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Good morning Whistleblower.

You have the new Skype version You cannot change any of your settings in there.

You must change your settings in your computer. Go back and read my post #26.

Were you able to get into the volume control? What is your input source?

The only thing I can think of with the error message when you tried using the sound recorder is that your input source is something that the sound recorder cannot identity. You are going to have to change whatever this is to be your microphone. You can also get to the volume controls from the sound recorder by clicking file>open volume control.

Let me know what you got and maybe we can walk through this. As I said, let's get the sound recorder working first and then try a skype test call.

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A BIG thankyou to all for their input in helping me. I am now Skyped up!!!! The mic, headphones, and web cam all work now.

Higgy88 - my volume settings were exactly the same as yours except my 'mic boost' was turned up. I turned it down to its lowest, tried recording my voice and it worked. Tried test call on skype and it worked, finally called home and it worked.

So thanx again all from me and all my family back home who can now see and hear the new addition to the family!

I owe you a beer.


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dave_boo, between you and the other kind souls who volunteered to help i got it sorted. Have now promised myself to sit dow for an hour or 2 a week and read through the various linux forums. Not sure why the boost mic made a difference but it did. Thanx again mate. (you were responsible for the web cam!)


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