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Thai Tee-shirts


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Just the other day I saw a 20 something y/o thai-gurl wearing what at first glance appeared to be another b/s tourist t-shirt that said; "I (heart) Bangkok". However when I really looked closely at it, it said; "I (heart) Bigcock". The font and the style was the same. Quite the word play I thought.

When I first moved here over 4 years ago I made up some t-shirts for the "time share"/"rent-2-own" gurls in my area which said; "Boom-Boom free!! (taxi money 2000 baht)"

Another one I did had the words "Smoke" with an arrow pointing up and "Boom-Boom" with an arrow pointing down on the front, so as not to confuse the newbie punters.

I also made one for some gurls that were printed on the back of the shirt with the international symbol for forbidden; the red circle and bar thru the word "ENTRY" and under it the words "EXIT ONLY" along with an arrow pointing down.

I still see them worn once in a while on the Sukhumvit..

A shirt which I thought was quite innovative and noticed on the internet the other day said, "Thailand; where whores become wives".

While slightly off topic I still this these shirts I had made up at MBK deserve honorable mention;

"I met YOUR wife at Nana"

"Thai-gurls (take two they're small !)"

"NOT a sex tourist (I live here)"

“The most beautiful woman I met in thailand was a man..”

"This ain't Kansas, Toto.." (sadly this one must be explained to anyone NOT American so loses its value...

Now for ultra poor taste t-shirts one must peruse the legendary site called t-shirt hel_l.

The best one I saw said, "I f*cked Sarah Palin by voting for Barrack Obama" :D. Another one which I thought was quite good shows a drawing of two barn swallows sitting on a wire with the word "Swallows" under it. :D

I posted some of my favorites on the other t-shirt thread (but will include them here for the people too lazy to read it

"I shaved my balls for this?"

"Anyone need to earn money for rent?"

"Shut the <deleted> up and drink your beer"

My latest idea for a shirt is this; either the word “Ladyboyz” or “Katoeyz” on the front; and under that it will say “Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.”. Any American will immediately recognize it as the old Almond Joy/Mounds candy bar slogan..

Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just doin' my part to piss off the moral majority.. :)

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Just the other day I saw a 20 something y/o thai-gurl wearing what at first glance appeared to be another b/s tourist t-shirt that said; "I (heart) Bangkok". However when I really looked closely at it, it said; "I (heart) Bigcock". The font and the style was the same. Quite the word play I thought.

When I first moved here over 4 years ago I made up some t-shirts for the "time share"/"rent-2-own" gurls in my area which said; "Boom-Boom free!! (taxi money 2000 baht)"

Another one I did had the words "Smoke" with an arrow pointing up and "Boom-Boom" with an arrow pointing down on the front, so as not to confuse the newbie punters.

I also made one for some gurls that were printed on the back of the shirt with the international symbol for forbidden; the red circle and bar thru the word "ENTRY" and under it the words "EXIT ONLY" along with an arrow pointing down.

I still see them worn once in a while on the Sukhumvit..

A shirt which I thought was quite innovative and noticed on the internet the other day said, "Thailand; where whores become wives".

While slightly off topic I still this these shirts I had made up at MBK deserve honorable mention;

"I met YOUR wife at Nana"

"Thai-gurls (take two they're small !)"

"NOT a sex tourist (I live here)"

“The most beautiful woman I met in thailand was a man..”

"This ain't Kansas, Toto.." (sadly this one must be explained to anyone NOT American so loses its value...

Now for ultra poor taste t-shirts one must peruse the legendary site called t-shirt hel_l.

The best one I saw said, "I f*cked Sarah Palin by voting for Barrack Obama" :D. Another one which I thought was quite good shows a drawing of two barn swallows sitting on a wire with the word "Swallows" under it. :D

I posted some of my favorites on the other t-shirt thread (but will include them here for the people too lazy to read it

"I shaved my balls for this?"

"Anyone need to earn money for rent?"

"Shut the <deleted> up and drink your beer"

My latest idea for a shirt is this; either the word “Ladyboyz” or “Katoeyz” on the front; and under that it will say “Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.”. Any American will immediately recognize it as the old Almond Joy/Mounds candy bar slogan..

Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just doin' my part to piss off the moral majority.. :)

WHere abouts can you get t-shirts made in MBK? Just a floor number would be useful!

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and teaching them it is a "tea" shirt does?

Tea shirt


If you need pictures every time you see a new word i suggest you try the ABC forum. Unless of course you were trying to be sanctimonious, in which case i shall ignore your comment.

and here i thought it was you harping on about usage. ignore away.

Edited by t.s
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I've been noticing of late that the Thais love to wear Tee-shirts with English language logos, messages or words on them. Anyone else noticed that?

Have you ever taken the time to look closely at the things that are written? In most cases it amounts to little more than a collection of disjointed words that mean nothing at all. I've also spotted numerous spelling mistakes, some of them very funny. I wondered who designs these shirts and what level of error checking (if any) goes in to their production. I assume that they are often designed by people who do not know or use English. Of course as well as creating occasional funny "howlers", there can be a more serious outcome... A couple of years ago I saw (and have the photo) a girl's Tee-Shirt in the childrens' section of Carrefour, which bore a truly obscene sexual message using the "F" word in big bold type. I pity the poor child that is sent out to school in that one!

What's the silliest, funniest, strangest, most inappropriate or plain disgusting thing you have seen on a Tee-shirt in Thailand?

Well yesterday my wife rang me in the UK to wish me a "Happy University"............. it was our wedding anniversary............ made me laugh maybe I should get it put on a T Shirt for her?

Edited by yabaaaa
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not a tee but i saw these polo shirts at Robinsons a while back.


That's amazing. Must be no cross checking whatsoever!

Now, in the light of all that's been posted here demonstrating the Thais' indifference, disregard or oblivion about the potential offensiveness of the printed word (or logo etc), consider for a moment the endless hoops that the UK is jumping through to observe "political correctness"... I hear, for example, the annual debate has begun once again about dropping the word Christmas in the shops because certain sects find it offensive... How would the Thais react if we poor sensitive 'farrangs' felt upset or hurt about Loy Kraton or Songkran etc.. Contrast and Compare folks!!

Edited by Bearnagh
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Years back I had seen a lady wearing a shirt with picture of a girl walking her dog. Underneath it read "Happiness Is Doing My Dog."

Yesterday at Dream World and attractive young woman wore a shirt which read, "Will <deleted> For Coke."

I don't think either of these ladies really understood what their messages meant...then again!

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Years back I had seen a lady wearing a shirt with picture of a girl walking her dog. Underneath it read "Happiness Is Doing My Dog."

Yesterday at Dream World and attractive young woman wore a shirt which read, "Will <deleted> For Coke."

I don't think either of these ladies really understood what their messages meant...then again!

Call me naive but what would I get for a "Pepsi"

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Saw an older Thai lady tonight in the markets, with what I assumed to be her family, and her T-shirt said - I love sex education.

Can you imagine the response if you wore that in the Home Counties to a cricket match of a Saturday afternoon? :)

Edited by Bearnagh
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