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Been a while since I've posted anything on here.

Heres a few of my more recent shots, I think I am improving but Constructive criticism is welcomed.



Been a while since I've posted anything on here.

Heres a few of my more recent shots, I think I am improving but Constructive criticism is welcomed.


I think this one is very nice. Action and I like the silhouette effect.

I think both shots are excellent - well done
\\\ Edited and cut by Kan Win. Enough is enough 'yumidesign' lets have no more of your insults.

I've said it before and I'll say again - YOU NEED TREATMENT - URGENTLY !


Like the second.

On the first, rule of thirds (composition),

I would have framed the surfer a little more to the left, leaving the center open, :)

I think both shots are excellent - well done

\\\ Edited and cut by Kan Win. Enough is enough 'yumidesign' lets have no more of your insults.

I've said it before and I'll say again - YOU NEED TREATMENT - URGENTLY !

Unfortunately, Yumidesign doesn't realize there is a difference between a critique and insult. He fairly consistently insults posters; he rarely critiques.


Kurnell I hadn't even thought about the similarities you can see in this shot, but hey that was a great movie in its time. :D

Cobra thanks for your feedback, I know what you mean re rule of thirds and putting the surfer slightly more left in frame would balance. I chose to place him where I did in the frame as it gives him room to move, having him closer to the left didn't quite work for me. Cheers

Yumi, you truly are in a league of your own :)


nice lighting. for the first one, it needs some cropping and something to bring out a little more detail in the shadows, really hard to see the swimmer / surfer.

For the second one would have changed the angle to have the surfer directly in line with the sun's reflection. Anyways, I gave them a little crop for fun... see below. cheers



nice lighting. for the first one, it needs some cropping and something to bring out a little more detail in the shadows, really hard to see the swimmer / surfer.

For the second one would have changed the angle to have the surfer directly in line with the sun's reflection. Anyways, I gave them a little crop for fun... see below. cheers

Thanks for the feedback and CC.

I do agree having more detail in the first and the surfer being sharper works better but I found it difficult not to blow the highlights and lose detail. Next time I will bracket and see how that goes.

In the second I deliberatly "placed" the surfer just out of the suns reflection as this was the look I was going for. Having him in the reflection would have worked equally well IMO just wanted this to be a bit different.

Cheers :)

nice lighting. for the first one, it needs some cropping and something to bring out a little more detail in the shadows, really hard to see the swimmer / surfer.

For the second one would have changed the angle to have the surfer directly in line with the sun's reflection. Anyways, I gave them a little crop for fun... see below. cheers

Thanks for the feedback and CC.

I do agree having more detail in the first and the surfer being sharper works better but I found it difficult not to blow the highlights and lose detail. Next time I will bracket and see how that goes.

In the second I deliberatly "placed" the surfer just out of the suns reflection as this was the look I was going for. Having him in the reflection would have worked equally well IMO just wanted this to be a bit different.

Cheers :)

no problem at all, makes me want to head to the beach!

Been a while since I've posted anything on here.

Heres a few of my more recent shots, I think I am improving but Constructive criticism is welcomed.

Weclome back '51NAH' :)

Nice photos. I like them both.

On the first, 'rule of thirds', I am a rebel like you, nothing wrong with that photo. :D

Your second one, if you could just lighten up the bottom part just a bit, would work better for me. :D


Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

P.S. Yumi's post has been cut out :D


I liked both the photos.

No need to stick to rules once you understand the basics (which you clearly do) and are looking for your own shot... They both convey a lot of atmosphere which is good considering the subject matter can appear boring (due to over exposure :D ).

Actually, coming over the river tonight I saw the most spectacular sun I've ever seen in bangkok. It was bright red with a thin layer of cloud floating across the center - truly spectacular, so I was particularly in the mood for your lovely shots this evening... :)


Thanks for the Welcome back Kan Win, has been a while :D

Glad you like the shots. When my knowledge of post processing tecniques improves I will revisit the Raw files and see what I can do :D

PS. was no need to remove yumi's post, I have no problem with self public humiliation :)

I liked both the photos.

No need to stick to rules once you understand the basics (which you clearly do) and are looking for your own shot... They both convey a lot of atmosphere which is good considering the subject matter can appear boring (due to over exposure :D ).

Actually, coming over the river tonight I saw the most spectacular sun I've ever seen in bangkok. It was bright red with a thin layer of cloud floating across the center - truly spectacular, so I was particularly in the mood for your lovely shots this evening... :D

Thank you jasreeve, yes I have my head around the basics now, 5 months experience with my DSLR now. :D

I hope you had your camera with you to shoot that sunset!

Nice photos.

Wimpy waves.

Thanks mate, lucky for me the waves were small, any bigger and there would have been too much shadow in the shot and possibly blur from more speed in the surfer :)

I think both shots are excellent - well done

\\\ Edited and cut by Kan Win. Enough is enough 'yumidesign' lets have no more of your insults.

I've said it before and I'll say again - YOU NEED TREATMENT - URGENTLY !

Unfortunately, Yumidesign doesn't realize there is a difference between a critique and insult. He fairly consistently insults posters; he rarely critiques.



a critique of North American culture analysis, evaluation, assessment, appraisal, appreciation, criticism, review, study, commentary, exposition, exegesis.

Both shots are "chocolate box" trite

trite |trīt|


(of a remark, opinion, or idea) overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or freshness : this point may now seem obvious and trite.



a critique of North American culture analysis, evaluation, assessment, appraisal, appreciation, criticism, review, study, commentary, exposition, exegesis.

Both shots are "chocolate box" trite

trite |trīt|


(of a remark, opinion, or idea) overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or freshness : this point may now seem obvious and trite.

You seem to be missing the point....

Constructive criticism is welcomed, dejecting comments are not. :)

But not to worry, your comments are taken with a grain of salt.



a critique of North American culture analysis, evaluation, assessment, appraisal, appreciation, criticism, review, study, commentary, exposition, exegesis.

Both shots are "chocolate box" trite

trite |trīt|


(of a remark, opinion, or idea) overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or freshness : this point may now seem obvious and trite.

You seem to be missing the point....

Constructive criticism is welcomed, dejecting comments are not. :)

But not to worry, your comments are taken with a grain of salt.

To take Yumi's own tack --

"Rudeness (also called impudence or effrontery) is the disrespect and failure to behave within the context of a society or a group of people's social laws or etiquette. These laws have already unspokenly been established as the essential boundaries of normally accepted behaviour. To be unable or unwilling to align one's behaviour with these laws known to the general population of what is socially acceptable is to be rude.

Similar terms include: impoliteness, making a faux pas, insensitivity, offensiveness, obscenity, profanity, violating taboos, and deviancy. In some cases, criminal behavior can also be an act of rudeness."

His comments reflect on him, not the photography posted on this site and are not taken with a grain of salt...more like a boulder of salt.



a critique of North American culture analysis, evaluation, assessment, appraisal, appreciation, criticism, review, study, commentary, exposition, exegesis.

Both shots are "chocolate box" trite

trite |trīt|


(of a remark, opinion, or idea) overused and consequently of little import; lacking originality or freshness : this point may now seem obvious and trite.

You seem to be missing the point....

Constructive criticism is welcomed, dejecting comments are not. :)

But not to worry, your comments are taken with a grain of salt.

To take Yumi's own tack --

"Rudeness (also called impudence or effrontery) is the disrespect and failure to behave within the context of a society or a group of people's social laws or etiquette. These laws have already unspokenly been established as the essential boundaries of normally accepted behaviour. To be unable or unwilling to align one's behaviour with these laws known to the general population of what is socially acceptable is to be rude.

Similar terms include: impoliteness, making a faux pas, insensitivity, offensiveness, obscenity, profanity, violating taboos, and deviancy. In some cases, criminal behavior can also be an act of rudeness."

His comments reflect on him, not the photography posted on this site and are not taken with a grain of salt...more like a boulder of salt.


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