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'family Thais'


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On the evening of the 13th September, my wife was attacked at her bar by her brother. He had seen that the business that she's built up over the last 4 years was doing well, so he thought that he should get some of the profits…because he was 'family'. A similar event happened about 1 year ago, on that occasion I was present at the bar and therefore able to hold him back from my wife…the police were called, we gave them our version of events and he gave them his, things settled and no report was made. This time however I was not at the bar when he attacked her. He kicked and punched her to the ground, then picked up a bar stool…A Thai friend who was close by had the good sense to step in, wrestle the bar stool away from him and then hit him over the head with it. I'm sure that my wife would at the very least, still be in hospital now had he not acted so quickly. My wife went to the police station and then to hospital to get checked out. My wifes brother fled the scene only to come back about 10 minutes later with 3 or 4 'mates'… looking for my friend who defended my wife. Once they realized that he was no longer in the area, they all left on their motorbikes, (after letting the girls at the bar know that "they should close the bar…or die").

To cut a long story short, at the police station that night, my wife said that she didn't want to press charges against her brother, even though she had some injuries; she just wanted the situation to be ended and for the brother never to come to see her again. The police said that they could not prevent him from coming to the bar again, but noted that if it happened again…they have this incident on record and they would 'know the score' (my words not theirs).

The next bit I really couldn't get my head around. My wifes brother then demanded 20000 baht (as an out of court settlement) from my Thai friend for his head injury caused by the bar stool. In disbelief my wife and friend turned to the policeman who was handling the case to get some logic and common sense back into the situation….but none came. Apparently, the case had to go to court because there was blood from a head injury, and my wifes brother was within his rights to demand some money from my Thai friend because the skin on his head was broken. Knowing what 'sweet talk' my wifes brother is capable of… and not wanting my Thai friend to have any problems in court the next day; I paid the 20000 baht for him.

So this low-life, violent conman, who was willing to beat up his sister to extort money from her was already 20000 baht up for his nights 'work'.

So what now? My friend went to court for the final time on the 5th October. The judge understood that he was just defending my wife so no action was taken against him.

With hind sight, my wife knows that she should have pressed charges against her brother, but on the night of the incident, no one was thinking straight…. Had she done so, her brother would probably have got some jail time according to the people in court.

So now we are waiting for 'divine justice' to show its face.

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Are you sure it is her Brother ? Unsual for family to react this way :)

It must be.

He, the "brother" was ever present at the wedding, definitely has the same family name and is always helping around the house.

Im not convinced yet :D

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Are you sure it is her Brother ? Unsual for family to react this way :)

It must be.

He, the "brother" was ever present at the wedding, definitely has the same family name and is always helping around the house.

Im not convinced yet :D

She come Sakon Nakhon, he come Nakhon Sawan; but he same Mama, she same Papa

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