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Refused Again!

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yeh i expected it but you all knew i was away for a week.

just waiting the interview date to come through now, speaking to a few people in the que, we had sh£t loads of info compared to there 5 or 6 pages of dribble so fingers crossed. GF aint changed she apolgized for the whole holiday.

A bit amazed or should i say dissapointed how some of you who were wishing me good luck were quick to give me a quick dig when i was away and unable to reply, no worries i dont forget :o

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yeh i expected it but you all knew i was away for a week.

just waiting the interview date to come through now, speaking to a few people in the que, we had sh£t loads of info compared to there 5 or 6 pages of dribble so fingers crossed. GF aint changed she apolgized for the whole holiday.

A bit amazed or should i say dissapointed how some of you who were wishing me good luck were quick to give me a quick dig when i was away and unable to reply, no worries i dont forget :o

Everything sounds good so far, but she still hasn't gone for the interview yet, right?

Tell us how it goes when it's all done.

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Hi Spuds,

Have been following your story in silence for a while... :o It reminded me of a situation I went through some years ago...

Congratulations. Whatever happens with the visa now cannot offset the fact that girlfriend has not changed.

Wish you all the best from now on


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Hey the lead man is back :D

BS - we have already lined up Brad Pitt to play Scouse :o , Lucy Liu to play Mrs BS, :D

The tyrant is a split vote between Ronnie Corbett "Sorry" or Chris Barrie aka "Mr Brittas" from the Brittas Empire. I was thinking Nigel Hawthorne aka "Sir Humphrey Appleby" from Yes Minister but of course he's already departed this world.

now all we need is your pen profile to determine who plays your star role !!!

Couple of thoughts:

Timothy Dalton - the dashing action man hero :D:D

Leslie Grantham - "Den Watts" - Eastenders - the likeable rogue :D

Bill Clinton - he is looking for something to do these days :D

Prince Andrew - He needs something to do and he's up for it as he's heard about the multitude of golf courses in Thailand :D

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BS glad you are back safe and well.

Nice to hear things went well for you over in sunny Thai :D:D .

At least you can take heart that you have put a big "interest" into the forum.

Now for the big wait with the rest of us.

I wish you and your lady well,

:o Janner :D

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fisrstly a big load of boll£xs to a lot of you!!!

The reason i have not wrote for a week is like pie boy said i was on holiday spending what little time i had with the GF. I'm not desperatly in love with TV where i feel i have to write every day.

I have just got back less than 2 hours ago and am shagged out so will not write much at this stage.

However all went very well, we went to the visa tuesday (the day b4 it shut) to which my GF pointed out it was shut on wednesday.

got there at 6. was about 20 down the line, handed the papers in paid the toll, was told they would contact the GF 1-5 working days in and out 20 minutes.

Holiday was very good absoultley gutted to be back and at work in 14 hours.

So glad i keep you all engrosed in my love life, you should know what goes on in the bedroom  :D

will write more when my heads on properly, but to all you out there that are hoping every thing goes tits up for me............ heres a big finger to you. 

All is well, very very good in fact.

Sorry to dissapaoint you and keep you all waiting but..........thats life. :D  :D

See you learnt ThaIngrish whilst on hols :D

More BS from BS........must be learning from Lucy Lui :D

The embassy was open on Monday 11th.

Anyway BS, fact or fiction you have amused many people with your tales of woe and daring do!!! :D

Your scathing attacks on the embassy when your GF is a serial no show were wonderful.

Hope she shows this time......... :o

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a comedy of errors

cast list

bs................ harry hill

girlfriend ...... barbara windsor

interviewer.... vic reeves

funeral director ...tommy cooper.

pol.gen. somchai clousseau ...peter sellers

Edited by taxexile
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a comedy of errors

cast list

bs................ harry hill

girlfriend ...... barbara windsor

interviewer.... vic reeves

funeral director ...tommy cooper.

pol.gen. somchai clousseau ...peter sellers

As Big Spuds is a Brummie perhaps Jasper Carrot would be more suitable... :o

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I have followed this thread right the way through but have said nothing so far, what I would like to ad to this carnival is give the guy a chance guys, yes the drama was very funny while he was doing his thing, but lets leave him alone until we get the next communication from him. Half of you have the knives out for him almost wanting him to be proved a fool Lets just wait for the last installment. Inocent till proved guilty right?

Good Luck Spuds, hope it all works out for you


Good luck BS

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we all wish him well i'm sure , we are just chatting amongst ourselves during the intermission.


I agree TaxExile, no harm having some fun whilst we wait for the outcome. :D

I might be amongst his critics for his total lack of comsistency but I do hope it works out for him!!! He is a Brit after all...... :D

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my feelings were starting to get hurt..........all those nasty things you were saying. :o

I opened myself up so i guess i must be expected to take whats thrown at me.

One day i am sure i will prove you all wrong. Its now just a case of waiting the outcome from the embassy. Guess this could drag on for up to another 12 weeks!!

I wonder if this thread will still be going. I guess after that long there will be no other names to call me, no more sarcasam to say, no more slagging off my GF, no more i told you so's ect ect. as it would have all been said so many times before.

I believe my GF is genuine and her love for me is true and how much she wants to spend the rest of her life with me, its just a case of waiting till it happens however long that will be. The lies are over and she understands how this will all end if she does so again.

So lets wait and see............................

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Do we have any idea what the interview date will be yet I'm getting impatient.

Also SPUDS if you are successful are you going to be back in Thailand anytime soon for a celebration I'm sure everyone here would come.

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as we submitted the application tuesday and the embassy was shut after for some days (i think it opened today not sure) was told to expect a reply by post within 5 - 10 working days. Should a short interview surfice then she could go at her leisure. If a long interview was required 10 -12 weeks. The sign said Next avaialable interview date 7.7.5. So its just a wait........................... :o

Yes when she gets it i will be returning ASAP of course ...ive waited long enough.

If not...I will return in about 4 months.

And when she gets it yes a large amount of beer like substance will be downed.

All welcome. However there will be a small charge on the door as me and my GF are now celeb's :D:D:D

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as we submitted the application tuesday and the embassy was shut after for some days (i think it opened today not sure) was told to expect a reply by post within 5 - 10 working days. Should a short interview surfice then she could go at her leisure. If a long interview was required 10 -12 weeks. The sign said Next avaialable interview date 7.7.5. So its just a wait........................... :o

Yes when she gets it i will be returning ASAP of course ...ive waited long enough.

If not...I will return in about 4 months.

And when she gets it yes a large amount of beer like substance will be downed.

All welcome. However there will be a small charge on the door as me and my GF are now celeb's  :D  :D  :D

Well done,Big spuds.

Hang in there.

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