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Sondhi The Survivor


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Sondhi the survivor

By jintana(at)nationgroup.com

Published on October 14, 2009

Here are a few things you may not know about Sondhi Limthongkul, the leader of New Politics Party and People's Alliance for Democracy.



Since the media tycoon-turned-political activist founded his group of street protesters, his life has never been the same. In fact, even eating out isn't that much of an option anymore because he is either not allowed to pay the bill or is charged ridiculous amounts.

Take for instance his favourite eatery in Suphan Buri. The owner refused to present him with a bill under the pretext that someone else had paid for his meal. In fact, it happened so often that he had to stop eating at that restaurant. Then there was the most expensive lunch he'd ever bought. After he'd tucked into two bowls of noodles and two servings of pork satay, he asked for the bill. However, the owner demurred, insisting that the lunch was free. However, Sondhi couldn't have that. So, being the generous and considerate man that he is, he pressed Bt1,000 in the owner's hand, saying it was for luck.


Sondhi apparently loves cooking but never has the time to try out his many "rather complicated" recipes. Besides, he can only cook if the stereo is blaring out rock music and if there's enough space in the kitchen for him to dance.


His favourite book is Chinese author Huang Yi's latest best-seller, "Twin of Brothers" - a novel Sondhi says, he has read at least five times because he says the plot is entertaining and very informative in terms of history. However, he refuses to say which character in the novel he most identifies with - the politically ambitious Kau Jong or reclusive Tsui Zi Ling.


Apparently Sondhi prefers sitting cross-legged, not just because it's a humble stance to take but also because he believes it helps with blood circulation. In fact, he is often seated this way while dining or speaking to the press.


Reporters have always asked him why he seems to have so many problems with media outlets that are not part of his own empire. His response has always been that he is not like other politicians - he will never walk into a newspaper office to promote himself and is perhaps the only media man who has never interviewed any prime ministers.


After a hail of at least 200 bullets on his car, he walked away with a two-millimetre deep wound on his chest, near the heart, and a bullet lodged just half a centimetre from his brain. When asked why he has his bloodstained clothes on display at his office, he always says he wants to remember that fateful day.


Perhaps the answer should be no. After all he managed to come out more or less unscathed from an assassination attempt, and even though he's been warned time and again about his smoking habit, the 62-year-old politician keeps puffing away.

His response to any warning is that if he could survive a hail of bullets, he could survive anything.


-- The Nation 2009/10/14

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Modern Dog, Sek Loso, Futon, Big Ass, The Sun.

Well seeing as he was just elected a party leader,

it is no inappropriate for there to be increased write up about him,

as with anyone at that level of political prominence, like him or not.

Increased information is not a bad thing in any case.

Edited by animatic
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Has the feeling of one of those horror movies where the cute doll in the corner is actually evil.

All very cute and nice.

He pays his bills, he cooks, he thinks sitting cross legged is good for circulation, he contradicts himself daily (he will never walk into a newspaper office to promote himself), and he has a belief that he is invulnerable.

What an absolute load of B******s

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A transparent attempt to canonize a thug who has done untold political, social, and economic damage to this country and its reputation worldwide. :)

Alright - what would you call the Person who caused this thug and his entourage to unravel all this

"untold political, social, and economic damage to this country and its reputation worldwide"

and is still going strong, no way he is going to give up for the sake of his "beloved" country?

What would you call him and his support-team then,

which aren't getting tired of inventing ever new schemes to

shake the nation, to make the poeple move on to the streets again and again,

even there is nothing really to protest in the first place!

He, himself ONLY needs to return and fight the charges.....

be an honest man - with his possibilities of international coverage... why isn't he? why not?

A giant "cake gate" would get him out of it all - or does he loves money just himself too much..?

Is he really this "hero", the "nations savior", the "good samaritan" he claims to be?

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It's my understanding that the lurch into politics is the only survival route left. To a certain extent hedging bets and to a certain extent a probably inevitable fizzling out of the "movement". Plus the fact the government could be caught on a couple of hotcakes and you have survival mixed with possibly short term opportunity. The PAD has basically metamorphosed due to circumstance.

Of course if Mr Sondhi had no ambitions whatsoever he would probably looking at retirement but obviously that doesn't figure in his plans.

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Only in Thailand can this kind of TOOL exsist.

A true politican, maybe he will be the next PM.

A great example for Thai children, Do whatever you want,

Don't care whom gets in your way or if you break the law.

Look at me, I did it and see where I am.

Now we know why thaksin went after you.

Go spend your time in Jail, for your crimes then come preach!

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:):D :D :D is all that springs to mind

Yep, some still do favor the square head, Mr."Nice Guy", he was,

is and will be (for some) the "best Thailand ever had", no matter what!

My comment had nothing to do with favoring Thaksin or any other politician.

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Besides, he can only cook if the stereo is blaring out rock music and if there's enough space in the kitchen for him to dance.

What a quote :) I wonder what rock music he likes.... Bon Jovi "Dead or Alive"?

Just before the hero in my novel is assassinated, "Macabre song titles raced across his mind: Final Countdown by Europe; The End by the Doors; Blaze of Glory by Bon Jovi." :D
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:):D :D :D is all that springs to mind

Yep, some still do favor the square head, Mr."Nice Guy", he was,

is and will be (for some) the "best Thailand ever had", no matter what!

My comment had nothing to do with favoring Thaksin or any other politician.

Neither was my Sondhi-only comment, Samuian. Samuian's gotta one-track mind: Answer to all and any political posts: "Attack Square-Head!"

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:):D:D:D is all that springs to mind

Yep, some still do favor the square head, Mr."Nice Guy", he was,

is and will be (for some) the "best Thailand ever had", no matter what!

My comment had nothing to do with favoring Thaksin or any other politician.

Neither was my Sondhi-only comment, Samuian. Samuian's gotta one-track mind: Answer to all and any political posts: "Attack Square-Head!"

So which 'square-head' should we be aiming at here? both have quite square heads and funny smileys with tongues out offer little direction

democracy is, by its nature, bated. It will take a greater man than Thailand to grab this bull by the horns after (he dies or) the gate is opened and there will always be cowboys waiting right flank and rear. Sondhi has every right to manouvre his position. Its easy to make light of the tactics employed by political giants but there are none bigger than people.

I guess what im trying to say is Sondhi,Thaksin, or anybody else, must be allowed their place at the table and niether you or I will have any say in the outcome. As is often the problem with any democracy, the decision lies in the hands of the people.

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So you're saying that it's 50%-50% that he or Thaksin will be a future PM? :D

Amazing Thailand! :)

Naw.....dont worry. Just do a reality check.

One reality you can check is this weekend in Bangkok.

Go observe the Democracy rally there, and get a reality check real quick.

Electoral successes are based on electoral pluralities.

Ignore the orchestrated domestic media suppressing that reality, and see for yourself.

The notion of a 50%-50% future electoral circumstance will be quickly dispelled when you see and experience it.

I've yet to see a single red shirt shirt rally in Bangkok that had anything like the monster numbers that would constitute a reality check. They are well past their use by date. I don't doubt the same rally might be possible to arrange in the north east or other red shirts strongholds.

But even driving in thousands (as let's face it, Bangkok is not exactly TRT country, it was only TRT in the first round of elections in the early 2000s) they aren't getting too many - the only reason for this staged orchestrated mediafest is to drum up an impression of a groundswell of approval ahead of the summit.

It sure is amusing though how easily red shirts and 'democracy rally' rolls off the tongue though. Quite funny really when we consider that the proponent of democracy basically ignored many of the principles in the constitution he and his supporters now claim to be the 'best ever and most be brought back yayayaya'

Edited by steveromagnino
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