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The Passive crossovers in my two home theatre front speakers have the same blown component on the board, positioned at the input end.

It looks likethey were the same shape as a couple of cylindrical capacitors that are on the board, but now they have no sign of outer casing, inside they have two metallic prongs that stick up from the base each with three small holes in them and these are surrounded by a plasticy tape and what looks like brown paper all 'exploded'.

I wonder if anyone would know : 1. What this component might be

2. I am thinking it may be a protection device and if so could I remove it with no ill effects (except losing the protection).

3. If I took this into an average electronics technician in Thailand is he likely to be able to fix it.

If anyone is interested I could send photos.

Thank You in Advance for your kind assistance.


Well Just looked in bottom of Cab and found shell of a capacitor so Thanks anyway


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