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The Book Private Dancer


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Hello, was just reading the book. Private dancer...I am half way through the book and I would class me as one of the charactors who understand the nightlife with out elusions. haha the thing that bothers me about the girls JOY who works in a bar supporting her brothers and family a lazy bunch of useless magits living off there sister......I see this in thailand to much the girls going out to work for the family. Yes I go to my local bars in Nontaburi but never ever go with the girls or waitress.. And they are very nice to me, they know I am not going to pay for them, maybe I will buy them a drink once and a wile but that is it....And the tabe I sit at usualy they seem to gather around and end up sitting with me for most of the night when they are not bussy. And I agree with things in the book when theses girls say they love u it means they want u to take care of them....financially.

The book almost makes me think of my wife in thailand and family. Thankfully my wife does not care as much for material things and she thinks the family together is more important than the house or other things like she always says we can live in a room so long as the family is together.

hope to many men dont fall for theses thai girls and get taken..my heart is always out for the girls when I know y they are doing it.

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buying ladies drinks is the same as paying bar by the way sir(and having hot sex with the girls), dont paint yourself as an innocent bystander. you are supporting the lifestyle you obviously disagree with..................lol.

if you feel sorry for the girls you should be at home w your wife an family not sitting w bargirls.

if you want to help take a staff member to the library and read to them........ :):D .

stop with the im such a good boy nonsense.

Edited by geewhizz
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I would say it's probably essential reading for a lot of gentleman wishing to explore the cities entertainment facilities for the first time.

Interesting fact: Despite Stephen Leather's sales records almost a million worldwide. He found it impossible to find a publisher for the book. He ended up self-publishing the book in Thailand. I've seen a German language version of it, probably printed in a few other languages.

By the way Stephen Leather is a very nice chap. Difficult to believe he researched the book himself.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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Interesting fact: Despite Stephen Leather's sales records almost a million worldwide. He found it impossible to find a publisher for the book. He ended up self-publishing the book in Thailand. I've seen a German language version of it, probably printed in a few other languages.

French, Ma Danseuse Particulier and Swedish, Privat Dansos.

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buying ladies drinks is the same as paying bar by the way sir(and having hot sex with the girls), dont paint yourself as an innocent bystander. you are supporting the lifestyle you obviously disagree with..................lol.

if you feel sorry for the girls you should be at home w your wife an family not sitting w bargirls.

if you want to help take a staff member to the library and read to them........ :):D .

stop with the im such a good boy nonsense.

oh dear you totally misunderstand my post,in the book this guy falls for this go go girl and he cant see past it.how do you come to the conclusion i disagree with "this lifestyle" no one loves them more than i,but you learn not to be taken in by them.

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i love bargirls! but are aussies and germans so clueless that they need a book to learn what bargirls are about........lol.!

No, but the best teacher in life is, experience, and having the brain cells to be able to learn from the mistakes of others.

Unfortunately fools never listen to good advice or use common sense, they only learn from experience alone.

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i love bargirls! but are aussies and germans so clueless that they need a book to learn what bargirls are about........lol.!

No, but the best teacher in life is, experience, and having the brain cells to be able to learn from the mistakes of others.

Unfortunately fools never listen to good advice or use common sense, they only learn from experience alone.

Do you know that from experience, Sassienie ?, it's fair to say that listening to peoples tale of woe and reading these types of books are an expereince of sorts.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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buying ladies drinks is the same as paying bar by the way sir(and having hot sex with the girls), dont paint yourself as an innocent bystander. you are supporting the lifestyle you obviously disagree with..................lol.

Hey Whiz, you are my kinda guy, lets hang the OP right now, since he is masquarading as a "good boy." After all, a guy that buys a ladies drink is the Devil incarnate...

I'll bet just walking past a bar is equivelent to paying the bar fine :)

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Hello, was just reading the book. Private dancer...I am half way through the book and I would class me as one of the charactors who understand the nightlife with out elusions. haha the thing that bothers me about the girls JOY who works in a bar supporting her brothers and family a lazy bunch of useless magits living off there sister......I see this in thailand to much the girls going out to work for the family. Yes I go to my local bars in Nontaburi but never ever go with the girls or waitress.. And they are very nice to me, they know I am not going to pay for them, maybe I will buy them a drink once and a wile but that is it....And the tabe I sit at usualy they seem to gather around and end up sitting with me for most of the night when they are not bussy. And I agree with things in the book when theses girls say they love u it means they want u to take care of them....financially.

The book almost makes me think of my wife in thailand and family. Thankfully my wife does not care as much for material things and she thinks the family together is more important than the house or other things like she always says we can live in a room so long as the family is together.

hope to many men dont fall for theses thai girls and get taken..my heart is always out for the girls when I know y they are doing it.

The reason the book is such a good read that a friend of mine ,,,we have a friend that went to thailand and fell for a bar girl....he told us about he amount of money he gave her and I almost fell over,,,,he told us about her what she did for him in thailand and payed for her to go back to UNI and pay for animals on the farm she was starting a fish farm in the north etc etc It took us a couple of months of jabs to get him to realize what she was and we got the book for him to read so he would understand,

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i was replyin g to op, not you sir. he not goodied 2 shoes like he paints hmself to be.

buy drinkie is same same as having sex withthem.

GW the bars I go to are not gogo bars and I have been going there for a few years and they actually buy me food and drinks..as to customers taking the girls from the bar it os very discrete and when I buy someone a drink or a meal it is from kindness and I do it in my own country or when I am out with friends I will buy a round does not mean I am paying for someting different.

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The reason the book is such a good read that a friend of mine ,,,we have a friend that went to thailand and fell for a bar girl....he told us about he amount of money he gave her and I almost fell over,,,,he told us about her what she did for him in thailand and payed for her to go back to UNI and pay for animals on the farm she was starting a fish farm in the north etc etc It took us a couple of months of jabs to get him to realize what she was and we got the book for him to read so he would understand,

So you fawked her life up ?

You deserve a pat on the back mate, well done. :)

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I think that book can have the opposited effect on guys as well, after reading they think EVERY Thai girl is a "private dancer", even if she works in a hotel or a bank, 7/11, etc.

Become very "untruthworthy" as opposed to "wary", at times perhaps killing any chance of a half decent relationship with a local lass (if that was he was after of course).

Just my 2c worth :-)

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im going to ask you to stop going off topic. personal attacks against other members are against forum rules, and your remarks border on that.

and to everyone, this topic is staying open as long as it is discussed within forum rules.

keep it clean, no specifics about prostitution

we accept that it exists, and sometimes discussing aspects of it is fine (for instance I see this thread as being about discussing the book, and the book's storyline. how true or not it applies to real situations. lets keep it on that, but certainly not the how, where, when or who of the act of prostitution.


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i read some of private dancer, but found like the other books by same author that it is poorly written trash fiction and gave up after a while - if I had paid for the book and not downloaded a PDF, I may have bothered finishing it, but since it cost nothing, why bother?

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It's rather amazing that so much of the Normandy landing force (and their seemingly endless replacements) have been getting caught up and chewed up by the same beat up line of machine gun bunkers for the past 40+ years.


Heng, there are three possibilities here.

1) Wrong thread

2) Abstract metaphor

3) Sangsom.

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It's rather amazing that so much of the Normandy landing force (and their seemingly endless replacements) have been getting caught up and chewed up by the same beat up line of machine gun bunkers for the past 40+ years.


Heng, there are three possibilities here.

1) Wrong thread

2) Abstract metaphor

3) Sangsom.

1) Right thread.

2) Yes.

3) Weller and ice.

Let me take out a few cubes... por 3 educated grunts/fodder taking on supposedly smarter folks for decades now and usually getting the better of them. And these folks can't seem to think of too many ways to counter their rather basic and simple methodology.


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For a good depiction of how one can come unstuck emotionally when getting involved in relationships with the sort of women described on this thread, I recommend you watch the classic 1952 film, Moulin Rouge, starring Jose Ferrer as the famous French artist, Toulouse-Lautrec.



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One post deleted and a posting holiday given. You were given clear instructions from a moderator about what to discuss and what not to discuss. The post deleted discussed moderation and that is also a no-no.

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