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Play Station 2 Vs Xbox Vs Gamecube


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Wanted to started a new topic which involves all 3 game consoles.

Don't overlook the Nintendo Gamecube when purchasing a video game console.

Though the games are mroe expensive, they are intuitive and fun. And, anybody who knows anything about video games knows that Nintendo still produces year afetr year the best video games of all the consoles. And, isn't that why youa re buying a unit for the quality of the games?

Definately in this case, cheaper does not mean better.


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Forgive my ignorance but the mention of the name Nintendo suddenly had me thinking about my old betamax video recorder and my 8 track cassette player in my first car. Are they really still going and widely available?

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I agree the games are not cheap as they are not copied. But, the games are just downrite more fun and worth the pirce. Where else are you going to get great 4 person games? So if you think about it, a nite out fooling around in Bangkok is going to run u well past the 2200 baht price tag for a game that will last months. Actually, you save money by buying these games. MArio Golf, Mario Tennis, SSBM, MArio Cart, I could go on are just worth the price tag. And really, is GTA a 4 player game? Think not... And think of the fun you can have pounding your bongos with the new Donkey Kong games? Nintendo is just in a league of its own when it comes to creativity...

Honestly, between PS2 and Xbox I would choose the xbox. Has some good franchises. Speaking of franchises, Zelda will not be out until end of year. It will be worth the wait...

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slightly off original topic but urgent requests needed :D

P2P (play station portable) questions:

1) available in BKK ?

2) if so, what prices (Panthip or similar)?

3) compared prices in HKG, SIN?

4) compared prices in europe?

5) yet again: does a possible stop-of-sales in US influence P2P availablities?

6) general recommendations about P2P: worth to buy?

THANKS FOR FAST REPLY...leaving BKK in 7 days.


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Is the outcome of the Sony lawsuit in the US going to have any effect on the market (both in Thailand and world-wide)?

To be honest the only law suit I heard was about the vibrating bit in the controllers....is there more?

If you post me a link I'll have a look (thanks). To be honest they're gearing up to the PS3 so hopefully it won't effect the sales of that?

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I agree the games are not cheap as they are not copied.  But, the games are just downrite more fun and worth the pirce.

Quality or quantity is the question! I can get 22 odd games for the price of one GC game. I like my games but rarely finish them (more of a pick up and play kind of guy!).

Where else are you going to get great 4 person games?
Pro Evo 4 is my FAVOURITE game EVER...great for 4 players!

Mashed a great 4 player game.

Sega Tennis a great 4 player game.

TimeSplitters 3 a great 4 player game.

The Guy Game is totally crap for 4 players though :o

The Eye Toy games are also great for multiplayer fun.

Etc. etc. etc.

And think of the fun you can have pounding your bongos with the new Donkey Kong games?  Nintendo is just in a league of its own when it comes to creativity...

As mentioned the Eye Toy is also great fun and amazingly creative.

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Well I guess if you are a true Mario, Zelda, or Metroid Prime fan you won't buy a PS2 or XBox. Further, if you don't like DK, Kirby, or the rest of the game.... yea get a PS2.

Quality is the question. Id pay double for any of these games and I would finish them. I found that withteh PS2 i go and pick up 10 games and rarely finsih any of them. Some, never even seen the inside of the console. So, I think the price tag of theNintendo games makes you buy the quality games and not just buy games for the sake of it so you can use them for fender reflectors!

Anyways, Nintendo is copming out with their Revolution console next year and I imagine it will feature online play.

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You can now get pirated Gamecube games in MBK

I saw the folder they have and they have loads of copied games for it now.

That's all I know as I was in a hurry and did not have time to ask them about how it works

Anybody have any info about playing these copies?

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From somebody who has owned all 3 consoles not to mention 2 Nintendo DS's (which I love!!), I would have to say Gamecube.

I like the Xbox for the upscalling DVD player via. Xbox Media player, but the PS2 at this point is a piece of shit technology. The ONLY thing it has going for it is the abundance of pirated games (that you will never finish like a poster has already mentioned). I dont know why that is, must be because they just dont "do" anything for me because there are so many throw-away hits week after week with no real innovation or change in gameplay.

My friends and I just finished Zelda 4 Swords Adventures (yes you have to hook up 4 gameboys!) and it was the greatest game I have played this decade. Too bad .01% of the gaming population could even set this situation up, financially and having friends that game/ or are open minded enough.

I find that Nintendo games appeal to everyone, I can be sure that even my non-gaming GF will at least pick up and play a few rounds of the newest release, but with Xbox and PS2 she will be itchn to hit the "TV/video" button on the remote...

To each his own. The same crap game you have been playing for the last 10 years with "super-poly-X789-rendered" shoes on the lead character does not make a fun game...

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Very nicely put. The PS2 has an abundance of games but generally in such similar style that one would be hard pressed to notice any difference. The number of WWII style games is too much. Nintendo is for everyone! Varitey of games is a major plus. In my opinion, PS2 sells well in Thailand cause it has those football games. I mean, the Thias play the ###### out of that Winning Eleven line.

I have had more fun with the multiplayer games. Just this past weekend a group of 30 to 40 year old guys got to together for a few hours of Super Smash mayhem. And even a few girls. It was priceless with bottles of beer consumed for the losers. Great entertainment. The MArio Tennis was awesome and the side betting on Mario Golf beat the heat on the real links. This is what video games are about and the PS2 just doesnt deliver in this fun fashion. But as you said, to each his own.

I had Zelda 4 Swords but no freinds so I sold it back. I have been using MBK to resell my old games. I recently took my Metroid 2 to be resold. Received 1500 baht for it. It was a good game but Metroid Prime better. SO i added up the hours I played the game versus my cost and wow, the higher priced games of Nintendo are cheap. Consider--- Bought game for 2300 baht. Resold for 1500 baht. Cost to me 800. Took me according to my final results 38 hours to completion at 85 percent. Probably spent more like 50 hours after dying many times with the Boost Guardian fite. So lets so 800/50 hours. My hourly cost was 16 baht. Versus the other things I could have done with those hours in this city.... I came out way ahead.

As I said before, I see so many people buying 10, 20 30 games at a time for the PlayStation week after week and I know they finish none of them. How could u?

Nintendo is a winner hands down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on Gamecube Games

Checked at MBK. They now carry copied Gamecube games for 350 baht! Yes, 350 bath.

You will have to get your Gamecube console modified for 3800 baht but considering the cost of 1 Gamecube game will run about 2300 baht, this is not a bad deal.

I looked through the list of their copied games and they are current.

They even have the Ocarina of tIme and MAster Quest available. They said the mopdification takes about 2 hours and will play both copied and original games. This sounds like a good deal for us Nintendo gamers.

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Update on Gamecube Games

Checked at MBK.  They now carry copied Gamecube games for 350 baht!  Yes, 350 bath. 

You will have to get your Gamecube console modified for 3800 baht but considering the cost of 1 Gamecube game will run about 2300 baht, this is not a bad deal.

I looked through the list of their copied games and they are current. 

They even have the Ocarina of tIme and MAster Quest available.  They said the mopdification takes about 2 hours and will play both copied and original games.  This sounds like a good deal for us Nintendo gamers.

Any idea what the GC mod entails? Do these pirated games come on mini DVDs or CDs?

Doubt I'll go for it as I have most of the best games already on original - though my copy of eternal darkness is scratched now :o

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Ian B:

You asked a silly question. Of course it is copied onto a mini disc. A cd would never fit inside the console. why would i buy a copied game if it wont play on my console? I will go for the copied games from now on. Though I have the originals of most and have sold many others back, I will give the copies a try.


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Ian B:

You asked a silly question.  Of course it is copied onto a mini disc.  A cd would never fit inside the console.  why would i buy a copied game if it wont play on my console?  I will go for the copied games from now on.  Though I have the originals of most and have sold many others back, I will give the copies a try.


I just thought it might be similar to the N64 Doctor64 device that fit directly under the console and had a CD drive in it for palying the games on

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got the Gamecube modified today. The only idfference is the start up. Takes one extra press of the A button. It breaks it down so u can get the cheat codes rite away.

Picked up game Second Sight and Star Fox 2. For 350 baht per game now it cant be beat.

So I will be busy for awhile.


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Gamecube? The Nintendo console future is looking bleak. The Gamecube is heavily marketed towards children and the games follow suit (not including RE4). The majority of gamers these days that spend cash on video games are in their 20s and up. The xbox is the best of this current generation...one look at xbox live, ninja gaiden, halo(s), jade empire, etc....Microsoft kicks ass for software. The best bet for the next gen consoles will be xbox2 (or xbox 360...or whatever they call it). Xbox2 should arrive 3rd quarter this year....with massive 2nd and 3rd party software support (japanese devlopers incl.), a precise and diverse on-line network, HD support and a long list of games in the works that will change the face of gaming. Face it....Microsoft has endless cash, XNA developer tools, and the sheer will power to dominate the world of gaming for decades.

Nintendo will remain stubborn and snub on-line gaming as well as catering to retarded children once again. Nintendo will likely go the route of Sega. They'll likely focus on handhelds and software when the next gen console (Nintendo Revolution) flops miserably.

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