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Vacation advice

G W Bush Jnr

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Hi Folks,

Im heading to Bangkok later this week, im so excited!

Malaysia's always been on my 'to do list'. Are Bangkok's famous beaches as great as the brochures portray?

Secondly, i hate to miss even 1 episode of Jerry Springer, can i catch it on local tv?

Lastly, any places i can grab a bud and a burger and enjoy some female company?

Have a nice day!


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Secondly, i hate to miss even 1 episode of Jerry Springer, can i catch it on local tv?

Lastly, any places i can grab a bud and a burger and enjoy some female company?

Have a nice day!


JERRY SPRINGER!  You have got to be kidding me. Dont you know that the showed is all staged and the people are paid to act?  (Not very good acting either)  Thank God, Buddha, Allah, or whoever you pray to that fortunately, I have never seen the Springer show on TV in Thailand.  Your going on vacation, go out and see the country or do something meaningful and interesting.  You want to pay money, fly all the way over there and watch TV?????

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Hi Folks,

Im heading to Bangkok later this week, im so excited!

Malaysia's always been on my 'to do list'. Are Bangkok's famous beaches as great as the brochures portray?

Secondly, i hate to miss even 1 episode of Jerry Springer, can i catch it on local tv?

Lastly, any places i can grab a bud and a burger and enjoy some female company?

Have a nice day!


Hi there George! Yep, you're coming at a good time of year for LOS, man. Expect the red carpets to be rolled out for your arrival in Air Force 1. The beaches along the Chao Phraya might disappoint a bit, but the boat show'll make up for that. I expect you heard about the famous Bangkok nightlife, but just to forewarn you: don't get your hopes up too high dude. Mein host, has got a 2.00 am curfew planned for delegates and don't expect to see any naked flesh or ping-pongs flying. But, nevermind, you'll be too busy shaking hands and signing blank cheques for those who support your little campaign against terror-shits to worry about pressing any more flesh. You mentioned something about always wanting "to do" Malaysia - what's that, a quaint little euphemism for wanting to nuke it? Hah, you're a right little rascal Georgie. Let's hope they don't put you next to Mahatir in the seating plan, huh? By the way, watch out for the mice shit in the food, as they'll be getting first tastes, so the chef says.

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