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Attention Uk Males Under 58 Job Op!


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Prospective Tory chancellor and multi-millionaire Georgey Osbourne has announced at Tory Conference the good news.

A chance for new labour.

Allowing each and every one of you chaps the chance to labour another year hat is to qualify for a pension.Just wait til he gets in and raises it til 70!

Male pension age to rise in 2016

Meanwhile the ladies who can currently retire at 60 will also see age innrease a year in oddly 2 yearly increment.

Nothing inked yet but with Sir Fred and 14000 Pakistani students to fund OAP may be abolished altogether or paid in Dong.

Time to receive one of those ficticious Pension Forecasts from

Overseas Dept


Newcastel Upon Tyne

NE98 1ZZ.

Unless you are a shareholder in AIS or TOT i wouldnt dream of ringing them.

I think the ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzs are related to the response time letter sent from Surrey 9 months to respond.

Online enquiry sent August 2009 still awaiting a reply.

These are the people that got everybodies contribution arrrears wrong allowed me and many others to keep paying after lowering the threshold to 30 yrs so allowing many who had not paid the full whack into the kitty.In Russia its called biznis,may as well put JJ in charge

Edited by RubbaJohnny
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Prospective Tory chancellor and multi-millionaire Georgey Osbourne has announced at Tory Conference the good news.

A chance for new labour.

Allowing each and every one of you chaps the chance to labour another year hat is to qualify for a pension.Just wait til he gets in and raises it til 70!

Male pension age to rise in 2016

Meanwhile the ladies who can currently retire at 60 will also see age innrease a year in oddly 2 yearly increment.

Nothing inked yet but with Sir Fred and 14000 Pakistani students to fund OAP may be abolished altogether or paid in Dong.

Time to receive one of those ficticious Pension Forecasts from

Overseas Dept


Newcastel Upon Tyne

NE98 1ZZ.

Unless you are a shareholder in AIS or TOT i wouldnt dream of ringing them.

I think the ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzs are related to the response time letter sent from Surrey 9 months to respond.

Online enquiry sent August 2009 still awaiting a reply.

These are the people that got everybodies contribution arrrears wrong allowed me and many others to keep paying after lowering the threshold to 30 yrs so allowing many who had not paid the full whack into the kitty.In Russia its called biznis,may as well put JJ in charge

If you are not resident in UK I'm not sure that an on-line pension forecast service is available to you. You can, however, download form CA3638 and post it to them. I did this but it took them 3 months to provide the info. If you submitted an enquiry back in August don't expect a reply before November.

The telephone helpline for the IPC (+44 191 218 7777) is pretty useless, by the way. Carefully check any information that they provide as being relevant to your situation. I was given some entirely incorrect info regarding which forms I needed to download for submitting a pension claim and for claiming an additional allowance for my Thai wife.

When you get round to claiming your pension, whenever that is, be prepared for some hassle if you are not UK resident. There is actually an on-line facility for the IPC (www.thepensionservice.gov.uk and navigate from there) but, again, if you are not UK resident, it can only be used to make a pension claim. The facility seems to have a few bugs but mainly seems to work - only took me 3 goes at it! Of course it doesn't stop there as you still have to send them original documents, such as birth certificate, marriage certificate, through the post. I sent mine by DHL.

You might ask, "Why use the on-line method if you have to send stuff by post anyway?" The answer is that the on-line application is 11 pages long whereas the paper form is about 22 pages and seems to need much more information. No idea why this should be. I'm currently waiting for a response to my claim but not holding my breath.

One important point for anyone wishing to claim for a wife allowance - you must do this before April 2010 as this allowance is being withdrawn after that. However, for anyone receiving this allowance before this cut-off date, the extra money will be paid until April 2020. Depending on your basic pension entitlement, this might be worth £30k or so over the 10-year period so well worth having, if you can get it.


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One reason I've decided not to pay any NI contributions. It's a big gamble and I may not even be alive when I'm 68/69/70/75/80

No one should pay it after the first 22 years. You get a full pension anyway after this time.

Edited by smokie36
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Pity Gordon the clown and the Labour muppets show stole our pensions when they got into power 11 years ago !!

I think you'll find that the Thatcher government also had their fingers in the public sector pension pies as well. Seems the norm for the thieving politicians. No point in paying NI anymore, as there will be nothing available by the time I'm able to qualify.

Anyway Gordon Clown is doing an excellent job of destroying the UK economy, he is probably lining himself up for a job with ASEAN. :)

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Prospective Tory chancellor and multi-millionaire Georgey Osbourne has announced at Tory Conference the good news.

A chance for new labour.

Allowing each and every one of you chaps the chance to labour another year hat is to qualify for a pension.Just wait til he gets in and raises it til 70!

Male pension age to rise in 2016

Meanwhile the ladies who can currently retire at 60 will also see age innrease a year in oddly 2 yearly increment.

Nothing inked yet but with Sir Fred and 14000 Pakistani students to fund OAP may be abolished altogether or paid in Dong.

Time to receive one of those ficticious Pension Forecasts from

Overseas Dept


Newcastel Upon Tyne

NE98 1ZZ.

Unless you are a shareholder in AIS or TOT i wouldnt dream of ringing them.

I think the ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzs are related to the response time letter sent from Surrey 9 months to respond.

Online enquiry sent August 2009 still awaiting a reply.

These are the people that got everybodies contribution arrrears wrong allowed me and many others to keep paying after lowering the threshold to 30 yrs so allowing many who had not paid the full whack into the kitty.In Russia its called biznis,may as well put JJ in charge

I read this in the Daily Mail.

I am 57 now and will lose out by a year, if and when I reach 65. Providing of course they don`t move the goal posts again before 2016.

The UK government expect people to work until the age of 66. Who the hel_l is going to employ someone in they`re 60s.

As if times are not hard enough already, this latest bombshell adds another nail in the coffin to the quality of life.

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I read this in the Daily Mail.

I am 57 now and will lose out by a year, if and when I reach 65. Providing of course they don`t move the goal posts again before 2016.

The UK government expect people to work until the age of 66. Who the hel_l is going to employ someone in they`re 60s.

As if times are not hard enough already, this latest bombshell adds another nail in the coffin to the quality of life.

To be honest Sassinie, It is nothing but theft - just dressed up in a different way. If a private company was offering a plan that you pay into, and then get out at a certain date and that was changed - it would be in the courts. However, in the joke that is The UK, it seems that the inept trough feeders do as they please. For those that are in the public sector, there are still some good pension schemes to be had, although these are now quickly being changed. Mine was an NHS scheme, but I have not paid in enough years on that as I am now here, but will still get something at 55 - probably still better than the state pension.

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I have tried to get a forecast for my pension from the UK and did not get a reply for months. When at last I did get a reply it was a bill for the previous year with threats to pay or else. That year I was working in Gibraltar and had paid my National Insurance there. Mad, I just give up for now and will apply for it if there is such a thing in five, six or seven years, what ever. :)

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The UK government expect people to work until the age of 66. Who the hel_l is going to employ someone in they`re 60s.

As if times are not hard enough already, this latest bombshell adds another nail in the coffin to the quality of life.

At least everyone will be able to sign on the dole for another year now.

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One reason I've decided not to pay any NI contributions. It's a big gamble and I may not even be alive when I'm 68/69/70/75/80

No one should pay it after the first 22 years. You get a full pension anyway after this time.

I thought it was just changed to 30 years contributions?

But if you're working in UK it's still compulsory to pay NI even if you've already paid the required 30.

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One reason I've decided not to pay any NI contributions. It's a big gamble and I may not even be alive when I'm 68/69/70/75/80

No one should pay it after the first 22 years. You get a full pension anyway after this time.

I only paid about 5 years. Maybe when I was a student it was paid for me?

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A Country for Old Men

The outlook for Europe doesn't make for pretty reading either. In fact, you can argue that we are worse off than Japan given our lower savings, and it raises some serious questions about the sustainability of our entire welfare model. The IMF has calculated that the cost of age-related spending in the average advanced G20 country will cause public debt-to-GDP to grow to over 400%, with Spain and Greece reaching over 600% unless the existing welfare model is cut back. For comparison, Japan has the highest public debt-to-GDP ratio today at about 225%.


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Prospective Tory chancellor and multi-millionaire Georgey Osbourne has announced at Tory Conference the good news.

A chance for new labour.

Allowing each and every one of you chaps the chance to labour another year hat is to qualify for a pension.Just wait til he gets in and raises it til 70!

Male pension age to rise in 2016

Meanwhile the ladies who can currently retire at 60 will also see age innrease a year in oddly 2 yearly increment.

Nothing inked yet but with Sir Fred and 14000 Pakistani students to fund OAP may be abolished altogether or paid in Dong.

Time to receive one of those ficticious Pension Forecasts from

Overseas Dept


Newcastel Upon Tyne

NE98 1ZZ.

Unless you are a shareholder in AIS or TOT i wouldnt dream of ringing them.

I think the ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzs are related to the response time letter sent from Surrey 9 months to respond.

Online enquiry sent August 2009 still awaiting a reply.

These are the people that got everybodies contribution arrrears wrong allowed me and many others to keep paying after lowering the threshold to 30 yrs so allowing many who had not paid the full whack into the kitty.In Russia its called biznis,may as well put JJ in charge

They have actually already raised it I was notified some time ago and it depends when you were born. I was born in "63" and for me it will be 66yrs old before I get it.

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Prospective Tory chancellor and multi-millionaire Georgey Osbourne has announced at Tory Conference the good news.

A chance for new labour.

Allowing each and every one of you chaps the chance to labour another year hat is to qualify for a pension.Just wait til he gets in and raises it til 70!

Male pension age to rise in 2016

Its got nothing to do with George Osbourne its got everything to do with people living longer though.

What do you want all people under 40 working until 75 so the baby boomers can have it on a plate, the under 40's are going to be getting the bill for the latest property boom very soon which most baby boomers have benefited from ... time they stopped crying and accepted they havent paid enough into the system to retire at 65.

In reply to your "A chance for Nulabour" quote, THE DEBT HAS TO BE PAID BACK, braindead Labour voters just dont seem to get this.

Besides we've had 12 years of growing tax, uncontrollable borrowing and a Orwellian style survelliance thrust upon us, its time for a change.

Edited by whichschool
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Who the hel_l is going to employ someone in they`re 60s.

On a positive note, certain organisations look to employ the older generations, for example, Wicks, B&Q etc, because they bring a wealth of experience, elevated levels of enthusiasm, are accommodating and willing to help.

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One reason I've decided not to pay any NI contributions. It's a big gamble and I may not even be alive when I'm 68/69/70/75/80

No one should pay it after the first 22 years. You get a full pension anyway after this time.

I thought it was just changed to 30 years contributions?

But if you're working in UK it's still compulsory to pay NI even if you've already paid the required 30.

I seem to be getting younger all the time. :)

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Infamous Bullingdon Club photo resurfaces to haunt Tories


now and then...Future Government.................You MUST be Joking :)

I dont care what privelleges the future prime minister has had so long as he does a good job.

The middle class wanabee social climbers, communists and feminists that are now in charge do not represent the working classes as they claim at least under the Tories we have slightly lower taxes and get some of our freedom back.

Besides the working classes and upper classes have one thing in common, they both hate the middle classes.

I will be voting Tory if they promise a referendum on Europe, if not its UKIP all the way.

Edited by whichschool
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One reason I've decided not to pay any NI contributions. It's a big gamble and I may not even be alive when I'm 68/69/70/75/80

No one should pay it after the first 22 years. You get a full pension anyway after this time.

I only paid about 5 years. Maybe when I was a student it was paid for me?


I think you should contact the pensions people in Newcastle.If you were a student until about 21 years old,then paid for 5 years,you should have 10 years contributions paid.

It used to be that the minimum pension paid was 25%,and you needed to pay for 12-13 years to qualify.Now this has changed,and the minimum required is just 1 year to get some pension.Don't know the minimum pension paid out,but you could get 10 years paid/30 years required =1/3 pension,which is about 30 quid a week.Also,if past 65,you will get extra for not having claimed when 65 yrs old.

Worth looking into.You've paid into it,might as well get what you are entitled to.

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