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Ok Guy's Here we go....

The Mission:

To build a back yard or roof-top Smoke House ... For smoking....Sausages... Bacon .. Ham... Chicken ... Fish ... Rib's ..or .. Pulled pork.

and post pic's of your build.... to encourage anyone that's interested in following along..


With limited skill and basic tool's.. I need'ed to build a Smoke'er.. so I searched the Internet and found some great... sites... looked at all my option's ..and decided on a hybrid.

Originally I was going to build an off set smoke box... but found out a way to use a all in one unit .. with a fire/smoke baffle, that would stop any chance of flare-up's....

I will attempt to explane how I build it..... With a few pic's...

What you will need if you want to give it a go:

2x55gl steel drums

4x door hinges

4x sliding door latches (don't know the technical name for them..just look at the pic's)

1x 2ft by 3inc steel pipe (for chimney)

some small river rocks


Good drill & Metal drill bits

Angle grinder W/ cutting blade, Grinding blade & wirer brush

Rivet gun + rivets

2x can's Spray paint

A welding shop near by... ( I got the guy at the motorbike repair shop to do the welding)

In the pic's I have two different colored barrels... one I will keep whole and use as the cooking chamber (the red one).. and one I will cut both the door's from and make the fire box out of ( the silver one)

I started by marking out my oven door on the Red drum... then cut it out with the angle grinder...


Then I marked out a new door On the top two thirds of the silver drum 2 inch's bigger all round so I would get a good seal....


I also cut the Fire box door from the same drum don't forget to make it a good 2 inch's bigger all round

I cut the bottom third off of the silver drum, right on the dividing ring so it would fit together with the red drum....


I drilled a load of holes in the bottom of the red drum... this will become the fire/smoke baffle & the bottom of the smoking chamber...

post-59232-1255791486_thumb.jpg post-59232-1255791957_thumb.jpg

Then I took everything out back To burn it.... I just staked the two pieces on top of each other... it's upside down in the pic ...... you need to get it good and hot, to burn off anything that was in the drum's.. and to get the paint off


Who say's you need safety goggles when welding.... I bet he had one hel_l of a headache....

After it cooled, I used the angle grinder with a wire brush to get all the burnt paint off... then got the top and bottom welded.... and cut a hole for the chimney and air intakes... (forgot to mention I use 2 ball valves for air intakes)

To be continued..... As this is taking me longer to up-load pic's than it did to build it...

To be continued..... As this is taking me longer to up-load pic's than it did to build it...

Nice project. Looking forward to seeing the final product. As for pics, best to downsize them to no larger then 1024x768 then upload. Saves time for you and the members with slow connections. :)


Part 2:

At this point the doors are cut out and the fire/smoke baffle has been drilled .. and I got the local Motorbike repair guy to weld it for me.... Next I wire brushed all the old burnt paint off...


Then a quick paint with gray primer.....



I put the door pieces on and drilled holes for the hinges and latches....

I also got the welder to cut holes for my air intake as I dont have a drill bit big enoughf ... he welded in the ball joints too.. I have one air intake in the fire box to give airflow can damp down.. and I put one in the main smoking chamber so I can have more airflow without feeding the fire..... gives me more control on the temps....

I fixed a few u shaped brackets to the roof to hang things from.... Sausage ..Bacon.. ham's... I use them more than the screens.

And some long bolts to hold wire screens...

And lined the fire/smoke baffle with small river rock's ... I need a few more rocks in this pic...

Here is the fire box... I get a good bed of charcoal going then I just load up with wood .... after that I only put wood on the fire to keep it going not charcoal as I do not like the taste it gives food ... it would be ok if you get it going outside the fire box then aded it when it had a good coting of white ash ... but the smell it gives of then it starts to bure is not very nice ... It's alot easyer to just ad wood..... I burn big chunks... not chips ..or sawdust as thet would burn up to quickly... and like ChefHeat I use Mango wood

Thats about it other than bolting on a chimney... If your out side you just need a straight pipe with a rain cap..... mine is a bit more work as I have it inside a semi inclosed space ... But I'm sure if you have gotten this far and actualy want to build your own ... you can figure out the chimney

Here I am loading a 4k cured and rolled pork belly.... for rolled Bacon..... Like Pancheta.... ( I know pancheta is raw only cured and dried, not smoked but I have







I had an error when I went to post Part 2 ...and it wont let me edit it .... but I'm sure you can figure it out... Or maybe one of the mod's can rearrange it.. ;0"



Here I am loading a 4k cured and rolled pork belly.... for rolled Bacon..... Like Pancheta.... ( I know pancheta is raw only cured and dried, not smoked but I have smoe one who like it that way so I make it for them)

Please feel free to post any other smoker builds here.... I cant wait to see if I have inspired anyone to try one...

I will continue to post Smoked food Pic's here too.... You can build a smoker out of anything .......from a cardboard box, to a bus... Concrete blocks or a Tree stump.... just give it a go



What do you use for wood chips and where do you get them? The unit looks great well done . Explained well and pictures are worth a 1000 they say. Interesting project . Will keep it in mind for myself thanks.


Before I build one of those I am going to have to build a kitchen using what used to be a store attached to my parking area.

It is about 4m x 4m and I will fill in the 2 sidewalls and put in a front door, false ceiling, water and windows on each wall.

We have a kitchen up at the top by the small house but mostly my mother in law uses it so it is mainly Thai.

When I build this one it will be western and MINE!!!!!!!!! :D:D:)

No MIL allowed. :D





Before I build one of those I am going to have to build a kitchen using what used to be a store attached to my parking area.

It is about 4m x 4m and I will fill in the 2 sidewalls and put in a front door, false ceiling, water and windows on each wall.

We have a kitchen up at the top by the small house but mostly my mother in law uses it so it is mainly Thai.

When I build this one it will be western and MINE!!!!!!!!! :D:D:)

No MIL allowed. :D





Great project Billd

Can't wait to see the finished kitchen..... how about a nice brick wood fired pizza oven... I would love to have one of those one day...

As for wood .. I just saw up small mango branches, about 3to 4 inch diameter and about 5 to 6 inch's long... Once the charcoal is good and going, I put the mini logs on.. I put 2 or three logs on every 2 to 3 hr's to keep it at temp.... if i'm just doing a lite smoke, I lode it up and after 2 hr pull whatever it is out and finish it in my big gas oven.... or wrap it in tinfoil and let it finish in the smoker ... it depends what I am doing that day...


I had an error when I went to post Part 2 ...and it wont let me edit it .... but I'm sure you can figure it out... Or maybe one of the mod's can rearrange it.. ;0"



Here I am loading a 4k cured and rolled pork belly.... for rolled Bacon..... Like Pancheta.... ( I know pancheta is raw only cured and dried, not smoked but I have smoe one who like it that way so I make it for them)

Please feel free to post any other smoker builds here.... I cant wait to see if I have inspired anyone to try one...

I will continue to post Smoked food Pic's here too.... You can build a smoker out of anything .......from a cardboard box, to a bus... Concrete blocks or a Tree stump.... just give it a go


Man, this is great!

Thanks very much S.J.C, for sharing your project with all of us! Photos look super and your plans sound clear & easy to follow. Great stuff.

Definitely interested in reading your future posts & seeing what kind of DIY/Thai/culinary/inovating you're into.... keep 'em coming, dude!


I had an error when I went to post Part 2 ...and it wont let me edit it .... but I'm sure you can figure it out... Or maybe one of the mod's can rearrange it.. ;0"



Here I am loading a 4k cured and rolled pork belly.... for rolled Bacon..... Like Pancheta.... ( I know pancheta is raw only cured and dried, not smoked but I have smoe one who like it that way so I make it for them)

Please feel free to post any other smoker builds here.... I cant wait to see if I have inspired anyone to try one...

I will continue to post Smoked food Pic's here too.... You can build a smoker out of anything .......from a cardboard box, to a bus... Concrete blocks or a Tree stump.... just give it a go


Excellent post! How I wish I would have taken pictures of my building of my Horno (brick Pizza Oven) I am in the process of putting on the finishing touches on the oven. If the rains let up and allow me to finish it, I am planning to put a roof over it, I should have done that first.

After that I will build a smoker, I am looking at different styles, of what I can build for cheap.

To date I have built a underground Pit BBQ, a 30 gallon drum BBQ Rotisserie, and the brick oven all 3 for about the sum of about 5,000 baht.

I applaud you on your Smoker, a job well done.


SJC...looks great and I would like to cure and smoke meats, especially as there is so much fresh pork available. So, there is no supplementary firing required for the process?...just burning wood for the smoke?

the wife, in her wisdom, bought a welder a few years ago so we got the means to fabricate...ain't got no room in our shop house but there is unused ground to the rear...maybe to peddle the stuff that we don't consume down the market outta one of them motorbike sidecar arrangements....meat prepared in the falang way appeals to the local palate... :)

where did you source the drums?

I had an error when I went to post Part 2 ...and it wont let me edit it .... but I'm sure you can figure it out... Or maybe one of the mod's can rearrange it.. ;0"



Here I am loading a 4k cured and rolled pork belly.... for rolled Bacon..... Like Pancheta.... ( I know pancheta is raw only cured and dried, not smoked but I have smoe one who like it that way so I make it for them)

Please feel free to post any other smoker builds here.... I cant wait to see if I have inspired anyone to try one...

I will continue to post Smoked food Pic's here too.... You can build a smoker out of anything .......from a cardboard box, to a bus... Concrete blocks or a Tree stump.... just give it a go


Excellent post! How I wish I would have taken pictures of my building of my Horno (brick Pizza Oven) I am in the process of putting on the finishing touches on the oven. If the rains let up and allow me to finish it, I am planning to put a roof over it, I should have done that first.

After that I will build a smoker, I am looking at different styles, of what I can build for cheap.

To date I have built a underground Pit BBQ, a 30 gallon drum BBQ Rotisserie, and the brick oven all 3 for about the sum of about 5,000 baht.

I applaud you on your Smoker, a job well done.

I will try to add the pictures of my Horno!@

I still have not finished the Horno and also included a picture of mr BBQ Rotisserie, looks bad but has been in use going on 5 years now.




SJC...looks great and I would like to cure and smoke meats, especially as there is so much fresh pork available. So, there is no supplementary firing required for the process?...just burning wood for the smoke?

the wife, in her wisdom, bought a welder a few years ago so we got the means to fabricate...ain't got no room in our shop house but there is unused ground to the rear...maybe to peddle the stuff that we don't consume down the market outta one of them motorbike sidecar arrangements....meat prepared in the falang way appeals to the local palate... :)

where did you source the drums?

I just use the wood to keep the temp going, but I am considering adding a small gas burner.... as a pre-warmer and a finisher... as sometimes I only want a light smoke but cooked product...

I got the drum's from the local building supply store ..... just asked them if they could get them for me ... and a week later they showed up.... 500 thb each if I remember right... a local scrap metal recycle yard might have them too.. and I gave the guy 500thb to weld everything... with bit's and pieces it probably cost me under 2,500thb

Much better than the 30,000thb I got quoted by one place, to make a square one out of stainless steel.. but not quite as pretty......

next I want a wood fired bread oven.....


  • 1 month later...

Just Smoked some bacon in my Homemade Thai pipe smoker,For very Cheap!post-91962-1262080135_thumb.jpg

Used Mango wood to smoke them, If Mango wood is good enough for Chefheat and Slackjawchef, its good enough for me ,they are doers not talkers!

My 1st bacon"


I used a salt, brown sugar honey dry cure, for 7 days turning everyday. on the 7th day took it out wash it and soak it for an hour in ice water, Hung them up to dry for an hour.

left them in the fridge for 12 hours and smoked them today for 14 hours.

The bacon has a sweet taste from the honey . I did not want it to taste salty.

It turn out great tasting!


Just Smoked some bacon in my Homemade Thai pipe smoker,For very Cheap!post-91962-1262080135_thumb.jpg

Used Mango wood to smoke them, If Mango wood is good enough for Chefheat and Slackjawchef, its good enough for me ,they are doers not talkers!

My 1st bacon"


I used a salt, brown sugar honey dry cure, for 7 days turning everyday. on the 7th day took it out wash it and soak it for an hour in ice water, Hung them up to dry for an hour.

left them in the fridge for 12 hours and smoked them today for 14 hours.

The bacon has a sweet taste from the honey . I did not want it to taste salty.

It turn out great tasting!


Beautiful :) I love people that love food.

Just Smoked some bacon in my Homemade Thai pipe smoker,For very Cheap!post-91962-1262080135_thumb.jpg

Used Mango wood to smoke them, If Mango wood is good enough for Chefheat and Slackjawchef, its good enough for me ,they are doers not talkers!

My 1st bacon"


I used a salt, brown sugar honey dry cure, for 7 days turning everyday. on the 7th day took it out wash it and soak it for an hour in ice water, Hung them up to dry for an hour.

left them in the fridge for 12 hours and smoked them today for 14 hours.

The bacon has a sweet taste from the honey . I did not want it to taste salty.

It turn out great tasting!


Nice looking Bacon Kikoman

Glad to have inspired at least one T.V member to try this ... theres no stopping you now ..... might I suggest a ham next...

I also like to smoke chicken breasts for a nice salad sandwich.... try brining them for a hour or so then letting them rest in a fridge over night to re-distribute the salt, and form a pellicle

Will have to take some more pic's soon, I just keep forgetting to grab my camera



I did put them in the fridge overnight before I smoked it.

Re: Making ham, brine has to be pump into the ham. Is that right!

I guess there is some type of injector I would need to inject the brine into the ham.

What is it called and where could I get one?


I did put them in the fridge overnight before I smoked it.

Re: Making ham, brine has to be pump into the ham. Is that right!

I guess there is some type of injector I would need to inject the brine into the ham.

What is it called and where could I get one?


I think SJC is looking to open is own little shop selling products. I am interested in making a big piece of ham next, just need the correct tools :)

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