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Immigration Arrested Mr.scott With Illegal Drug


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Exactly, I think most of us are regular drug users, I certainly enjoy a bottle of beer or two. RDN's avatar even portrays a drug.

Ok, dangerous here to get involved in illegal drugs but the same as anywhere people can slip into it, and then spiral downwards into a pile of trouble. I think there should be some sentence reduction if he is an desperate addict as oppose to somebody who is just greedy for money.

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Exactly, I think most of us are regular drug users, I certainly enjoy a bottle of beer or two. RDN's avatar even portrays a drug.

Ok, dangerous here to get involved in illegal drugs but the same as anywhere people can slip into it, and then spiral downwards into a pile of trouble. I think there should be some sentence reduction if he is an desperate addict as oppose to somebody who is just greedy for money.

I agree with all you say in this post BkkMadness.

The only problem is how can they distinguish between the desparate addict and the guy in it for money.

It is easy for a certain kind of person to get involved in drugs, from all parts of life.

Anyone who has been unlucky enough to get involved will understand, or if anyone in their family has. Just to call them a <deleted> or an idiot is very short-sighted, IMO.

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I could understand it for 240 kilos of coke or heroin (difficult to sneak into your

underwear though)


Probably got a free escort across while police were parading Scott around.

Happens all the time. Give up the small mule so the major load(s) can pass.

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He could probably get between THB200 and THB350 each if he was selling to farang.This is an evil,evil drug.Maybe they were just for him?

Average farang would not know the difference between Yaba and orange painted Tiffy. At least not at the time of purchase.

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Exactly, I think most of us are regular drug users, I certainly enjoy a bottle of beer or two. RDN's avatar even portrays a drug.

Ok, dangerous here to get involved in illegal drugs but the same as anywhere people can slip into it, and then spiral downwards into a pile of trouble. I think there should be some sentence reduction if he is an desperate addict as oppose to somebody who is just greedy for money.

I agree with all you say in this post BkkMadness.

The only problem is how can they distinguish between the desparate addict and the guy in it for money.

It is easy for a certain kind of person to get involved in drugs, from all parts of life.

Anyone who has been unlucky enough to get involved will understand, or if anyone in their family has. Just to call them a <deleted> or an idiot is very short-sighted, IMO.

I think they should be able to tell between a drug addict or not, blood testing to drugs in his system? Behavior? Just chuck him in a room for a day or two and watch him climb the walls. I find it pretty easy to spot people that are users and those that are not in many cases from experience, so I think with some doctors to aid them and asseess the man's drug dependency they will soon be able to find out if he's an addict or not and take that into consideration.

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All you guys who are "feeling sorry" for this jerk need a head-check.

Many of you have said we should feel sorry for him because he's a drug addict (allegedly. we don't really know, but based on those f'ing pics, its a good bet he is).

Is drug addiction a personal tragedy? Yes it is.

Should we pity drug addicts during their self-destructive spiral down into oblivion? No.

Save your sympathy for people who deserve it.

Right now, as we speak, millions of people are recovering from a disaster that took more than 300,000 lives. They deserve sympathy. This guy deserves a good smack in the head.

Should we pity a drug TRAFFICKER? ###### no!

Even if you felt sorry for an addict, you shouldn't pity a man who's enabling and supplying the self-destructive habits of other people. This man was seeking to PROFIT off the misery and self-destruction of other addicts.

Even amongst the "casual use" crowd, there's still some people who are taking their first steps towards full-blown addiction. This man--and others like him--are putting the pills in the hands of future addicts. You're telling me that deserves pity? Pfhthf...

This guy deserves nothing but scorn.

You want to pity someone, here's a short list to help you get started:

1) The parents of drug addicts who have to watch their children turn into f'ing pricks.

2) The children and spouses of drug addicts who have to suffer abuse, neglect, and the eventual annihilation of the family unit and safe home environment.

3) The thousands of people killed each year (and their surviving family members) by drug addicts (yaba, alcohol, etc...) who get behind the wheel of a car.

4) The poor taxpayers who have to fork over millions of dollars to pay for the prisons, hospitals, and rehab clinics we need to house all these ######s.

5) The millions of people each year victimized by crime committed to fuel drug addictions or committed during a drug high. Muggings, petty theft, home burglaries, drunken assaults, rapes, murders, etc.....

Drug addiction is an entirely selfish and ego-centric action. It's essentially saying: "My pleasure is more important than anything or anyone. F'ck the rest of the world. F'ck my loved ones. And F'ck me. I'm gonna get high. If someone is injured, neglected, saddened, or killed during the pursuit of my high, well then F'ck them too."

Tell me why that kind of attitude deserves pity?

Edited by Pudgimelon
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Exactly, I think most of us are regular drug users, I certainly enjoy a bottle of beer or two.  RDN's avatar even portrays a drug.

Yea, but mad, beer and cigarettes are government controlled drugs, controlled and taxed by governments worldwide, the fact that legal drugs are responsible for 97% of all drug related deaths passes the greedy governments by.

In Japan you can get pissed out of your Brains , fall down and sleep in the subway, fall asleep in a restaurant and it is pretty acceptable , yet you can get 5 years for having some hash.

If Alcohol was not taxed by Governments it would be a Class 'A' Drug for sure....... and if you produced a drug that had the effect of Alcohol it would also be a Class ' A ' drug, and you would get a death sentence for producing such a dangerous drug, but buy the government taxed version and you are free to buy as much as you want. :o

Edited by Doctor John
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Possesion for that amount in the UK it would carry at worse a small sentence. At the very least, possible suspended sentence.

However this is Thailand. I really have to wonder, just how ignorant are farangs when it comes to messing around with drugs in Thailand ! (irrespective of amount)

Not so long ago a young guy (19) from Manchester was caught with Yah Ba's in Bangkok after getting them through at Don Muang.

Surely no sane person would attempt this with pre knowledge of knowing, their world will end if captured. And more so perhaps, the life inside one of Thailands prisons is all but ###### on earth. Then there is his family, friends, on the other side of the world sick and worrying for him.

What can he say to them on that first visit, shouted through prison bars, no doubt with tearful eyes. Sad.

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Should we pity a drug TRAFFICKER? ###### no!

Even if you felt sorry for an addict, you shouldn't pity a man who's enabling and supplying the self-destructive habits of other people. This man was seeking to PROFIT off the misery and self-destruction of other addicts.

Even amongst the "casual use" crowd, there's still some people who are taking their first steps towards full-blown addiction. This man--and others like him--are putting the pills in the hands of future addicts. You're telling me that deserves pity? Pfhthf...

This guy deserves nothing but scorn.

I think you miss the point.

Maybe this guy was not trafficking, maybe it was for personal use.

Innocent til proven guilty.

If he was indeed planning to sell it on to addicts, then yes, I agree that he deserves scorn and lots of other unpleasant things.

Innocent til proven guilty, which unfortunately he is going to get, regardless of whether he was an unfortunate addict or dealer.

So all addicts are scum?

Drug addiction is an entirely selfish and ego-centric action.

Nonsense, it is a tragic disease.

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I think you miss the point.

Maybe this guy was not trafficking, maybe it was for personal use.

240 pills for "personal use"? If that's true, then like I said, the death penalty might be a mercy killing in his case.

So all addicts are scum?

No. Just the ones who use drugs.

Drug addiction is an entirely selfish and ego-centric action.

Nonsense, it is a tragic disease.

Addiction is not a disease, no matter what the namby-pambies may say.

Addiction is a personality-predisposition, but it is NOT a fatalistic-pre-determination.

People with an addictive personality do not HAVE to become addicts.

They can manage their behavior by exerting SELF-CONTROL and avoiding the things that lead to a spiral of self-destructive behavior.

Anything can be addictive to someone with the personality-perdisposition for addiction. Drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, web-surfing, cigarettes, chocolate, fatty foods, MMORPGs, etc.... whatever happens to suck that particular person in.

Are you honestly trying to suggest that a person who eats too much chocolate has a disease? Please, that's stretching the definition of the word past the point where it loses it's original meaning.

Take for example, me. I have an addictive personality, and anyone whose seen me go through a 1lb bag of M&Ms in half-an-hour can confirm this. However, I manage my personality-predisposition, by applying some WILLPOWER when partaking of things that I find addictive (like chocolate, caffiene, and MMORPGs). I set limits and do my best to keep my intake low and healthy.

Do I have a disease? Heck no. I simply have a personality type that predisposes me to addictive behaviors. To avoid addiction, I merely have to stay away from and/or limit those things that would allow that personality trait to gain dominance over my common sense and self-control.

Addicts, on the other hand, simply fling self-control out the window and plunge headlong into self-indulgence and sociopathic neglect of their responsibility to their families, friends and community.

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I'm sorry Pudgie, you totally misunderstood my posts. I feel no sympathy for him, I couln't give a toss about him, I don't know him and if they give him the death injection tomorrow it will not effect me one bit, I won't lose any sleep over it.

I also feel that rather than having sympathy for just a select few people and hate for others that perhaps you would do better opening your mind and heart to other people in need. :o

I can feel sympathy for drug addicts and tsunami victims, I don't choose a group and stick with it.

I was just pointing out motivations and the differences in punishment that should be given if he was a drug addict. I assume your privalaged enough not to have known many drug users and addicts in your upbringing, unfortunately in some areas of the world drug use is often the only way people can think they can cope.

Concerning drug additiction, some people are not blessed with enough willpower to stop, and truly do have amore addictive personailty. I assume when you finish your bag of M & Ms you have many more wonderful things in your life to enjoy, if you had no other pleasure in life though perhaps you would go for another packet of M & Ms?

Anyway, as you say, we of course do not know if this guy was an addict or not, so lets leave all the drug addiction posts out of it, to sum it all, another farang caught on a heavy drug charge, his life just gone, oh well.

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whoppy do, the runner got caught with a tiny amount, who supplied him and who grassed him up??? the supplier, how many pills is he selling per month?? 1 million? 10 million? how much out of that do the police get? everytime they catch the small fry, but they dont dare fok with there main income from the big ppl.....

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People use drug as an escape RDN, or an to increase pleasure even in a pleasant enviroment, that's why they use drugs, including drink.

It's foolish to wonder why people use drugs given the reasons your've stated if you yourself enjoy a beer, just work out why you drink the beer and there's your answer.

I really can't be bothered to argue, bkk. If you think beer and drugs are the same, well, that's your problem I'm afraid.

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Even amongst the "casual use" crowd, there's still some people who are taking their first steps towards full-blown addiction.  This man--and others like him--are putting the pills in the hands of future addicts.  You're telling me that deserves pity?  Pfhthf...

I notice you had an alchohol budget for your recent wedding Pudgie, let's hope none of those people become alcoholics! :o

Edit: just to add this is just a wind up Pudgie, let's not get into a full debate on it.

Edited by bkkmadness
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People use drug as an escape RDN, or an to increase pleasure even in a pleasant enviroment, that's why they use drugs, including drink.

It's foolish to wonder why people use drugs given the reasons your've stated if you yourself enjoy a beer, just work out why you drink the beer and there's your answer.

I really can't be bothered to argue, bkk. If you think beer and drugs are the same, well, that's your problem I'm afraid.

I'm sorry RDN, but you asked why people use drugs, and it's exactly the same reasons people drink beer, both being drugs, it's the same reasons, they are social acceptence, escape, pleasure.

If you cannot see the connection between illegal drugs and beer then you really do need to read up a little bit more on the subject before you get high on beer next time.

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Addiction is not a disease, no matter what the namby-pambies may say.

Addiction is a personality-predisposition, but it is NOT a fatalistic-pre-determination.

People with an addictive personality do not HAVE to become addicts.

They can manage their behavior by exerting SELF-CONTROL and avoiding the things that lead to a spiral of self-destructive behavior.

This is only your opinion on addiction. But you are, of course entitled to it.

Most people see addiction as either a crime, a disease, or a failure of will.

The truth is that drug abuse is all of the above.

I have had met countless addicts in Thailand, and believe me that self-control does not work for them.

Of course an addict, or someone with an "addictive personality" does not have to take drugs, but if they are unfortunate not to be as well educated as you, they often do, and then no amount of self-control seems to work.

Worldwide, the highest success rate has been with 12 step programs like NA and AA. These programs advocate that self-will is of absolutely NO use in recovering.

Comparing M&Ms to Yaa Ba, well there are quite a few big differences.

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  I was just pointing out motivations and the differences in punishment that should be given if he was a drug addict.  I assume your privalaged enough not to have known many drug users and addicts in your upbringing, unfortunately in some areas of the world drug use is often the only way people can think they can cope.

Oh trust me, I've known plenty of drug addicts in my day. Though never having done drugs myself (not even experimentally, I've just never had a curiosity about them), it's pretty hard to grow up in America and not know LOTS of people who use drugs (both casually and addictively).

Edited by Pudgimelon
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This guy will probably never read this thread..what is the purpose of posting ridicule, abuse, insult and "som num nar" directed towards the individual.

Self-gratification ?

He is right up shit creek, just let it be.He will be punished in the real world.

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