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Fungal Infections

femi fan

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I've recently had a fungal infection in my ear after having excess wax build-up removed (which i have to have done about once a year in the last few years). I had a nasty experience after being prescribed ciprofloxacin which happened to make my condition worse, and which also poisoned me. First point of the thread: if anyone gets prescribed this antibiotic, research it on the net before starting the medication: i can guarantee you won't want to take a single pill!

I'm currently on an anti-fungal non-antibiotic pill prescribed by a doctor i feel i can trust.

However, it has led me to thinking that about the only time i need to go to hospitals is over some kind of fungal infection in or on my body. I live in chiang mai and some people say the humidity is a cause, but i lived in bangkok before that and that is more humid, and i never really had a problem of this nature while living there. I consider myself to eat a good diet and take steps to look after my health in general.

My main questions really are why am i getting these fungal problems, how best to get rid of them without resorting to antibiotics, and most importantly does anyone know of any preventative steps i can take to avoid future outbreaks?

Do others get such problems on a regular basis, and how do they solve them?

Are any solutions out there that avoid me seeing a doctor or having to take prescribed medication?

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I know yours is in your ear but..................:)

I get fungal infections on my feet now and again. Actually I just got back from the Philippines and couldn't believe how flaky the soles were. By far the worst ever. So I do what I always do; pee on them every time I take a shower.

It is by far the best treatment for athelets foot I know. Safe, 100% effective and of course free.

Try swabbing a cotton bud and gently rubbing your ear for a few seconds. Wash out your ear a minute later. I'd be willing to bet that it's gone in a few days.

If you do try it I would love to know if it works.

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I know yours is in your ear but..................:D

I get fungal infections on my feet now and again. Actually I just got back from the Philippines and couldn't believe how flaky the soles were. By far the worst ever. So I do what I always do; pee on them every time I take a shower.

It is by far the best treatment for athelets foot I know. Safe, 100% effective and of course free.

Try swabbing a cotton bud and gently rubbing your ear for a few seconds. Wash out your ear a minute later. I'd be willing to bet that it's gone in a few days.

If you do try it I would love to know if it works.

Nope, I don't think so :)

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Antibiotics are supposed to kill bacteria, not fungi, why did you take antibiotics in the first place? :)

Obviously because of my lack of knowledge at that point in time! I now know, hopefully not to my cost. Part of the reason for my lack of knowledge is because apart from about one time in more recent years i've always refused antibiotics, just assuming they have too much of a price to pay.

Interestingly my second visit to the doctor revealed according to him an increase in bacteria. So this antibiotic couldn't even do its job on the bacteria. I guess from what he said that he had omitted to tell me on the first visit about bacteria, just telling me about the fungal infection. When i finally got round to research i found out that this cipro drug has been prescribed so much in south east asia that resistance to it is rife.

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femmi fan, a professor of dermatology at the medical school at CMU has an evening clinic just inside Chuang Pak Gate, on the left shortly before Thai Airways big office.

Thanks for the answer PB, but i'm increasingly averse to doctors and their treatment of symptoms. I'm stuck at the moment with who i believe is a good doctor, dr sharin on the eastern moat road, but as with all health 'care', i'm into prevention. Unfortunately with these fungal problems my preventative techniques seem to be failing, which runs counter to my general health which is fine.

Is he that laser and creams man who has full clinics whenever he's open?! Double no thanks mate!

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Dear Femi fan,

Following a natural healthy diet of healthy grains (eg brown rice), beans, vegetables and fruit (with occasional good fish)

provides you with all the nutrition you need and eventually removes the conditions in your body that give rise to fungal infections and many of the conditions for disease.

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best,


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I know yours is in your ear but..................:)

I get fungal infections on my feet now and again. Actually I just got back from the Philippines and couldn't believe how flaky the soles were. By far the worst ever. So I do what I always do; pee on them every time I take a shower.

It is by far the best treatment for athelets foot I know. Safe, 100% effective and of course free.

Try swabbing a cotton bud and gently rubbing your ear for a few seconds. Wash out your ear a minute later. I'd be willing to bet that it's gone in a few days.

If you do try it I would love to know if it works.

I've read a few times about urine being good therapy... never tried it myself.

But i won't be trying it for my ear problem - i now understand that fungi like oxygen-deficient places that are moist and damp and dark. I feel that my ear needs to be drying out inside, rather than putting anything wet into it.

Funnily enough i got athletes' foot a few weeks ago and i'm still not sure it's gone completely. I used a cream prescribed to me, and carried on for a good week or so after it appeared to have gone.

Do you have any understandings why this remedy works for you? And does it prevent it coming back, or just make it better today so to speak?

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Dear Femi fan,

Following a natural healthy diet of healthy grains (eg brown rice), beans, vegetables and fruit (with occasional good fish)

provides you with all the nutrition you need and eventually removes the conditions in your body that give rise to fungal infections and many of the conditions for disease.

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best,


Thanks for the reply bill, but i've been doing that pretty much for over ten months now! I've had excellent health as a result and have really enjoyed the reorientation of my taste buds. I'm particularly aware of the need for a good alklaine/acid balance in the body. I do still eat meat, but only a little sometimes for dinner. I do also still drink a few beers, but really not that many any more.

So it's been all the more disappointing that i have picked up this stupid ear infection. Like i said, i was in great shape until i entered a hospital...! I just wonder how possible it is to have got the infection from when the doctor was removing the excess wax? It might even be that i touched my foot where i did/still have athletes' foot then put the same finger in my ear to relieve the itching. But this was nothing compared to when i took the cipro they gave me. A nightmare drug.

I'd be interested if you knew anything specific on how i might have got this infection (and how i got the athletes' foot infection - i actually picked it up in some communal dressing rooms in the shower, but my body is supposed to be nicely alkaline!), and more importantly how to avoid getting another one. I just want to keep away from pills and medications and doctors who seem only trained in treating symptoms and not helping me cure the causes through prevention.

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Keeping skin as clean and dry as possible is the key. There is a reason the Thais are so fond of talcum powders.

Vinegar soaks (foot) or gentle cleaning with a 1:1 water vinegar solution (ear) are also good preventives and can speed healing once infected. Don't rinse it off, just pat dry.

For people with repeated foot fungi, cornstarch in the shoes to help keep feet dry oftens helps.

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Keeping skin as clean and dry as possible is the key. There is a reason the Thais are so fond of talcum powders.

Vinegar soaks (foot) or gentle cleaning with a 1:1 water vinegar solution (ear) are also good preventives and can speed healing once infected. Don't rinse it off, just pat dry.

For people with repeated foot fungi, cornstarch in the shoes to help keep feet dry oftens helps.

I guess i should wait a couple of days more to see how the pills i have work out. But, am i clear that instead of paying for costly pills that something like your water vinegar solution will do the job instead, and get rid of this fungal infection?! If so, will apple cider vinegar be okay? How would i administer it, using soaked cotton wool?

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I guess i should wait a couple of days more to see how the pills i have work out. But, am i clear that instead of paying for costly pills that something like your water vinegar solution will do the job instead, and get rid of this fungal infection?! If so, will apple cider vinegar be okay? How would i administer it, using soaked cotton wool?

Vinegar soaks/applications along with careful hygiene/keeping the area as dry as possible will certainly help prevent recurrent fungal infections. As to curing ones which are already present, it is sometimes enough by itself but not always and as a doctor (who unlike me, has actually seen the affected area) felt that antifungal medication was called for, I would recommend that you continue the medication for a full course but add the vinegar applications as a means to speed healing.

Yes, apply with cottom wool and then blot dry.

I don't know if apple cidar vinegar would work as well as plain and in any event it is more expensive so little point. you can get a Thai brand of plain white (clear colored) vinegar for less than 20 baht a liter at any grocery or market. Besides its hygienic uses, it also has a lot of handy household uses.

If your hair normally covers your ears, keep it pulled back, that will help some.

And if you have not had your fasting blood sugar checked within the recent past it would be wise, as diabetes sometimes underlies recurrent fungal infections. As does AIDs so if you have any risk factors and have not had an HIV test in recent years, should.

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