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Are There Many Guys Like Me In Thailand?


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come to chiang mai, you can easily get by on that amount. Its a great place to live and there are lots of people your age to chat and drink with. Im a bit younger at 35 but i love it here and i have for the last 4 years. I earn more money than 40k a month from an income in the UK but i only ever seem to spend about 35k due to eating at home most days and only going out at the weekends. Why spend more if you don't need to.

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There are plenty of normal folks out there - not everyone is a drunk lout from Sussex.

Gyms, parks, islands, beaches, fresh produce sections in supers, Thai restaurants, etc are the best places - its the same as anywhere else - perhaps even easier in Thailand as they are so extremely friendly

Bars, whorehouses, dens of iniquity are the worst and will run you Bt10k per day.

You could also find employment that will widen your social realms and keep you sober, longer.

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Not that I wish to start the age old income debate again, but the OP states he wants to mix with similar social class to him. He does not state what he considers his social class to be. But he does mention being lazy and university educated. In my experience, lazy and university educated means in the top half not the bottom half- lower classes who go to university tend not to be lazy, quite the opposite. The lazy ones are from well to do families who have a cushioned upbringing and take most things for granted (I know, because I was one). Given this, I do not think he will want to eat the majority of his meals at thai prices, firstly because the idea of eating from the gutter or a down trodden restaurant will not impress him and secondly he states he wishes to meet new friends from his social class- and such people are less likely to be frequenting such establishments.

Perhaps the op will point out his social class so we can better assist him, and also provide telltale hints and tips so that he may avoid the riff raff of the working class while sojourning in the dark lands for queen and country.


Yes, a valid point!

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I pull in about 60-70K a month depending on the aussie dollar from investments.

I have my own house (well its the wife's) and car(also the wife's), eat street food most of the time 15 to 20 baht, go out to drinking, spending on Thai courses, gym 4 days a week.

And I spend about 15 to 20K a month.

If I had to pay rent, lets say thats put another 10K on.

40K is very doable if you spend wisely

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Thanks for this. Yes, you are right. I am not worried about living on an income as I love rice, don't smoke. 5 small beers is a heavy night for me and probably most pertinent; don't need/want to pay for female company above the usual bf expenses.

I am though more concerned with finding a good set of friends.

Then perhaps Thailand is not the right place. You're not so young right ? You'll not get much in the way of freebies, and costs can run deceptively high.

Failing this, then perhaps a stint teaching in a private language school would be good. You're likely to find some friends here around your age group. And yes I'd get out of Bangkok - increasingly expensive and polluted.

40k is realistic especially as you are a moderate drinker and presumably won't be going to the naughty areas.

But call it intuition, call it experience, but my advice with you is to not come at all. How about Vietnam, or China?

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That's really not much money to live on but I guess it could be done.

Not much money to live on? 40k? In Thailand? Have you any idea how much salary the average office worker in Bangkok earns? Christ almighty, what planet do you come from? Not everyone expects to live in a luxury condo and buy a new car every two years, you know...

It is just silly neo-sahib think. Out of curiosity I calculated my costs, including the house and the few vehicles purchased over the decades, and I still come out to a cost of living far less than half of 40k per month. Life did get a tad more expensive 20 years ago once they brought electricity to the village.

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How about enrolling into a Thai language course. That way you get to learn the lanuage (which is essential to enjoy the country), You will meet other people on the course and thirdly you can get a visa on the basis that you are studying.

As an extra bonus it gives you something to do during the day.

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How about enrolling into a Thai language course. That way you get to learn the lanuage (which is essential to enjoy the country), You will meet other people on the course and thirdly you can get a visa on the basis that you are studying.

As an extra bonus it gives you something to do during the day.

Spot on, most of my friends are from Thai language courses

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That's really not much money to live on but I guess it could be done.

Not much money to live on? 40k? In Thailand? Have you any idea how much salary the average office worker in Bangkok earns? Christ almighty, what planet do you come from? Not everyone expects to live in a luxury condo and buy a new car every two years, you know...

Sarcasm or irony ?

the irony is he thinks its sarcasm

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It seems there are many guys like you here in Thailand. Lazy bums who see themselves as something they are not. How can you stay here long term, except by continuous tourist visa's which is why the Thai immigration is clamping down?

You just make it more difficult for those of us who live here legitimately.

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It seems there are many guys like you here in Thailand. Lazy bums who see themselves as something they are not. How can you stay here long term, except by continuous tourist visa's which is why the Thai immigration is clamping down?

You just make it more difficult for those of us who live here legitimately.

It would help if you made it clear who you were replying to, Without us just assuming it is directed at the op.

Furthermore how on earth did you come to this conclusion about the op?

Nothing has being discussed as regards what visa he is on or will be in the future.

Maybe you could also enlighten us as to what you term as legitimate?

Edited by cyb
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  • 4 months later...
Not that I wish to start the age old income debate again, but the OP states he wants to mix with similar social class to him. He does not state what he considers his social class to be. But he does mention being lazy and university educated. In my experience, lazy and university educated means in the top half not the bottom half- lower classes who go to university tend not to be lazy, quite the opposite. The lazy ones are from well to do families who have a cushioned upbringing and take most things for granted (I know, because I was one). Given this, I do not think he will want to eat the majority of his meals at thai prices, firstly because the idea of eating from the gutter or a down trodden restaurant will not impress him and secondly he states he wishes to meet new friends from his social class- and such people are less likely to be frequenting such establishments.

Perhaps the op will point out his social class so we can better assist him, and also provide telltale hints and tips so that he may avoid the riff raff of the working class while sojourning in the dark lands for queen and country.

:):D:D Minimum words required.

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Just because some of you can't handle eating Thai food and have to pay your girlfriends salaries doesn't mean everyone lives like you... in fact, I don't even think the OP even asked for anyone's opinion of his income... to me it sounded like he said that's what he DECIDED to spend a month...

To the OP, I know many people 25-40ish who live this way in BKK, and we manage to have our share of fun. Most of us don't need to buy our company (unless someone wants to be guaranteed a no-strings.. never mind.. haha), we enjoy sitting at holes in the wall drinking 100 baht a pitcher Thai beer, and love Thai food. I refuse to pay 30,000 baht per month on a room when I'm perfectly happy paying 6,000, and I'm a 10 minute walk to where I spend most of my time or to the BTS and MRT. I think you will find people "like you" anywhere you decide to live - Phuket, Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Ayyuthaya, anywhere.

Add me to the tally..

40 and have lived in BK in the same conditions.

My last appartment costed 5500 baht a month inclusive of power and water, internet, ubc, and the rental of tv and fridge from the building owners.

I find those basic living expenses allow me to do virtually anything i like..and ill usually spend 25-30k per month.

When i get bored i go into the city have a few leos with my few farang mates, who work for around 30k a month and pay around 12-15k per month just for a dodgy room with no extras.

If you can go home for a few months and stay with family over christmas, maybe get a little work in the process, you can have an even better lifestyle when you return..

It may be a hoot now, but the trouble is being the age of 40 and getting quite comfortable with this sort of lifestyle, the big question is what the future will hold, and more importantly, if you've planned adequately for it :)

PS- Number one tip from me is dont get TO involved with the ladyfolk..and if you cant help yourself its best to rent..NOT buy :D

PSS- BTW, Glad to meet up and induct you into our ever exclusive club if you find yourself in BK..

Edited by ozzieovaseas
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mate.. i can do 20,000 per month..

and i smoke, drink and have a thai girlfriend.

as they say here.. it's up to you!

my two cents would be avoid bangkok, pattaya and the islands and beaches.

and if you need to do visa runs.. then down south is good

because the malaysian visa is free.. and not so much travelling between

otherwise.. especially for the friends issue.. chiang mai would be the go

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I have lived on 12k a month in CM (no rental costs which would have been another 5k) for a few months but the girlfriend was not very happy about it. 30k equals a very nice life.

I am fifty and found most of the guys a lot older in Chiang Mai and somewhat boring and I am probably much the same as the OP, degree, Brit and a bit lazy - spend less money and avoid working too much after having made a lot of dosh in the past.

Actually, having a self-imposed restrictive income is probably a good thing in Thailand as it gets rid of the nastier women.

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My wife and I burned through 80k/month in Chiang Mai, but we also didn't attempt to save since we knew we would be in the US.

12k for rent

8k for car

5k for internet/cellphones

2-4k for misc bills (like when we bought aircons for our business)

But then I threw money into my awesome Honda Chaly, seen to the left.

I think we saw every movie that came out

Ate out 95% of the time cause after working who wants to cook for two. 90% of the time we ate Thai, but often more posh restaurants.

Clubs 2-3x a month

facials and massages for the wife

Honestly I would say in CM as a young coupple with plans on putting kids into an international school and funding their own retirement at least 200k/month is needed to live a life without sacrifices.

As a single guy in a studio apartment, 40K in CM would be more than enough.

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I'm always amazed at the massive amount of daily expenditure people on this forum feel is necessary in Thailand. An average day for me costs 500 baht. Room and bills for 150, food and water for 150, plus 200 to spend on whatever I want to do that day. A book that could last a few days. A session at the gym. A day at a lake or waterfall etc. I understand some people have families and some live in more expensive rooms and houses, and some people drink a lot and pay for entertainment, but apart from that what is it that you do everyday that costs so much money? Or is that just it? A nice house, beer and girls?

You room for 150 baht per day ? (4500 per month?) Eat for 50 Baht per meal ?

And 200 B for whatever ?

Your monthly budget is about 15,000 Baht, correct? I guess many locals live on that or less, so without ridicule it is possible and believable.

I’m game to try the 50B per meal game and see how it works…

For the rest I’ll have to budget separately: recreation, comfort and general standard of living.

Well Im not a Thai food lover but do like khao pat kai and a bit of fruit after and it costs me 25-30 baht per time. I eat it everyday.

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Well we own our house (my wife does :) ), car payed for, yet still we spend around 50K/month and this is without heavy partying.

UBC : 2200/month

internet CAT CDMA : 850/month

CAT fixed internet : 1915/month

electricity : 1500/month

shopping for food at makro : 12000/month

petrol for car/motorbike : 8000/month

entertainment : shopping for clothes and such, going out for dinner, short city trips...... 20000/month

visa stuff : 5000/month (trip to perth this year costed me 60K)

health insurance : 3000/month

Total : 54465 baht/month

Don't want to patronize anybody but why move abroad to lower your standard of living?

before moving outhere in 1996 I followed my father's advice which was : move abroad the have a better life or stay at home and work towards that goal.

bless his soul.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Chiang Mai is reasonable for prices, has decent nightlife, good food, and not quite the circus that other places can be.

cdnvic speaks the truth. It CAN be done. I've been doing it for about 6 years now. However, with only 40,000 baht a month you have to stay in Thai hotels and eat Thai food almost exclusively. My hotel costs me about 4000 baht a month. I can eat for about 150 baht a day. My only expense are the women. If you can leave them alone then you'll be okay. But, what kind of a life is that? Certainly, if you get married it will cost you a WHOLE LOT MORE. There is no way to budget if you are married... unless the Thai woman has a viable business independent from you.

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40K in Chiang Mai would give you much more than a 4000B apartment...

10,000 alone would get you a house or a multi-bedroom condo.

Even if you spent 400-500/day on food you would have over 15,000 baht left.

YanTree, what's with the English teacher hate?

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