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Here, nearby Saraphi, many rain and thunder last night and it continues this morning. It seems every time the temperature raises to high, the weather changes again. I remember last year, it was bloody hot the same period.

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What do people talk about mostly? The weather! This thread takes the prize in any culture!

I'm contemplating starting a new thread, "Where to Eat the Best Pizza in the Rain", which I suspect might also have some 'legs' ! :lol:

Only 75*F this morning, here in Mae-Jo, lovely ! B)

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It is indeed a strange April,weather wise.This time last year and the year before it was dry as a chip.Not complaining its lovely to see everywhere so green and the smoke season,thankfully, didnt really happen. Where is Get Lost to give us the rain fall figures comapared with past seasons ? :angry:

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It is indeed a strange April,weather wise.This time last year and the year before it was dry as a chip.Not complaining its lovely to see everywhere so green and the smoke season,thankfully, didnt really happen. Where is Get Lost to give us the rain fall figures comapared with past seasons ? :angry:

Don't know about comparative rainfall figures but I do know my lawns were half dead this time last year and I was forever filling in quake-like cracks all over the garden. This year my lawns are lush and the ground is soft and almost muddy to walk on. I hope 'climate change' comes back again at this time next year !

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It is frigging cold over here on the west coast of Canada. We are getting March weather and it's almost May. And, there's no change in sight. Even in the sun today it was only 15 degrees and it's supposed to drop to 4 degrees over night and start raining again. It's completely blown the trout season I was hoping for when I came home April first. Sure was a fools day for me.

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Looks like England picked up what Canada missed out on. It's been hot and sunny there for the last 2 weeks. A Thai friend just got back from a trip there and said "England? So hot....."!

But in true style parts of England had a tropical deluge late afternoon yesterday. Check out the Chelsea-West ham match, looks like a rerun of Songkran but trying to kick a ball around.

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It is frigging cold over here on the west coast of Canada. We are getting March weather and it's almost May. And, there's no change in sight. Even in the sun today it was only 15 degrees and it's supposed to drop to 4 degrees over night and start raining again. It's completely blown the trout season I was hoping for when I came home April first. Sure was a fools day for me.

Time to move your stuff and get the Hell out of there , could be a pleasant surprise .

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It poured rain for hours last night and no one even bumped up the rain thread yet even though it is April. What a strange year for weather.

And I love it , hope the weather patterns will keep changing like this , no need for aircon .

But the negative side can be it will never stop raining , and everything will be drained again , if heavy flooding does occur , this year could be it ! looking at what we already got this year , long extended cold period , rainy hot season , ... rainy season .

Edited by tijnebijn
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It poured rain for hours last night and no one even bumped up the rain thread yet even though it is April. What a strange year for weather.

And I love it , hope the weather patterns will keep changing like this , no need for aircon .

But the negative side can be it will never stop raining , and everything will be drained again , if heavy flooding does occur , this year could be it ! looking at what we already got this year , long extended cold period , rainy hot season , ... rainy season .

Was just getting ready to go for a swim and all of a sudden the sun is gone and I hear the rumble of thunder off in the distance. :(

And UG is correct. I was up most of the night and it was absolutely pouring! Very strange this year.

Edited by elektrified
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The weather is great for bicycling as well. This time of year one normally worries about heat exhaustion and the hot sun. Took a ride this morning and it was in and out of clouds with light drizzle at times. Cool and refreshing in April?!?

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It poured rain for hours last night and no one even bumped up the rain thread yet even though it is April. What a strange year for weather.

Strange? Strange?

I take this March and April to be miraculous! Delightful out of doors almost all the time.

Last year as usual, there occurred the dismaying, if typical, dangers to respiration - and risks of heat stroke or dehydration. Not to mention cooling costs. Misery abounded.

Let's rejoice while the glass, irrefutably, is more than half full. True, there may be more gardening to do, but the morn, as has been our weather, is cool.:)

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It was a very pleasant day and a delightful evening, we sat on the terrace under a gentle fresh breeze but after it starts to rain, we became heavy showers and storms, unbelievable. My mango's will be dropped off and i am afraid for some trees.

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