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Foreign Creditors

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Hope someone can answer this question.

Just today, I got a letter from a Thai company called AAA asking me to pay 7,169.78 DKK to a Danish creditor to who they claim that i owe the money. My problem is that the case is 9 months old, and I sent a letter to the Danish creditor more than 6 months ago, and have got no answer since. The case originated in January 2009, where I owe them 5,200 DKK, and they owe me 1,200 DKK. I told them that I would pay, what I owed them, but they refused to pay what they owed me. I have now today contacted both the Danish and the Thai creditor, informing them that I am still wiling to pay what I originally owed them when they agree to pay what they owe me.

I know it is not really that much money, but I do not want to pay since I know it will be impossible to claim what they owe me afterwards and I do not like to be cheated. But what can the Danish creditor, working through the Thai creditor, do to me here in Thailand, also considering that they forwarded the case to Thailand without closing it in Denmark first?

I would like to know if anyone have any experience with this?

(Just for the record, this is the only debt I have to anyone, and my credit rating is so far spotless.)

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they do not have any rights. dont worry and do not back down. are you Danish do you need to go back to Denmark?

Yes, I am Danish and no, I only have plans to go back for vacations. And even if I went back, I know the rules in Denmark. Just wanted to now if the Thai company could do anything in Thailand, which i doubted, since this is a case between a Danish citizen and a private Danish company.

Thanks for the answer.

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^Depends if they sold the debt to the thai company.

They did not, it states clearly in the letter from the Thai company that i owe the creditor in Denmark money, but the Thai company only acts on behalf of the Danish company.

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^Depends if they sold the debt to the thai company.

My suggestion: Have a Thai Lawyer write to the Thai Creditor with a CC to the Danish Creditor, basically outlining what you have put forward here. That way you are not seen to be "hiding" and you keep te "honor" on your side.

Under Thai Law, this matter would dwell within the frame-work of "Civil-Law" and you can stop worrying about anything they can "do" to you, as long as you don't 'hide' from the issue, okay ?



Edited by jaapfries
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AAA is not a Thai creditor. It is a Legal and Debt Collection firm which has been working here in Thailand for about 40 years. They are VERY good at what they do - thye employ very good lawyers, ex police offciers, investigators etc. If anyone can find people / recover money in Thailand AAA can and DO.

They also have EXCELLENT relationships with ALL foreign embassies and Consulates, the local constabulary, credit rating agencies etc.

I would suggest you copy them on your correspondence with Denmark. They are NOT unreasonable and if you can prove your position to them they will work with you to resolve it in everyones best interests.

Whilst overeeas creditors may have no rights here, once AA starts 'looking' for you (ie: making calls, going to your home/ place of work, the word will be out, and the grapevine in Thailand is far more effective than 'the British old school Thai' network.

BTW one of the partners has been a friend of mine for 25 + years.

Good luck. :)

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Am I missing something here, you owe them, more than they owe you. You are prepared to pay. take off what they owe you and pay the difference - problem sorted.

I thought it was that easy as well. The problem is that what they owe me, is an insurance claim on damage happened in Thailand. The claim was first denied, with the reason that the insurance states that it does not cover while on vacation. I have then told them, that I am not on vacation here, but I am resident, since the only address I have anywhere is here in Bangkok, and I have been here for 18 months. Ever since I made the complaint, I have heard nothing from them for almost 6 months, until I got that letter yesterday. Now I just got angry at them, since they have not responded my complaint in Denmark, but instead they just forwarded the case to a local creditor.

Edited by jamora
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Hi jamoro,

did you read my last post.

AAA is not a Thai creditor, they are a LEGAL and DEBT COLLECTION Firm.

And since the case is related to Thailand and you are resident here, it may be much more of a grey area as to the danish people having a claim against you here.

I stick to what i said in my first post above. Work it out with AAA, I would suggest better go to them than they come to find you.

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Hi jamoro,

did you read my last post.

AAA is not a Thai creditor, they are a LEGAL and DEBT COLLECTION Firm.

And since the case is related to Thailand and you are resident here, it may be much more of a grey area as to the danish people having a claim against you here.

I stick to what i said in my first post above. Work it out with AAA, I would suggest better go to them than they come to find you.

Yes, and thanks for the reply.

I have contacted them this morning by mail, with a CC to the Danish company, explaining them my side of the story, and they promised to contact the Danish firm, and discuss the situation with them.

So now I am just waiting for their reply.

But I would like to thank everybody for their fast responses. It is very helpful, since I have no idea about my rights living in Thailand. Only know the procedure in Denmark, where all the proof are on their side, since I would be protected as consumer.

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Hi jamoro,

did you read my last post.

AAA is not a Thai creditor, they are a LEGAL and DEBT COLLECTION Firm.

And since the case is related to Thailand and you are resident here, it may be much more of a grey area as to the danish people having a claim against you here.

I stick to what i said in my first post above. Work it out with AAA, I would suggest better go to them than they come to find you.

Yes, and thanks for the reply.

I have contacted them this morning by mail, with a CC to the Danish company, explaining them my side of the story, and they promised to contact the Danish firm, and discuss the situation with them.

So now I am just waiting for their reply.

But I would like to thank everybody for their fast responses. It is very helpful, since I have no idea about my rights living in Thailand. Only know the procedure in Denmark, where all the proof are on their side, since I would be protected as consumer.

no problem.

your embassy should be able to give you some info on your rights here..

good luck with AAA.

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