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Mister Kroket, one of our cats, just passed away this weekend. :)

That was so sudden... Two hours before, he was still playing and looked perfectly healthy.

Last evening, I have received results of blood analyze: cat leukemia and liver failure.

Now, our vet suggests strongly that we bring the other ones for a blood test.

Is it really contagious?

Missus being in Hong Kong and me losing a bit of my Thai language due to the shock of this sudden lost, I did not understood properly.

In worst case scenario, that they are also infected... is there any cure?

Also, we have four dogs with whose cats are playing quite often... is it transmissible?

Sorry for all these questions... I checked a bit on the net, before asking on the forum, but i am a bit confuse with the diversity of answers.



Now my big boy rest in peace under in his favorite mango tree


Im no expert lazygourmet, but cat leukemia is a virus and according to wiki: "Cats pass the virus between themselves through saliva and close contact, by biting another cat, through a litter box or food dish used by an infected cat(rarely happens), and from milk during nursing. Transmission can also take place from an infected mother cat to her kittens, either before they are born or while they are nursing.

The virus can survive only about 2 hours in a dry environment, and about 48 hours in a damp environment (such as a litter box)"

Age also seems to be a factor. A very young or much older a cat is the more susceptible to getting a full blown effects of the virus.

Ok. First thing you need to do (which you already know) is to get your cats tested.

If they are clear of the virus, get them vaccinated.

If they are not clear of the virus, you need to keep the cats immune system strong (the vet can advise. But if they have the virus its my understanding that you should keep them indoors so they are less at risk from picking up any illnesses that will lower their immune system. Also, there are treatments to help boost their immune system, such as injections. But, i believe that it is not curable at this time. Ive heard FeLV being called feline Aids. The infection part is like HIV, where the body needs to be kept strong. If their immunity is lowered thats when the virus can take over. I recommend you read this as well (as the wiki link above): http://www.essortment.com/all/catleukemia_ryhe.htm if you havent already).

For now i would just get them to the vet and deal with the information that you get back. If your cats have been infected, they can still have a wonderful long life, just that you will need to be more cautious with them, especially if they are older. Dont forget, that quality of life is the most important factor. You sound like you love your animals very much, im sure they are very happy. So, even if they need extra care from the virus, they will not be any less content.

I have not ever heard about this virus being passed on to dogs...or any other animal or human for that matter.

Im very sorry about your news about your cat Mister Kroket, he looks so beautiful. I wish your other cats well in this and that they will prove not to have the virus.

Keep us posted please.


Sorry for your loss - that's tough.

Unfortunately - yes, it is contagious from cat to cat - not sure about dogs. We have two cats - one also got leukemia and the doctor suggested to keep the two apart as far as possible. No idea how that's supposed to work (they are both in-door cats). You should however try to keep their food/water bowls separately - apparently that is where the disease is transmitted in most of the cases. The really bad news is that it's not cureable - both of them get daily antibiotics just to surpress the symptoms.


First of all, I would like to thank both of you for your nice comments and accurate information.

I checked a bit on the net, but in vain...

Sorry this might sound ridiculous, but I am still shocked and on the piss to forgot this precious lost

The two others Meaow had a blood test this morning and I am waiting for the results, by the end of the afternoon...

Their adopting Mother (my girlfriend!) is shortening her Hong Kong trip and will be back, as well this afternoon...

Our vet English knowledge being even poorer than mine, that is why I asked on the forum...

As eek mentioned, apparently it is curable even in case that they are already infected (depending the level)...

And cannot be transmitted to dog or human (at least one good news!)

I just had my mum on the phone and she said to me that in Belgium, it is called "le sida des chats" (=cats aids)

Otherwise, Mister Kroket twin brother has five years old and the other, she has six years old.

These three cats were born in Koh Phangan and moved back with us to Bangkok. Keeping them inside the house would be impossible...

Even if we are living in (a short of posh!) gated community, where all our neighbors are taking care very well about their respective animals... there are still some soi cats (but hopefully no soi dogs!) who are hanging around by passing through security agents. :D

And following want I understood from the vet, it must related to a fight with one of those bastards...

Now, I waiting for the lab results... and I will keep you posted by the end of the day.

Thanks again for your time and consideration :)

As eek mentioned, apparently it is curable even in case that they are already infected (depending the level)...

Lazygourmet, i dont like to be the barer of bad news, but i just wish to correct that i said that i believe it is not curable at this time. However, there are ways to maintain your kitties health if they do have the virus.

I wish you will get the best news possible this afternoon, and look forward to the hopefully positive update. But, as i said, dont be disheartened if you dont. Your kitties wont love you any less, so find out how to keep their immune system strong, and keep on loving them back. You will just need to make some adjustments and get informed.

Oh and although upset about it all, dont get too angry with the soi cats, you have no idea if they are the source. At least your cats are the lucky ones in a loving home. Keep calm and take it one step at a time. :)


Quick update, and good news... at least :D

Just received both blood test from the lab:

Princess Calico & Mister Cookie, the two remaining cats, are not infected at all :)

And yes, indeed, that will not affect the dogs with who they are usually playing...

Sorry to keep it short but now, I am on my way to the airport, to pick up my girlfriend who is on larms


(Mister Kroket & Tak Huey... who ever said that cat & dog never get along!)

Once again, I would like to thank you for your time and consideration...I have just found today on that onThaiVisa (subforum, ok!)... Friendliness, which is mostly never coming from other topics, still exists...


Oh thats wonderful news!

Best to get them vaccinated for the future though.

May you have many many many many happy years together. :)

edit: very cute pic!


Sorry to hear about Mr Kroket,

In Switzerland we have vaccinations for what they call "le sida du chat" (cat AIDS) and a vaccination for feline leukemia (la Leucose) i am not sure if they are the same, perhaps they call the Leukemia Cat AIDS. I must get Jimmy his vaccinations done. In his book it seems he has only had the Leucose one. I shall ask at the vets. But, i guess it is different in different countries Like I do not have to get rabies vaccinations done (Switzerland is rabies free) unless he is going over the border into France. Probably the same in Belgium.

Sorry again about your kittie, he looks like he was a lovely cat....


I will have a little more explanation... and correct translation in the morning...

My partner is just back home.

But, yes indeed that was cat leukemia, apparently, due to an infected scar that we did not notice!

Just a bit off topic now, our maid seeing me bringing the other cats for a blood test, did not understand why stupid farang pay doctor for animal!?! :)


Princess Calico & Mister Kroket

PS: Thanks again to all of you for your nice comments and suggestions... and for sure, I will be more often now on this subforum than the other ones...


I have 9 cats at home, and each one ,when arriving in the family, was virtually quarantined until old enough to start receiving their vaccines.

All the previous cats are vaccinated, but they can go outdoors (magic catflap :) ) so they would be able to transmit illness to the little ones without being sick themselves.

Might look silly and maybe harsh for the little kitten at first, but not doing so might bite you (and the cat) in the behind later on.

And the quarantine room is a full bedroom with scratch funiture etc, so have not seen many complaints yet :D In the door is an opening covered with mosquito net so the kitten can get used to the other cats (and vice versa) with no physical contact. Most illnesses are transmitted through fights or cat play resulting in scratches and/or little wounds...

I have 9 cats at home, and each one ,when arriving in the family, was virtually quarantined until old enough to start receiving their vaccines.

All the previous cats are vaccinated, but they can go outdoors (magic catflap :) ) so they would be able to transmit illness to the little ones without being sick themselves.

Might look silly and maybe harsh for the little kitten at first, but not doing so might bite you (and the cat) in the behind later on.

And the quarantine room is a full bedroom with scratch funiture etc, so have not seen many complaints yet :D In the door is an opening covered with mosquito net so the kitten can get used to the other cats (and vice versa) with no physical contact. Most illnesses are transmitted through fights or cat play resulting in scratches and/or little wounds...

It does not sound silly at all... opposite, full of common sense :D

But our cats, before moving back to Bangkok, were born and lived (with us!) on a beach, in Koh Phangan...

We might get a Siamese kitten by the next weekend.

In this case, I will follow your recommendation... Bhudda room for quarantine is just coming to my mind :D

Anyway, thanks for sharing your valuable experience...

In this case, I will follow your recommendation... Bhudda room for quarantine is just coming to my mind :D

Whooohoo, the kitten will like it!

My cats like to jump on the Buddha shelve in the room, knocking everything on it to the ground every so often.

They are obviously not overly religious :):D


Its weird,

my cat Saturna died 8 months ago and I have been offered kittens galore to replace her, in my silly brain cell I cannot do it.

Perhaps, it is time because Jimbo needs a friend. And me too. Last night my neighbour offered to go and get a little kitty with a black face and white feet. But it was late, so maybe tomorrow Patsy has a new little friend.

What pissed me off a little is a friend of mine, his cat died two months ago. And he went and bought a Maine Coone kitten for lots of money. When there are so many kittens looking for a loving home.

I hope i get my wee one tomorrow. Who shall be loved and loved and loved!!!!!! And going with the astral - I shall call it Luna, or fat bastard - we shall see!!


Hi Patsycat,

All the best with your new friend...

We had actually visited yesterday the place where the kittens were born, and it is more than a dirty housing.

We felt sorry for these animals and their mother so skinny... that I was wondering how she can feed their kids!

Anyway, we are not taking the risk to adopt a new one right now.

Just going to spoil a little bit more the remaining ones... :)


Yup, cats are funny little buggers aren't they!! And the people who love them are even wierder!!! I have just put a white t shirt on the radiator to dry, three minutes later it is covered in little muddy footprints...

Well, the kitten will not be coming to live with me. They have already found a home for him. But the jungle telephone is out and about that I am looking so I am sure i shall be contacted pretty soon.


Crying update...

Mister Cookie passed away last night... for the same obvious reason.

He got a negative blood test result, after check up, following the sudden dead of his twin brother and some more injection...

I am wondering what the vet is doing... even doubting that he is a qualified one... sorry, I am pissed off again!

He was a bit like the black sheep of the family, but we loved him like the others...

Born in Koh Phangan... dead in Nonthaburi... buried @6am under the same mango tree than his brother


Rest In Peace Mister Cookie

This morning, my girlfriend just checked the remaining one, Princess Calico, and she noticed than she has some pus coming out of her ass

(sorry for rude explanation, but I cannot find other words in English to explain this).

Right now, we do not have any other choice than visiting... this morning... the same vet...

We are living in a village in the middle of the rice fields 40kms North of Bangkok and he is the only one around.

Hoping that nothing is serious for her, and that she will survive, we would like a serious animal doctor contact for a better check up.

Any idea or suggestion for a responsible animal clinic in Bangkok vicinity? Will be the most welcome... Travel and/or money does not matter...


Please stay with us Princess


Oh Lazy, im so so so sorry. I dont know a recommendation for you, but hopefully someone will give you soon. Its disheartening when vets are possibly not doing their job correctly. Unfortunately something similar happened to another member and her dog in a slightly rural area. The thing is, the member whos dog it was KNEW what to do, but the vet and staff didnt. I cant imagine how powerless she must have felt going through that and saying goodbye to her beloved dog.

I hope that you can get Princess to a good vet.. i honestly cant believe what the other vet was thinking! (What on earth are the tests he has been giving???!). You have to wonder whats going on there, and is it oversight/malpractice/not qualified? Anyway..i guess dont worry about that for now, and just worry about Princess.

Lazy, just one thing, as i said before, focus on the quality of life they have had/are having with you. Even if the lives of your other two kitties have been cut short, Im sure they were really happy and contented kitty Cats.

I wish Princess the best.

Good luck.

Keep us posted.


Ouch, condolences.

Only lost 2 cats, actually 1 week old abandoned kittens.

Very hard to hand raise that young.

Did 2 others successfully though, both between 1 and 2 weeks old when they came in.

Luckily in Pattaya we are blessed with many good vets.


First of all, Princess Calico will survive!

(That is just a kind of hemmoroid... ouch... but curable)

Second, thanks -again- for nice words...

While I was on TV writing about Mister Cookie lost, this morning: my girlfriend contacted the main lab in Nonthaburi and we had a direct meeting with the head of the clinic, this midday.

Great guy actually, who is doing as well a lot of charity work for H.M. animal foundations :)

Briefly and angrily, the other vet we visited is not qualified and never send any blood sample to the Nonthaburi lab.

He has a clinic (sic!) just outside our gated community taking care about poodles from our neighbors,

and just pocked the money... and said to us what we wanted to hear...

Actually, we had never seen any result on paper... that was just a verbal statement about the wellness of the other cats!

Basically. I am keeping him responsible, due not only to negligence but lies... I've got "La Haine"!

Doctor & girlfriend were trying to cool me down by saying that they are going to sue him and make his shop close... but!?!

Otherwise, I am off to Cha-Am tomorrow in the morning picking up my dog who is the last remaining friend of Princess (she does not get along with poodles!)


Five years ago in Koh Phangan...

Cheers again to all of you... and apparently our two cats, well buried now, will be our guardian angels for ever...

Will keep you posted with more happiness -hope so- in a near future!



That is good news about Princess, but so sad about your two other babes. She must be feeling a bit lonely without her brothers...

Good luck, and "la haine" can be taken out with punching something. Get a pillow or a cushion. I felled a rubber plant once!

And give your girlfriend and Princess lots of love and cuddles.

That is good news about Princess, but so sad about your two other babes. She must be feeling a bit lonely without her brothers...

Good luck, and "la haine" can be taken out with punching something. Get a pillow or a cushion. I felled a rubber plant once!

And give your girlfriend and Princess lots of love and cuddles.


I will keep you posted when I am back home.


Yes, please keep us posted Lazy!

Briefly and angrily, the other vet we visited is not qualified and never send any blood sample to the Nonthaburi lab.

Sadly, this seems to happen here. Although i love so many aspects of Thailand, this is one that i find hard to get my head around (although, im sure happens in other countries too). It seems that practices and clinics can be opened up without the relevant qualifications (this goes for beauty clinics and other kinds of clinics too though. But heck, even in the west a person can open up a beauty clinic after just taking a few short courses). But well, conscience-wise your "vet" should have at least told you if he can get the blood tested or not! Setting yourself up as a general "vet" to cover basics of veterinary care and give advice is bad enough really, but outright lying and deceiving at the cost of a pets health beggars belief.

I understand your upset and wish to sue. Maybe there is a more discrete way to deal with him. Flyers through the neighbours doors? I dont know how they handle this kind of thing in Thailand. But i would say get a Thai to handle it, or certainly to discuss what is a good way. If you are a friend with any of the neighbours who have taken a pet to him, maybe talk it over with them. But i think best to discuss it discreetly and calmly. Dont do anything in anger.


Doctor & girlfriend were trying to cool me down by saying that they are going to sue him and make his shop close... but!?!

Sorry, i just re-read your post (was seeing red myself and didnt take it all in!). Follow this one up with the vet. He sounds like a good guy with a genuine interest in animal care. Ask him to kindly keep you (or your wife)informed, and offer to help. A vet dealing with it sounds the very best plan, so long as he follows it through. Id say, keep a gentle tab on the progress, but dont pester him too much too. Maybe offer to make a donation to the charity by way of a thank you for taking time out to deal with this other vet?


Seems to me if he's not qualified it would be pretty easy to make charges of fraud stick, unless the police are making a LOT of money from his 'business.'

It's even worse, though, when you run into malpractice by a QUALIFIED professional- and then you can't go with fraud.

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