seen the owner of one unit on my floor. I guess that for Thai owners they will have some current address if they live elsewhere in Thailand, but for farangs? They're certainly not going to but a plane ticket and march straight back here at the behest of some pencil-pusher in North Pattaya. My friend who is a co-owner in the condo here is a bit worried about this, and I've advised him not to report until things settle down and we find out what the purpose of the whole exercise really is. If there is any argument, he can always say that he was travelling around the country for a few months so didn't get the letter.

Anyway, if anyone else owning a condo here in Pattaya gets a similar letter, it would be helpful to know about it.

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